What are your vital stats?


Well-known member
height: 6'0"
weight (or build if you'd rather not say): 178 lb/ Average with some muscle (I get it from cheerleading. Hahahaha.)
eye color: Espresso
hair color and appearance: short, velvet black, and usually flipped up.
age (or approx age range): 15! WOOOT!
glasses or contacts: Nope, i have 20/20
and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: NC35-40


Well-known member
height: 5'6"
weight (or build if you'd rather not say): 130 (lots of muscle from chasing the kid around) size 2 - 4 depending on brand
eye color: blue
hair color and appearance: brown bob w/ blonde highlights (taking forever to grow out)
age (or approx age range): 33 yesterday baby!
glasses or contacts: yes, both
and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: NC20


Well-known member
height: 5'4
weight:curvay! ( and i bet you anything all of you girls are NOT fat so shush!! and be happy with yo curves!!)
eye colour:hazle..more brownish though
hair colour
latinum blonde
glasses or contact:none
mac foundation colour:NC30


Well-known member
height: 5'3" (on a good day)
weight (or build if you'd rather not say): voluptuous!
eye color: blue/ gray/ green
hair color and appearance: short bob, right now sort of auburnish with carmel highlights
age (or approx age range): 29
glasses or contacts: glasses
and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: NC15


Well-known member
Here's me:

height: 5'2"...short Japonee
weight (or build if you'd rather not say): Uhm, about 125..i think (wish it was all in my boobs!)
eye color: dark brown
hair color and appearance: darker brown, bra length, layered
age (or approx age range): 30....
glasses or contacts: conatacts
and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: NC 35
Sign: Aquarius..sucks I totally cry stupid stuff...


Well-known member
height: 5'7"
weight (or build if you'd rather not say): 104
eye color: green/brown hazelish??
hair color and appearance: brown with copper highlights, med. length & naturally wavy
age (or approx age range): 23
glasses or contacts: contacts
and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: NW25


Well-known member
height: 5'8"
weight (or build if you'd rather not say): huge bombshell....

eye color: blue/grey
hair color and appearance: violet, light blonde, black, copper, pink, naturally curly but I tend to straighten it everytime....
age (or approx age range): 20 (I turn 21 on June 29)
glasses or contacts: my fabulous Dior glasses!!
and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: NW15, favorite color range: green/copper! I adore LV!!


Well-known member
What is up with everyone saying they're fat??? I think curvy girls are hot, if I were to date a girl, if she didn't have a belly, I wouldn't date 'em!

height: 5'0" or 150 cm
weight (or build if you'd rather not say): half a human. round 40 kgs? size 6-8
eye color: brown
hair color and appearance: brown, shoulder-length, straight with hint of natural wave
age (or approx age range): 26
glasses or contacts: glasses, they make my IQ seem higher!
and the important stuff....I'm sorry, I don't know my foundation colour because I don't wear it, but have recently purchased Stephane Marais perfect concealor in 2, and could wear Nars Beach, Becca Banana & Butterscotch.

I'm a Pisces, not that it means anything to me :p


Well-known member
height: 5'7"
Weight: 115-120 range...depends on how much crappy fast food I eat.
Eye color: blue...from dark, deep blue to bright blue depending on mood and MU
Hair color: Red..(not red red, but naturally red) and naturally curly to about the shoulder.
Age: 23... 24 in 34 days.

Glasses or contacts? Glasses for reading, but they give me a headache so I dont wear them.. but they make me look smart.. and studious.

Foundation color: NW20- I glow in the DARK!


Well-known member
height: 5'4"
weight: average build (size 4 or 6, hourglass figure; generally nice abs but a huge butt and boobs)
eye color: dark blue
hair color and appearance: natural platinum blonde, just past shoulder-length, layered, slightly wavy (think Malfoy). I love my hair.
age (or approx age range): 28
glasses or contacts: Both. Glasses since I was 5 and contacts since I was 18.
and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: Sigh. I don't know anymore. I wear NC15 Studio Fix but NW15 Select SPF because the NC15 Select was too yellow. I still feel like I could go one shade lighter. Whatever's not too dark or too orange, I guess.


Well-known member
height: 5'1"
weight: 80 pounds, typical asian with no curves (oh cept my bum)
eye color: dark brown
hair color and appearance: Black or dark dark brown, slightly wavy and layered with side bangs
age (or approx age range): 20 - although i keep convincing myself i'm 19

glasses or contacts: Contacts

and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: NC30


Well-known member
Height: 5'3
Weight: 110
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Age: 18
Glasses or contacts: nope
MAC Foundation Color: NW40
Zodiac: Aries baby!! woo hoo


Well-known member

height: 5'5"/1.68M
weight (or build if you'd rather not say): Plump-ish
Size 8-10
eye color: very dark brown
hair color and appearance: Dark brown
age (or approx age range): 22 but i feel like 20 (Yes, it does matter!)
glasses or contacts: Both
and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: NC 30
Sign:Virgo (The imperfect Perfectionist)


Well-known member
height: 5'9
weight (or build if you'd rather not say): 138 lbs, athletic build
eye color: blue-green
hair color and appearance: copper-red, at the moment. Naturally curly, thick, and long.
age (or approx age range): 28
glasses or contacts: nope
and the important stuff.... NC25
Zodiac: Sagittarius sun, Libra Moon, Gemini Ascendent.


Active member
height: 5'5"-ish
weight (or build if you'd rather not say): I don't weigh myself, but I'm normally fairly average, with an hourglass figure, but I've put on weight recently because I've been ill so everything has literally gone pear-shaped.
eye color: Blue.
hair color and appearance: Naturally blonde, but that washes me out so purpley-reddy-dark brown with a natural wave/curl/whatever it feels like doing just to annoy me.
age (or approx age range): 19.
glasses or contacts: Nope.
and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: I only use the face and body foundation, and that's N1 (and even that's a bit dark).
Zodiac: Leo.


Well-known member
height: 5'3"
weight (or build if you'd rather not say): about 155 lbs i have a little lower belly (it happens when you have children!)
eye color: blue
hair color and appearance: light brown with blonde highlights
age (or approx age range): i will be 38 on may 18th
glasses or contacts: contacts
and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: NW20
Zodiac: Taurus


Well-known member
height: 5'3"

weight (or build if you'd rather not say): size 4-8 depending on brand (how depressing is THAT???)

eye color: really bright blue.

hair color and appearance: red. black streaks that I haven't touched up in forever.

age (or approx age range): 27 in less than a month. :/

glasses or contacts: yes

and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: I don't wear MAC foundation, I wear IDBM, and I'm like a fair on that scale I think. I don't remember
I rarely wear foundation these days and generally use just a tinted moisturizer.

Zodiac sign: ha. Taurus.


Well-known member
height: 5'4
weight (or build if you'd rather not say): 9 stone, athletic.... toned arms and legs, slim waist, small butt... its the pot belly i cant shift lol
eye color: green... with gold in the middle
hair color and appearance: brunette... recently had it chopped into a funky "wedge" cut... graduated at the back, getting longer towards the front (chin length)
age (or approx age range): 27 eek
glasses or contacts: nope
and the important stuff.... NC25
Zodiac: Capricorn

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