what do you do when you're LATE?


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apply undereye concealer, some Pearl ccb in the middle of my lids and my eyebrow and some bronzer al over my face...


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is it a bad thing if when I'm running late, i just think to myself, "F it, i'm gonna be late today" and finish my normal routine? LOL


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When I'm crunched for time...like this morning, woke up 20 min before I had to leave, and had to shower, get dressed, do my hair and makeup (eek!)...I just apply foundation a bit heavier than normal (I have pretty light stuff) to cover any imperfections, apply some mascara (forgo the curler), blush and apply some gloss/balm. Sometimes I add a quick swipe of eyeshadow. Oh, and I always moisturize beforehand.
Sometimes, like this morning, I got lucky and I had been experimenting with eyeliner and I fell asleep with it on and when I wiped the black off this morning I was left with a tiny line, it looked better than it normally does!
So yes, my dark eyeliner tip...if you're rushed for time or your application's just sloppy, apply it dark and in a thick line and then take a q-tip (my fav makeup helper), wet it with water or an eye makeup remover and remove most of the eyeliner. After a practice or two, you should get just the right technique for you. I used to do this all the time with those drugstore-brand less-than-perfect pencils that gave me a thick line...and when I couldn't apply a thin enough line on the bottom.


Well-known member
I'm hardly ever late and when I think I am, I'm usually fifteen minutes early. When I'm rushing I use:

concealer under the eyes and on certain spots.
foundation and powder
bright ass lipstick


Well-known member
I put mulch in my crease
fill in brows
apply bronzer
and curl my lashes/mascara
Takes less than 5 minutes


Well-known member
I always try to be on time, but sometimes it happens... so this is my "in case of emergency" makeup:

- A good moisturizer (like Galénic, Avène or Caudalie: perfect for a colorless complexion after a short night!)
- Concealer where it's necessary (MAC Select Cover-Up or YSL Radiant Touch are definitely THE perfect tools for that)
- Loose Powder & blush

- Less is more: nude e/s + black or brown mascara (+ e/k sometimes)

- gloss


Well-known member
In a hurry, I skip foundation, and just brush loose powder all over my face. Then it's a couple of quick swipes of [usually] Coygirl, a gorgeous neutral like "Sunny Daze" over lids to crease, Bobbi Brown "Bone Shimmer" shadow to highlight, a bit of black or dark brown liner on outer corners of upper lids, black mascara, an extra-flattering lipcolor like "Lovemate" or "New York Apple" and I call it quits.


Well-known member
Essentially, I hurry. I do the same thing I had planned on doing, but I do it really quickly. I specifically lay everything out the night before so that in case I am late, I don't have to think about it, I just do it.


Well-known member
wash face, moisturize, green concealer, BE foundation real quick, mascara, chapstick. if I find myself to have an extra minute after that some fluidline on my waterline, maybe tightline, and shroom under my brow and bow of my lip. I always carry my c-thru lipglass and blot powder in my purse.

^^that's probably why when people see me outside of school they think I'm wearing a lot of makeup haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
is it a bad thing if when I'm running late, i just think to myself, "F it, i'm gonna be late today" and finish my normal routine? LOL



Well-known member
well, I am never late

but if I feel pressed for time, I will just do a one shadow look, quick eyeliner, swipe of mascara and dust mineral foundation makeup on. Put a little blush. l/g can take a sec. All in all, it's about a 2 minute process for a cliff note version of a full makeup look.


Well-known member
Concealer, powder, Fix+, Curl lashes and Mascara, and lips...I have l/s and l/g in my purse, tote bag and at my desk at work.


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I cant remember if I answered this thread already or not - when I'm super late I blend select tint with my fingers with rose d'or as a bronzer then I run my powder brush over my t zone. I only clean the brush once a week so it usually has something on it.

If I have more time I use nude ccb as a highlight/eye shadow base and run out the door.

I am lazy, and I'm okay with that


Well-known member
If I'm late (or in a very simplistic mood) I just put on Bare Minerals foundation, a bit of color on my cheeks, mascara, and either lipbalm or maybe a bit of lipstick. Then I put on gloss in the car if I'm going to do gloss.

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