What do you collect?


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Model horses! Specifically Breyer. And of course make-up - specifically stila and MAC. oh - and tarte cheek stains. can't resist the little holiday sets!



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Glad to see I'm not the only philatelist on the site
I've been collecting stamps for about ten years and absolutely love it.

I also collect Beatles paraphernalia.


Well-known member
Makeup (MAC and blue nail polishes specifically)
Piggies! (as in pigs--not pigments, though I have really been getting into those lately!)
Earrings and Rings

For the most part, those are my main collections that I actively pursue!


Well-known member
Hello Kitty and old school Sanrio (My Little Twin Stars, etc.)
Cartman from Southpark
Bi-centennial quarters, any condition


Active member
I've been collecting keychains since 1998.
My collection is pretty crazy because I collect them from every country or city that I've been to and I travel so much that I'm already halfway through my second passport book because I had no place left to stamp. So far my total at last count is 378.


Well-known member
Besides MAC I don't really have anything that i really collect other than stupid stuff my dad buys me (like ugly cheapy ceramic jewellery boxes and flower ornaments) but I dont have the heart to throw away plus im a firm believer of when something is given from the heart its worth its weight in gold! Plus I love me some Betty Boop stuff. But I dont really collect it.

EEK EDIT: Whenever I go overseas I MUST bring back some sort of jewellery souvenir. So I have a pretty collection now.
CDs. I think I have over 300 original cds at the moment. (I love music? A lot?) They make me pretty poor.

And pictures.
I like scrapbooking, so that helps out a lot.


Active member
concert tickets
MAC (mostly e/s)
crazy dramatic falsies! I don't know why, I never get to wear them

sandyyyy <3

Well-known member
I like to collect make up of course! lol but otherwise I kinds like to collect handbags because you can't just live with one
and also my tickets from movies and concerts.


Well-known member
I used to collect authentic CATS costume pieces. I plan on buying a wig when I can!


Well-known member
My first collection was makeup related - I used to collect vintage powder compacts and old (more than 40 years) cosmetic items. But my collection got stolen and I lost the heart to start rebuilding.

Now I collect kaleidoscopes. I have some gorgeous $$$ ones but I also like the cheapies, esp. ones that are promos or movie tie-ins.


Well-known member
As a child, I collected a certain type of dolls. I don't know the name of them. I still have "the girls".

As an adult, I tried to start a small collection by Hallmark called "Tiny Talk". It was d/c. I can't find it anywhere. Everything I see with Tiny Talk revolves around kids now. This wasn't a child's toy. It was a collectible.

I do like Piglet. I have just a few Piglets. (Piglet as in Winnie the Pooh's friend).

I can't seem to collect much stuff due to the pets.

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