What is your internet culture IQ?


Well-known member
64 !! Yaay for me ? lol

( I got ~so~ many correct answers from guessing!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by x.DOLLYMiX.x
I got 69
the only one I knew was that girl who was crying over britney haha, the rest I guessed.

Chris Crocker is a dude.

And mine is 196


Yep. I figured it would of been ALOT higher.


Well-known member
161, lawlz! I was actually suprised there were a few things I didnt know the answer to.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
My score was 92. What is Leeroy Jenkins about? I googled it and ended up with some odd youtube vids. Still don't understand what it's about.

Its an old WoW video, where this guy is in an instance (dungeon) and he just pulls like the whole instance on everyone whi theyve all been carefully planning what to do, if you played wow, youd know lol


Well-known member
I got 81. Lots of the questions meant nothing to me so there must have been a few lucky guesses in there. I think that the ones I knew were a bit older - Bananaphone/Salad Fingers etc. so I must have lost touch more recently!