I find it interesting that most(not all) of the women who talk about going to strip-clubs, or approveing of them, did it with their ex's...
I've known strippers. They have even been friends of mine. But I still don't think I would be overly happy if my boyfriend was going to clubs w/out me. And even if I was there, I wouldn't be that excited about it.
I think it just brings up that whole, what exactly is missing from our relationship, that you need to find it in another womans vagina? Stripclubs are on that same line as porn. I don't see eigther as anything terrible, and neigther are something I would get extremely upset over. BUT, c'mon, if you want a lap dance that bad, you don't have to look any farther than me. I'll give him more than a lapdance.
I dunno. I just don't see that many men being OK with their wives going to placees like chip'n'dales. You know the places, they get shown on HBO now and again on like Real Sex, where the guys have on the like elephant thongs (it's like a thong, but has a tube attached to it for their boy bitz) and are shaking all their parts. Sometimes you'rs like OMG... I didn't know a penis could move like that
But all I know is my boyfriend, if I tell him some guy flirted with me, he gets extremely protective, and wants to know what he said to me, and what I said to him. So I REALLY doubt he'd be ok with me. So why the double standard?