When I'm crunched for time...like this morning, woke up 20 min before I had to leave, and had to shower, get dressed, do my hair and makeup (eek!)...I just apply foundation a bit heavier than normal (I have pretty light stuff) to cover any imperfections, apply some mascara (forgo the curler), blush and apply some gloss/balm. Sometimes I add a quick swipe of eyeshadow. Oh, and I always moisturize beforehand.
Sometimes, like this morning, I got lucky and I had been experimenting with eyeliner and I fell asleep with it on and when I wiped the black off this morning I was left with a tiny line, it looked better than it normally does!
So yes, my dark eyeliner tip...if you're rushed for time or your application's just sloppy, apply it dark and in a thick line and then take a q-tip (my fav makeup helper), wet it with water or an eye makeup remover and remove most of the eyeliner. After a practice or two, you should get just the right technique for you. I used to do this all the time with those drugstore-brand less-than-perfect pencils that gave me a thick line...and when I couldn't apply a thin enough line on the bottom.