What do you ladies use to wax the bikini area?


New member
My first home brazilian experience was awful. I'd never had it done before, used a hot wax (later learned how to do this correctly but it was sooo messy), globbed way too much on, spent two hours crying and picking it off, and still had to shave the next day anyhow. Ouch.

I went to a pro a few times, and now doing it at home is a breeze. I think partly because it kills off the nerves in your follicles so it hurts less every time.

I use the premade wax strips (a box of the small ones from Veet or nair is good) and do very small sections at a time. If you press real hard before ripping it up real fast (peel BACK not UP), it hurts much less. Hesitation kills. I do it on my armpits too... now I never have to shave!

Then I put something like Skin Tight ($) or Tend Skin ($$) on. Usually you can find it at the drug store or at a weave store. It soothes your skin and prevents ingrown hairs....it really works. I put it on zits too, lol.


Well-known member
How to do your underarms, do place your arm behind you head or bend your elbow and taught the skin? That's the only place I'm scared to do myself!

Honey B. Fly

Well-known member
i wax the sides of my bikini area becuase thats the only place i get razor bumps, i prefer to leave some hair in front so i just shave everything else off since that cuts out some waxing pain an it still looks the same

i like sally hansens euro body/bikini waxing strip kit

Honey B. Fly

Well-known member
and baby powder is good for afterwards too, i also rub a lil on b4 i wax 2 make sure the area is nice and dry, u need to be free of any oil on ur skin

the kind i use has aloe an vitamin E in it so it works well for after waxing, i use bikini zone also and that really helps keep any redness/bumps away

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