what are your thoughts on lapdancing?


Well-known member
Your situation sounds a lot nicer and cleaner than most of the places I've been to. It is good money and I have respect for those ladies because they are entertainers. It must be nice to know that your job is to stay beautiful. It is good money and as long as you have a great time doing it then continue to do it. My only frown on the job is that it can lead to unrealistic expectations- I mean no one stays young forever and once you leave that industry you have to go out and make money in the real world. So my only caution to anyone in the industry is to make sure you are working on your fallback.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
My only frown on the job is that it can lead to unrealistic expectations- I mean no one stays young forever and once you leave that industry you have to go out and make money in the real world. So my only caution to anyone in the industry is to make sure you are working on your fallback.

i competely agree!
i mean ive prob only got 10 years the very most at doin this...
and gonna be hard goin into a normal job where i earn in a day what i can earn in half an hour...

but im prob gonna use this oppurtunity to save save save!
but in the mean time while ive got it ill flaunt it!ha!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition
having recently tried pole dancing on a hens night (we booked a class), i can say that i have a whole new respect for the fitness level required... and i am going to be signing up for a pole dancing class to get fit!

personally, i don't think i could do it professionally.

totally! im getting muscles on top of muscles... i havent lost weight tho...i think thats due to the amount of wine me and the girls drink...ha!it kinda helps in my job!


Well-known member
Shimmer...I loved this story, it was very amusing & unbelievable that someone would have the guts to do that! That was a night to remember


Well-known member
I dunno. I guess she thought the guys would enjoy it? Who knows. Maybe if she weren't cracked out of her brain I might have been more keen on the situation, but...she was so I wasn't


Well-known member
I totally feel you on that one! The crack part, then the teeth thing, yeah, that's more than a little scary!


Well-known member
If I had the body (and the legs!) for it I would totally do it. I am def going to get a pole in my own house when I have a house for the exercise (and for fun)...but in the sad reality that is well...reality...I don't think I would ever really be able to do it...


Well-known member
lapdancing and stripping is a crock of shit, I would chop a mans dick off if after he married me he went to a place with naked chicks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dollbabybex
totally! im getting muscles on top of muscles... i havent lost weight tho...i think thats due to the amount of wine me and the girls drink...ha!it kinda helps in my job!

Any job that i have to drink to do is a big no-no in my book.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pascal
lapdancing and stripping is a crock of shit, I would chop a mans dick off if after he married me he went to a place with naked chicks.

then i would say make sure you marry a man that has no interest in that whatsoever! There really isn't anything wrong as long as both parties are cool with going.
I would be mad if my husband went to a strip club without me..now with me that is a different story.
I'm a little insecure about the whole thing too..but i see alot of relationships ruined from things like that so it is a valid insecurity.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I'll agree that if you and your SO are cool with that arrangement, it's not a major thing to forbid.

I personally would be weirded out if I had an SO who regularly visited stripped clubs, especially if s/he did it by themselves.


Well-known member

that is one of the best fucking stories I've heard in a long time. Seriously, I just died laughing. It was so funny that I made my boyfriend ead it and he just about had a fit from laughing so hard. I don't know what I would've done if that happened to me. I think I would've started to cry, while my friends laugh at me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pascal
lapdancing and stripping is a crock of shit, I would chop a mans dick off if after he married me he went to a place with naked chicks.

Ouch, that is way harsh.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipshock

that is one of the best fucking stories I've heard in a long time. Seriously, I just died laughing. It was so funny that I made my boyfriend ead it and he just about had a fit from laughing so hard. I don't know what I would've done if that happened to me. I think I would've started to cry, while my friends laugh at me.

If you could have seen my expression...oh my. Last Iheard it was PRICELESS.
Add in that since it was a suprise "Let's just get up and go" thing, my wardrobe was super casual...if I'd been all hooched up, it'd been different... but since I was like...dressed down...I was completely taken off guard.


Well-known member
It is so easy to be insecure about this whole subject; the age old thing that ALL women feel. I don't care how comfortable a woman claims to be about it, there will always be that present. I have gone to clubs with my (ex) husband and really don't see any woman any different from any girl on the street (cellulite, saggy boobies etc) except CONFIDENCE about their bodies and sexuality.. and well, yes, occasionally obviously on drugs or alcohol to cope with the fact that they are a stripper/dancer.
The fact of the matter is, men are so easily visually stimulated... a good man will go to a strip club on a rare occasion (like, a bachelor party, a special bday thingie) and still come home to you, every time. I do my best to look good for my man, B cup and all LOL and he loves me for the beautiful woman and mother I am. I do look young (and Hot!! LOL) for 30+ years old..... makes me laugh b/c I still feel 16.. and that's all that matters... that he views them as objects (avoid thinking of the boobs and ass grinding on him...at all costs) and lusts after you. That's it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thestarsfall
If I had the body (and the legs!) for it I would totally do it. I am def going to get a pole in my own house when I have a house for the exercise (and for fun)...but in the sad reality that is well...reality...I don't think I would ever really be able to do it...

have you considered doing a class? I am going to be signing up to a class, all women, closed doors etc... you can wear workout clothes as well. there's no show involved, unless you choose to be in the end of term show, and even then it's only for friends and family, not in a club. i've been told all ages and all shapes of women get involved, so that has helped me feel comfortable about trying it.

sounds like a fun exercise idea for my anti-gym self


Well-known member
I find it interesting that most(not all) of the women who talk about going to strip-clubs, or approveing of them, did it with their ex's...

I've known strippers. They have even been friends of mine. But I still don't think I would be overly happy if my boyfriend was going to clubs w/out me. And even if I was there, I wouldn't be that excited about it.

I think it just brings up that whole, what exactly is missing from our relationship, that you need to find it in another womans vagina? Stripclubs are on that same line as porn. I don't see eigther as anything terrible, and neigther are something I would get extremely upset over. BUT, c'mon, if you want a lap dance that bad, you don't have to look any farther than me. I'll give him more than a lapdance.

I dunno. I just don't see that many men being OK with their wives going to placees like chip'n'dales. You know the places, they get shown on HBO now and again on like Real Sex, where the guys have on the like elephant thongs (it's like a thong, but has a tube attached to it for their boy bitz) and are shaking all their parts. Sometimes you'rs like OMG... I didn't know a penis could move like that

But all I know is my boyfriend, if I tell him some guy flirted with me, he gets extremely protective, and wants to know what he said to me, and what I said to him. So I REALLY doubt he'd be ok with me. So why the double standard?

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