What can we talk about here?

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Well-known member
So tell me if im wrong...

1: you ladies want a subforum in the BoC section
2: no more moving post

this is what im getting out of all of this... And if the guidelines are confusing as some would say. That can be easily addressed, changed, clerified or what have you.

Nor am i the admin of this site meaning www.Specktra.com i can only do so much. Meaning i cant move mountains (sorry ladies but i cant)

I have Guidelines that i have to follow by so therefore i am not the one that can change rules nor regulatons on this site , or how the site is layed out. And this also goes for adding subforums. i can only take request and pass the message along. Where it goes from there has nothing to do with me.

I just want to make this very clear... i take account for every post i moved to recs, chatter, cosmetic discussions or where ever else ive moves threads to. B.c i felt like the threads i moved belong in that area or would have a better outcome or the member posting the thread will get a better response to the question or topic in hand.

trust me i dont move things around for cookies and milk, I have ppl i have to answer to also so every decision made in the BoC section is not soley on myself. Nor is moving all the threads around. If clearly i was doing something wrong it would have been adressed to me personally by the Admins.

I dont think this site was intedned to be split in the midlde and put WoC in one section and Non-WoC in another section.

IMo that is segregation and its wrong. i just dont understand why members of all ethnic backgrounds share with one another...

Calling me out doesnt resolve anything feeling like comments are directed twards me b.c things are not the way u as members want it. doesnt do anything.

this thread has been going on day 2. And still i feel like the only thing i got out of reading everyones post is those 2 things i mentioned up top.

can i sit here and tell you (yes all of this will happen) no i cant, b.c i know just as much as you do.

I can pass the information along, but thats about it.


Well-known member
I just want to say that everything being said in this forum is something that Janice and I have been discussing since the day this forum was incepted. We knew this issue would come up, partially because this forum WAS created the day it was suggested. We've been trying to come up with the best way to deal with these issues. We agree that the wording in the description needs work, and we're trying to figure out just what it should say.

Whatever our personal feelings towards having a separate forum for "women of color" (a term which I loathe, but then I loathe any term which generalizes people based on skintones), Janice, myself, and the other staff members know that you wanted this forum, and we respect that. We want you to get the most out of Specktra that you can. We also want to keep things organized so that new people can understand it, so that the seasoned vets can use it, and so everything works smoothly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indian Barbie
I don't like that the posts get moved a lot either.

most people dont


Well-known member
*HUGS Christine*
I don't agree with how any of this was addressed to you -calling you out like they did/and even I did to an extent-and I can at least say I hope my posts weren't embarressing to you as they really were not ment to be-you know i love ya
but you got the two main points I think the ladies are concerned about.

I'm sure the administrators will be able to figure something out. You did your job and that's all you really can do


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
*HUGS Christine*
I don't agree with how any of this was addressed to you -calling you out like they did/and even I did to an extent-and I can at least say I hope my posts weren't embarressing to you as they really were not ment to be-you know i love ya
but you got the two main points I think the ladies are concerned about.

I'm sure the administrators will be able to figure something out. You did your job and that's all you really can do

Girl its okay i wasnt embarreassed at all by your statement.

And yes i def got the main point.. ladies want a sub forum and they dont want the forum to be moderated over.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
*HUGS Christine*
I don't agree with how any of this was addressed to you -calling you out like they did/and even I did to an extent-and I can at least say I hope my posts weren't embarressing to you as they really were not ment to be-you know i love ya
but you got the two main points I think the ladies are concerned about.

I'm sure the administrators will be able to figure something out. You did your job and that's all you really can do

I never called Christine out. I asked a clarifying question. I actually didn't realize until this discussion was well underway (when people kept telling me why Christine moved another thread) that Christine was the only one moderating this forum, so I literally did not call her out. If she interprated that as calling her out, then I don't know what to say to that except sorry. At one point, her posts were hostile towards me,

Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
This section was created to have ladies of all races to discuss what products worked for them. And the share that information with all of our members. All the topics in relation with Recs.. will be moved to Recs... " and majorty of post in here are realted to Recs thats why they were moved. Black Barbie thread had nothing to do with a cosmetics line working for you which needed to be placed in the Chatter section. Either way if the thread was not moved the same reactions would have been posted. I think sometimes our members forget that Specktra is open to all members.. and that means sections forums topics ect. ect.

I dont second guess my moderating skills, i dont second guess moving post around or editing.

Maybe there are things that we can do to make posting in this section easier or clarify what can be posted. But i thought i did that in the sticky. We are always up for sug. for making our site more plesent for our members and for our future members.

and I responded in kind

Originally Posted by OnaFyre
Wow, this post makes me think that suggestions are not at all welcomed or valued. So I'll just shut up. Nevermind, forget I said anything. Sorry for wasting your time.

and the hostility went on from there. That was the begining point (which was not the begining of the thread) at which the discussion became personal or directed at specific persons, which I would say wasn't started by me and probably had more to do with things going on in other threads.

I'm so glad someone is here to hug and support Christine, but I think there are others here on specktra who wish they could have the same care and support when they feel wronged and attacked. I sure do.


Well-known member
I think- and I may be wrong- that you truely did not realize you were calling not just her but also the administration out as well. And I can understand that.

I don't think she was being hostile towards you and here is why: How can you second guess something when it was asked of you to do it?

It's really not a matter of having to second guess of if something should be moved or not IF someone above you asked you to make sure posts go into the appropriate forum. You can't really second guess that.

I can't defend her in the editing as I'm not sure what goes on there.

I'm sure a LOT of us -actually ALL of us involved in this thread could have worded things A LOT better than we did. Just reading through the front page of this-it did seem like you were calling people out the mods were sticking up for the other mod- then you had the administration who was trying to figure out what was actually needed or was being asked and then you had others who were agreeing with you but there was no definate thing as to what was being asked.

So in short you did have the support- but with everyones tone you couldn't see it. Christine is a friend of mine, I'm going to support her. But if you notice, I also supported you with clarifying what you were asking.

I have to say it but the hostilities started way before Christine made that comment. Suggestions are always welcome but it almost seemed that (and again this could've been worded differently from the person who made it) that when the person pointed out about the contact us now button- there was a reason so that nobody would feel attacked and when you said no why can't everyone see this? again it was a calling out statement.

Again, I know the reason why you did it because you know there should be a public response but at the same time - I know you didn't realize exactly the way it appeared so don't worry about it.

Just know others did support you as well and believe it or not so did the administration
If they didn't they wouldn't have bothered posting


Well-known member
i agree.. i think this and the other post that org started have gotten way out of whack. ((((((hugssss))))) to everyone. Peoples opinions and ideas.(which..no one will ever agree to see eye to eye on certian subjects). all opntions matter. But in life if u dont like something that cant be changed... (ie the mods doing thier job)... then find another way around it. Make a change that u can.... I kno some members on here who (still stay members here) have created thier own boards dealing specificly with what they want( like finding ccos) ...and they get to do thier own thing b/c its thier board. So if anyone feels so limited...there are things you can do about it.


Well-known member
I also want it clear that I was not intending to attack anyone; I was trying to elaborate on where my concerns come from so that whoever wishes to address those concerns knows that it's not pettiness over the debacle that was my original question. I participated in this to support OnaFyre, who I have learned in the last few days is a pretty kindred spirit, and to voice where my very similiar concerns were coming from. It's not meant to be an attack, it's meant to be a clarification on why the limits we've faced have felt so personal.


Well-known member
"Beauty of Color is meant for anyone with a deep skintone. Black, Latin, Asian, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, or someone with a killer tan! Want to chat about the brands that work for you, or find out what works for others? Do you have a great tip to share? Whether it's Department or Drugstore brands, talk about it here! Please post your recommendation requests in the proper forum."

I think the constant moving of posts could easily be addressed by having a Recommendations subforum in this section as others said. The requests for very specific BoC recs are put in this forum because the OPs want a response from people who frequent BoC.
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