What Do You *Like* About Your Looks?


Well-known member
Since we women are notorious(and I'm as guilty as anyone) about focusing on what we perceive as our flaws, why don't we think for a moment about what we like about our appearance.
I love my coloring, which features NW15 skin, jade-green eyes, and dark-brown-almost-to-the-point-of-being-black hair.
And I like the shape of my lips; they're full, but delicately shaped, with a "pouty" lower lip and a nice cupid's bow on the upper lip.
And my eyes are large and round, but not too round, and I have naturally arched brows.
Of course, I could easily rattle off a list of the features I'd like to change, but I'm trying to stay positive here.
I don't consider this a boast-fest, just an occasion to appreciate what we've been given.
Anyone else?


Well-known member
I love my facial structure, it's very defined. I also love my hair because it's so easy to manage, I can just wash it and let it air dry, and it has volume and wave and looks styled. I also like my butt, legs, arms, and back.


Well-known member
Eyes and eyebrows, lips, hair, waist, and bottom



Can I get back to you on that....

Most of mine is going south now.
Enjoy everything about yourselves whilst you can.
Gravity is a horrid thing!
Jules xxxx


Well-known member
I love my lips! When I was a kid they were way too big for my face and I got teased unmercifully but as an adult they are full and sensual, and I love them. Also love the color and shape of my eyes, and my body's curves (well, most of them anyway, hee).

Johnny Wal

Well-known member
people always hate me for talking about this! haha. but i love a lot of things about myself. i like my eye color (thanks mommy!), and i like my eyebrows, and my skin (color and clarity), my butt has been complimented and i was once told i have "pretty hands" lmao. not saying i love everyyyything about me, theres things i dont like, obviously

but mostly, i think that 1) you have to learn to like what you've got. 2) if ya dont - change it!.


Well-known member
my eyes

my straight hair - sure it doesnt hold a curl, but i dont have to do anything to it in the morning

my butt- ive got a bootie. it looks awesome in skirts and dresses and it fills out jeans (sometimes a bit too much)

my skin- i can just walk around in the sun and get color quick. gotta love my filipino skin!


Well-known member
i love my eye color (green) and skintone (nc15). i don't really like my natural light brown hair, but i dye it jet black and love it that way. i really like my nose, lips, height and how slim i am, also.


Well-known member
my eyebrows are okay I guess. I like my freckles, I only have a sprinkle underneath my eyes (at the highest point of my cheeks) but they aren't too noticeable.


Well-known member
My feet, I wear a size 5 US shoe.
My nose since it's small and very straight.
And my lashes because they're very long, curl well, and are dark.


Well-known member
I like my eyes. They're almond and large.
I like my skintone. It's awesome.
I like my legs.
I like the texture of my skin - nice and smooth.


I like my nose, it's small and cute. My lips, eyes and eye lashes 'cause they're naturally curly. I like my bum and feet! I like my hair at times, but only when it works with me. I also like the light freckles on my cheeks! hehe


Well-known member
I love my lips coz they're full and pouty
I love my shoulders and collarbone coz they never get fat lol
I love my feet
I love my legs coz they're always skinny (can't say the same about my waist!)