What are your vital stats?


Well-known member
height: 5'9"

weight (or build if you'd rather not say): 160 ish, it goes up and down like a roller coaster, size 10-12 pants, I need to lose about 20lbs.
eye color: dark brown

hair color and appearance: thick, coarse and huge, currently cut short and peicey

age (or approx age range): 28

glasses or contacts: either/or

and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: NC25-30 depending on type

Sign: Leo


Well-known member
height: 5'8"

weight (or build if you'd rather not say): 150ish + curvy

eye color: hazel

hair color and appearance: brown, shoulder length, thick and usually shoved up in a ponytail because i'm lazy

age (or approx age range): twenty-five

glasses or contacts: contacts

and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: i've been using NW20 but i think i may need to take it down a notch.

Sign: sagittarius


Well-known member
Height: 5'4

Weight: um...a good weight LOL

Eye colour: dark brown

Hair: white blond, dark brown

Age: 22

Glasses or contacts: neither...perfect vision!

Zodiac sign: libra

MAC: NC 44/ NW 40


Well-known member
height: 5'10...tall love it..

weight (or build if you'd rather not say): 175 and oh so sexy...lol i love my body too...i gotta be the 1st to love it! ( =

eye color: dark brown

hair color and appearance: long brown

age (or approx age range): 23

glasses or contacts: 20/20

and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: NC44

Sign: Gemini


Well-known member
height: no idea but guessin nearly 5'10 ahh hate it sometimes im stuck at school with like 11 yr olds hu are tiny its weird lol

weight (or build if you'd rather not say): last time a checked over 8 stone

eye color: hazely

hair color and appearance: dark brown, better dyed darker
boring and long its a bit yuk it doesnt really do anything lol

age (or approx age range): 17

glasses or contacts: none

and the important stuff....mac nw20


New member
height: 5'5"
weight (or build if you'd rather not say): 115, small or average build?
eye color: light brown
hair color and appearance: black/dark brown, medium length, slightly wavy
age (or approx age range): 19 - 20 in a few weeks
glasses or contacts: contacts, sometimes glasses
and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: NC25ish I think


Well-known member
height: 5'4"ish
weight: 110-120lbs depending on when i've eaten or worked out or whatever, haha. i have awesome abs tho >) so its muscle too, sweeet.
eye color: hazel-green, + contacts (aqua, green, or sapphire)
hair: shoulder length, curly, chocolate brown with a blonde streak on the right side
age: 20 in 18 days! wwheee!
glasses or contacts: i have awesome frameless valentino glasses, but normally contacts (colored)
mac foundation color: nc15, maaaybe nw20 if i tan some more


Well-known member
height: 5'0"
weight (or build if you'd rather not say): chubby
eye color: blue
hair color and appearance: dyed red, frizzy/curly shoulder length mess
age (or approx age range): 21
glasses or contacts: yes, both
and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: NW15


Active member
height: 5'5"
weight: 140 and dropping (was over 200 two years ago) so I'm happy.
Eyes: extremely dark brown
Hair: shoulder length, layered, fine & ultra straight dark brown (almost black) with my first couple of silver hairs growing (I think they are pretty & named them each George)
Appearance: I guess I look like a creative/dorky person
Age: 33
Contacts or glasses: Night and Day contacts I live in & only remove to dispose of. I am too blind to wear normal glasses.
Foundation: Winters, I'm a NC45. If I go to the beach, I go as high as 55
Zodiac: Cancer


height: 5'5''
weight (or build if you'd rather not say): 63kg (trying to be good!)
eye color: blue
hair color and appearance: Long brunette, blunt at the back layered around face
age (or approx age range): 27
glasses or contacts: both!
and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: Not sure yet, I aim to find out when I get my next haul in June!


Well-known member
height: 5'7
weight 126
eye color: doodoo brn
hair color and appearance: depends on my mood but if u must know its brown at the moment
age 27
glasses or contacts: nope


Well-known member
height: 5'6"
weight: 118 lbs.
eye color: brown
hair color and appearance: brown hair, copper highlights, straight (teeny bit wavy), thick, and 3/4 of the way down my back
age: 18
glasses or contacts: contacts
sign: Taurus


Well-known member
Height: 5'6" or 167cms

Weight (or build if you'd rather not say): Not sure in lbs... I vary between 56 and 60 kilos. Healthy

Eye color: Green hazel

Hair color and appearance: White blonde hair on top with chocolate brown lowlights underneath. Straight, w/ side-swept half assed fringe... similar to Jessica Simpsons.

Age (or approx age range): 21

Glasses or contacts: None

MAC foundation color: I don't actually know...

Star sign Libra


Well-known member
height: 5'7"
weight (or build if you'd rather not say): 112 or something
eye color: hazel (orangey on inside, blue outer rim)
hair color and appearance: naturally medium brown, wavy/curly (but i straighten it a lot), longish
age (or approx age range): 15
glasses or contacts: neither, i want to try colored contacts!
and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: nc20


New member
height: 5'2" (almost

weight (or build if you'd rather not say): I honestly have no clue, I don't own a scale never have. My build is hourglass, medium boned

eye color: hazel (brown/green)

hair color and appearance: umm...golden brown, Almost touches my bra, long side sweeping bangs,Long laygers on sides with a light long layer in the back right at the end

age (or approx age range): 30

glasses or contacts: neither, just lucky to have great vision (way better than 20/20 just to brag a bit)

and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: I have no clue, I don't use Mac foundation

Sign: Pisces


Well-known member
height: 5'2"

weight (or build if you'd rather not say): I haven't weighed myself in years, so I have no idea...but I am athletically built, and have a lot of muscle, esp on my legs.

eye color: brown

hair color and appearance: reddish brown, cut short like Sienna Miller

age (or approx age range): 40 (and proud of it!)

glasses or contacts: neither

and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: Depends on the formula, but I am an N4 in Fix Powder.

Sign: Taurus, baby!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by funKyVibeS*
:|...um...who cares?

:shrug:It's just a "conversation" starter...a lil' something to get to know each other better
If you don't care, that's fine...but there's no need for negativity


Well-known member
height: 5'7
weight (or build if you'd rather not say): 125-128 Size 1 or 3. 2 or 4 for Americans
eye colour: Dark Brown
hair color and appearance: Black-brown Afropuff
age (or approx age range): 18
glasses or contacts: Nope
and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: NC45 this summer
Sign: Aries


Well-known member
height: 6'4"

weight (or build if you'd rather not say): 190 pounds (I want to get to 180)

eye color: greenish with bluish and brownish bits

hair color and appearance: dark brown but currently with subtle blonde highlights; about chin length and wavy if I don't try to change it.

age (or approx age range): 24

glasses or contacts: glasses

and the important stuff....MAC foundation color: Heh, never used MAC foundation. Something light I bet.

Sign: Sagittarius, which is also the genus name of my favorite bird (the secretary bird).

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