hehe I know the feeling of being very sleepy!
Now on to business lol
But the thing is that your bringing in-isn't the answer to the original question posed. Do the Muslims and Jews and Christians worship the same God?
We're not talking about who will and who will not enter heaven. That's a whole other discussion! But I can clearly see your views and hopefully you can clearly see mine (Mine being: It's not my place to tell people where they go-thats Gods thing-and quite frankly, I'll let him have that ounce of control! In my opinion-and my opinion only-I feel that anyone who has the balls to dish out who gets to go to heaven/hell better be prepared for the meeting-as it says clearly says-he who is without sin, cast the first stone and further in the Bible it says judge not least you be judged. No where in the Bible does it give man the authority to decide who goes to heaven/hell. Sorry I'm a huge stickler for this one!
But the answer to the question posed is the discussion we're having. No one (unless Europtor/Raerae and this is their perogative to disagree) is even bringing Jesus in this discussion because we're referring to the Old Testiment and you as a Christian know that that was WAY Before Christ technically came into the picture and walked the earth.
Now regarding the idea that just because there is 2 children God doesnt let them all into heaven - we' just covered that part (in my view) but we're not answering the actual question: The actual question (Reiterated) is do Jews/Muslims/Christians worship the same God?
Thank you-by the way for pointing out that scripture-I have the Message version of the Bible in front of me, for the life of me I can't find the KJV or the NIV. Go figure! LOL Which is even more frustraiting because it doesn't have the verse number-but thats OK because I can still get a huge overview
Now we have established though that God always keeps his promise. The covenant, I agree was established through Isaac (not disputing-and I'm still not finding where he said that about Ishmeal?) but God said, " Ishmeal will be blessed, has father 12 princes and get plenty of children".
So God basically said-listen, Isaacs gonna be born through you and sarah he's the one thats gonna do the purpose, I'm making a holy covenant with him but I'm not going to entirely turn my back on Ishmeal here.
So this still almost strengthens my argument that the two religions see the same God but give him entirely different charactoristics!
And it goes on to say (which truely seals the deal for me) that God told Abraham, by the way you're going to get circumsized if you want this to happen and show me faith and a permenant reminder of my promise (Covenant) will be circumsizion. So Abraham said come on Ishmeal, we're gonna do this-and BOTH got circumsized on the same day (according to Gen 17)
So Abraham made sure to acknowledge and let into a promise that God made that God would be with Ishmeal. Maybe that's part of the resentment
but this is what solidifies the deal even more so for me that it's the same brotherly rivelry.
Now I think that the word your zoning in on is COVENANT.
There is no disputing that Isaac was the one that would enter the covenant. That still makes the two brothers. (Isaac and Ishmeal) and therefore again one was more favored and they still look upon the same God with a different point of view.
Now to go with the covenant and run with it-over the years Jesus was born. He then took on the physical form of the covenant once he died for our sins (Should we take the bible literally). Now, if we want to get really technical about this-
We've already established that God decided the Jews were his chosen people because they were from the seed of Isaac the one he entered the covenant in.
We also already established that Ismeal also believed in God but had an entirely different perspective on him. And he was not the favored one (according to the Bible).
So this we already see. Now since you are obviously wanting to bring Jesus into the picture (which in the old testiment you really can't unless you say it was within a prophesy) lets go ahead and bring him on in.
So with the lineage shown in Matthew 1 it is obvious that the covenant was within the "favored" covenant of God with Isaac. Now (another reason I have issues with the Message Bible) in Matthew/Genesis somewhere it says: The word became flesh and the flesh became God. or something along those lines. Basically what its telling us is the middle of the book saying: Hey you know all that stuff you read that you didn't think was important? Well heads up cuz here it is.
So now Jesus comes into the picture.
Jesus as established by the Christian community was the son of God. The same God of Isreal who is also the same God of Ishmeal aka Islam.
(Now we're getting into the three tree branches I discussed earlier). Now, granted Jesus changed everything (if we should go on with the belief of the Bible). Somewhere God says I will cut off a branch and etch a new branch into the family of God. (again new testiment can't find the exact verse or exact wording). So basically God is saying-I have a new group of people believing in me but they also have the belief that my son is there to save them so I will bring them into my family/kingdom.
So Jesus died all that stuff and now we are where we are today. Yet, Jesus is still the son Of God, who is the God of Isaac and Ishmeal!
So now we are seeing exactly (again if we wish to take the bible literally) what has come of that (and again no one is disputing you). We see brotherly rivelrey (Look what's going on in Labanon/Isreal), because Jesus showed up and he was born a Jew-Many Christians are more likely to back up Isreal because of the religious connection. Our God is the same. Our God is the same God of Isaac/Abraham so we stick by the Jewish people (I mean we're talking if we're REALLY wanting to get literal).
So no one is disputing the covenant at all. We are disputing the fact that people are always saying they are not the same God (Between the 3 faiths). Because guess what? They literally are.
So now I've confused you let me put some more clarification into this. It's kind of like having two kids. The older one is more awkward and doesnt necessarily like the younger kit. But your still the parent. You love both but you do play favoritism. So you favor the young one and he gives you a kid that turns out to change the course of history while the older one albeit more jeolous and why doesnt the parent think I'm all that great well I'll show them and voila. You have the sitituation that we've been in for centuries.