what do you do when you're LATE?


Well-known member
If I'm running late for work, I'm kinda screwed 'cause no skimping there. SO, I try not to ever be running late for work. Otherwise, Studio Tech, Peachykeen blush, Bronze tinted lip balm and my beloved Shiseido eyelash curler. That's all.


Well-known member
When I'm late... I exfoliate my face and put on moisturizer (this step has been skipped) .. then it's just mascara, sharkskin shadestick and lipgloss... and I always carry studio fix in my purse... so that gets put on discreetly somewhere as am I walking or sitting in the car waiting.


Well-known member
I know the rest of me is probably a mess, but I figure if I can momentarily dazzle with a gorgeous lip colour, it's ok. I do always make sure I have a facial moisturiser with SPF on. And of course, my face is clean before that goes on.


I usually put on make up in my office. My boss and colleagues don't mind because they do the same thing!

However, when I'm really in a hurry:

Foundation that I also use as a concealer
Pressed Powder
A good eyeshadow base that highlights my browbone well
Lash Curler
Lip gloss


Well-known member
I like putting on concealer under and on my eyes, curl my lashes, line my eyes with a dark pencil and the rims, lastly put on a bit of colored gloss. on my lips.



Well-known member
i always run late, esp. for work, so what i do to get ready in like 10 mins is 2 coats mascara (take your time, it looks way better), blacktrack fluidline on waterline, some bright shadow (love freshwater for this) on bottom lash line, smudged/applied with 219 brush, then do studio fix applied with the 129 (i swear i'm the only one who does this) with a spritz of fix+ after - concentrating it under my eyes and such (i don't have hella bad circles or anything, so i can skip concealer if i need to) beforehand, bronzer and naked you with a 187, and i curl my lashes after heating it with a blowdryer...i seriously can throw on some gloss and line my lips in 2 seconds, pref. something neutral (subculture + instant gold is hot), and i seriously could care less about brows when i gotta jet...they're thin, but they're even
hope this helps, i know i picked up a few suggestions!


prescriptives virtual skin (covers well so concealer isnt necessary and it takes like 1 minute to apply)

quick application of nars torrid or mac peachykeen

whatever lipgloss. i actually keep 'all purpose' lipgloss that matches every possible makeup look in my bag just in case i need to put it on on the go

highlight browbone, something pretty on my lids and liner

doesn't take more than 5-10 minutes


Well-known member
Bronzer is key!

Anytime I am in a hurry I do a little studio fix all over, light bronzer, gold shimmery shadow, and mascara. It isn't the best but at least I look semi-awake!


Active member
Well to be honest....

If I'm late ladies.. and I don't have time to do my full application

"Hello Work.. I can' come in... I'm sick.. ugh **cough**"

and right back in the bed I go....

tomorrow would be a better day for makeup anyways...

hehehehheheheh.... thats just me though!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bebs
when I'm really running late (I have a small bag that is in a bag that I can grab for in the car really fast without having to pack) it now has in it blot powder, 129sh, prrr, smolder, mascara x, melon in a vial, and a vial in tan, and those great new studio touch-up stick

<3 its saved me many times

That's a great idea!


Well-known member
Good fast foundation like StudioFix Fluid or Face and body...
One-colour eyes like Vex or Shroom or Patina or Soba...
mascara -
and focus on the lips and wear a fab fab combo of colors. Lips take about three minutes to do spectacularly with two to four products, while eyes take for flipping evvveerrrr...


Well-known member
When I'm late, I put on MAC Studio Fix in NW45 and MAC Smolder eye liner. In the car, I put my eye brows on with MAC brow pencil in stud, MAC oh baby lip glass, and black mascara.


Well-known member
-Put Twinks on my lid and crease
-I use a powerpoint instead of a fluidline
-Apply mascara
-Apply Beaux l/l


Well-known member
Ok, well normally I only have a few mins. to get makeup on anyway cause of my 2 hellion boys! But this is normally what I look like,

and all I do is moisturize, apply my studio fix compact, one thin line of eyeliner on my top lid, mascara, and a light colored l/s or l/g that will fit in my purse, then I stick whatever I used on my lips, and blot film in my purse!!! This takes about 4-6 minutes to do!!!!


Well-known member
-Neutrogena Healthy Skin Enhancer in Light to Neutral (moisturizer,foundation and sunscreen all in 1 product!)
-L'Oreal True Match Concealer in Warm Fair/Light (when needed)
-MAC Blot Powder in Medium
-Rimmel Soft Cream Blush in Soft Kiss
-Bronzing pearls or blush
-Revlon Super Lustrous Lip Gloss in Nude Lustre

and I'm out of the door!


Well-known member
Thank god for BE Bareminerals Powder Foundation.

I buff it on, fill in brows and a put on a coat of mascara to hold a curl.

Since my lips are naturally really pigmented, clear gloss is fine.

A swipe of bronzer or sheer blush to freshen it up.


Well-known member
To look alive, I need mascara, concealor, and color on my lips. Everything else I can do without. So, my go to "running late" face is:
-conceal with Kevyn Aucoin Sensual Skin Enhancer
-Loose Blot
-MSF on cheeks
-wash of a taupe e/s
-TLC in Petting Pink

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