What else do u do besides makeup?


Well-known member
I go to school (like... what equals to high school, I guess? Main subjects being chemestry, math, and English) and work part time as a MAC artist :]
I've done freelance a couple of times and it's something I'd love to do a lot more but I just don't have the time with school and all :/


Well-known member
I am a full time student studying pharmacy. I also work part time as a pharmacy technician at CVS pharmacy to gain experience.

I just love makeup. Period. The end haha!


New member
Originally Posted by studiosila
I run an online fashion house sila which keeps my on my toes through the week days, trial's and makeup consultations on weeknights and the actual wedding makeup on weekends.

Your website is gorgeous everyone should check it out. You are very talented artist. Kudos!


Well-known member
I am a sales manager for the islands of Bermuda and Bahamas. I work in an office though (I deal with most of customers online or through the phone) and I come to work every single day with makeup on. We have seven girls in my department but I'm the only one that's REALLY into makeup. They actually laugh at me b/c I'm so obsessed but they all admire what I do and try to get me to do their makeup all the time. I'm definitely not doing what I love but since I have kids, I work where the pay is good....=(


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i'm a full-time web developer and graphic designer for Blue State Digital here in DC (yay, we got obama elected woo hoo).. i love my company, and i could never say that before...


Well-known member
I am a registered nurse and I love doing my makeup and my friends makeup. If I could make as good of money doing makeup I would totally do it, I LOVE IT!! I wear my makeup to work everyday and all the girls I work with love it and beg me to do their makeup too. Its flattering


Well-known member
I work on a hospital switchboard fulltime. There isnt much call for make-up where i live so im working fulltime so i can try and save to move to a city. It is very frustrating because im in a job i dont care for but right now i cant afford to be doing anything less

I'm just in the process of getting some business cards and im networking a lot more than i used to so im hoping to get more make-up work.


Active member
I work at the Wal-Mart Home Office *gasp!* as an Operations Analyst in the Information Systems Division. Basically, I'm a computer geek.

I am also a board member, model, project manager, and makeup artist for a local modeling/promotions agency, doing freelance work on the side.

I'm married to a super-hot man in the US Army (*hehe*), and I do a lot of non-profit work supporting our troops. I also have two kids, 5 years and 11 months, that are also in the modeling industry and keep me extremely busy!!!

I know, "Where does she find the time?", right? I often ask myself the same question!!


I work in the audio visual department at a local large University. I do theatrical makeup on nights and weekends as needed, totally unpaid as I'm doing it basically as on the job training. They get a makeup artist for free (they have NO budget) and I get to experiment with wild looks for the stage.



Well-known member
I am a full time stay at home mom of 3..ages 7, 6, and 2. I'm a proud wife of a US Army soldier. Between running the kids back and forth to school, ballet, basketball, every other activity, and getting ready for my husbands 3rd deployment to Iraq...I find that my makeup hobby is one thing that calms me and keeps me sane. Its something that is mine..and only mine.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Roni
I work at the Wal-Mart Home Office *gasp!* as an Operations Analyst in the Information Systems Division. Basically, I'm a computer geek.

i think thats cool, and you seem very busy!
my mom is an assistant manager for walmart has worked for them forever.

Originally Posted by ladyJ
I am a full time student studying pharmacy. I also work part time as a pharmacy technician at CVS pharmacy to gain experience.

I just love makeup. Period. The end haha!

I almost finished my Pharmacy Tech stuff a few yrs ago, and worked for CVS too (well when it was Eckerd) found out i was preggos with my youngest, and took a job as a assistant manager for Motorola instead.

well almost a year ago I finished Cosmetology School, so I do hair, but I was really into esthetics and have thought about going back to be certified for that also. I have started doing a few free lance makeup gigs, and hope to turn that into something bigger for myself, since I can do both hair and makeup. I have done a few local shows/pageants and have been able to help or to do both hair and makeup so being able to do both really works for me. I am currently not working
staying at home to do the cooking and cleaning right now, I live in a small town and there isnt much work for someone who isnt very established yet. Hope that changes soon, if not Ill be working at walmart with my mom.

ps. i know i can get a mac pro card with my cosmo license. and i have yet to do it, and instead pay full price for my stuff. cookoo? yes i think so.
I'm cabin crew for a major airline.

I've done freelance a bunch of times, and I enjoyed it soo much. I really want to learn professional makeup one day!


Well-known member
I used to be an engineer, but now I'm in media, have done copywriting and art directing. I did the makeup on a couple shoots and I remembered how much I loved it, so that's where I'm heading now.


Well-known member
I am a makeup artist and esthetician. I'm full time in the spa (where I also do a lot of makeup services/lessons, etc) but I also freelance and compete in competitions with the hair stylists.

Sonya Adams

Well-known member
I've been a professional body piercer for about 9-ish years now? And recently, since the economy completely tanked and no one is spending money on "extras", I've also started delivering the local newspaper on a 180 mile route (graveyard shift - fun. NOT).


Well-known member
I'm a color consultant (make up artist) at Sephora. I'm also a barista at Starbucks (ugh), and a waitress at a really fun, laid back restaurant. Yes, I have three jobs. I'm saving up for makeup school in NYC.


Well-known member
im currently training to be a radiographer, where i will then specialise in body idenification, forensics and CT. i just love my make up!


Well-known member
Well, I'm currently saving up and practicing to become a Manicurist. I love all things beauty, but this nail stuff is pretty fun! For now, I practice on family and they're pleased with it. So so much that I'm starting to charge them for my services...lol


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Im a professional figure skater, I coach and perform. I work as a MUA for MAC and freelance for figure skating events/shows/competitions.