What are your bad habits?


Well-known member
* Sarcasm
* MAC-addictve
* Louis Vuitton (although I cant afford it)
* Curiosity


Well-known member
Sarcasm absolutely, but curiosity can be a good thing in many contexts. It's what keeps people learning for instance!

Can be over-critical, tendency to not eat enough, bite my lips, and I procrastinate sharpening my pencils, not makeup ones, just regular ones!!!


Well-known member
PROCRASTINATE. I am the MASTER procrastinator... I will put off doing anything I dislike doing with the stupidest things I can think of... well I cant clean my house because I have to do this... or.. well you get the point


Well-known member
I bite my nails too much, and I procrastinate everything in school. Plus I can be greedy with food * I'm hungry so get your own!!* However I'm been sharing lately.


Well-known member
biting my nails (but ive pretty much stopped)
messing with my hair
REALLY bad stubbornness
buying any type of makeup that's pink or cute ;[
randomly singing in public


Well-known member
obsessive house cleaning, obsessive shopping, well, just obsessing over everything really


Well-known member
im messy
and procrastinate to clean
can be bitchy mostly towards guys who are rude tho
its not really being bitchy as much as its being outgoing and not letting people push you around.

having too high of standerds for guys.. and just people in general.

too picky. haha.


Well-known member
I curse like a sailor. FuckShitAssCuntDamn.
I slouch.
I'm also a compulsive re-arranger and sorter. If theres a bunch of stuff on a table I have to re-arrange it so it doesnt look so scattered.


Well-known member
OBSESSED (hence the name) with:
1: Online shopping...when I see something I want...I want it NOW!!!
2: Butterflies
3: General Hospital...love that soap!


Well-known member
I'm vain.

I'm mean. (its not so much as mean, as it is blunt. If you ask me if your butt looks fat in those pants. Then I tell you straight forward, that they DO make your butt look fat.)

I procrastinate.

I spend too much on make-up.


Well-known member
Hmmm...Maybe too many to list.

These intermingle with ocd so yah.

I compulsively buy storage things and compulsively sort, rearrange and keep doing it until its perfect..Its not perfect yet, so Im still looking for more storage solutions (mostly for makeup but for everything else too)

I buy things and tend not to use them, because they're so pretty I dont wanna mess em up, or I buy them saying wow Im gonna love to use that and never do.

I shop compulsively online, and offline.

I yell too much. I talk too loud. I cuss too much.

Im REALLY ANAL (OCD) about everything. Everything has to be a certain way, or I have a meltdown.

I push people away when they get too close, or I withdraw from them.

I buy things, (ie shampoo/conditioner) even though I already have LITERALLY 50 bottles of each.

I must always have a full tank of gas. I meltdown if it drops below 1/2 tank.

I get too personal with people and end up talking way too much.

I spend too much money on perfume, purses and m/u.

I think thats most of them lol. Im working on all of them, except the ones I cant fix like buying makeup and perfume and purses

Oh yeah and Im a real fuckin bitch if you rub me the wrong way or do me wrong. :\


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mac_obsession
I must always have a full tank of gas. I meltdown if it drops below 1/2 tank.

I'm like that too, I get really anxious if its anywhere near 1/4 full.


Well-known member
i cuss too much
i pick at my eyebrows and eyelashes
im sorta a slob.
i can be a huge bitch about stupid stuff
i run my car almost OUT of gas before i fill it up.
i crack my back.
i am a huge procrastinator. ex. i made my mom a mothers day card... 10 minutes before i gave it to her. i forgot to buy her one.
I forget things a lot.


Well-known member
I procrastinate way too much.
I'm always shaking my left leg a lot.
I'm always craking my knuckles.
My room's almost always a mess.
I have to have all my books, DVDs and CDs in alphabetical order.
I correct people's obvious grammar problems too much.
I pee with the door open =x


Well-known member
Oh boy, so many eccentricities and so little time:

1. I keep a very messy car.
2. I procrastinate like you would not believe. Example, I should be working right now. EGAD!
3. I curse and ENJOY it!
4. Every time I go into a business or residence I think of how easy it would be to break into it...lol. Or I think of funny/lucrative con games. (I have a very criminal mind I guess). Don't worry I don't act on these thoughts...lol.
5. I make and eat way too many chocolate chip cookies.
6. I lust over my hot boyfriend all day long.


Well-known member
Hmmm, where shall I begin?

1. I procrastinate
2. I shop too much
3. I'm kinda vain (but not in an unhealthy way I think :| )
4. my room always looks like a disaster
5. I eat too much (esp. chocolate - but honnest: who can resist chocolate?)
6. I'm materialistic and hardly ever satisfied