what mac item(s) do you regret not buying?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I regret not getting:
Barbie Real Doll l/s
Corps de Couleur Quad
French Grey e/s
Swan Lake e/s

I am passing for now, but may regret not getting:
Pharoah Paint Pot
Pagan e/s
Royal Assets Cool palette
Another backup for Your Ladyship pigment

Also saw French Grey at my CCO a few weeks ago....errrr, or maybe it was Innuendo. I really like both and was considering a back-up when I saw it so now I'm not sure. Anyway, it might be worth a look at yours.


Well-known member
LIGHTSCAPADE MSF. Enough said. It makes me sad.



Anything from Barbie
I was broke at the time

And I wish I was into MAC sooner for the Lure and Lingerie collections....


Well-known member
I regret not getting:

Rebelrock: Say Yeah e/s, Anti-Establishment e/s
D'Bohemia: D'bohemia e/s, Flash of Flesh l/g (backup)
Lustrevision: Nighttrain e/s, Goldbit e/s,
Ornamentalism: Mystical Mist e/s, Blue Absinthe e/s, Luxuriate l/g,
Luxuriations: Luxuriation n/p, Asiatique n/p, Petunia n/p
Holiday 2005: Teal and Olive e/s palettes
Chromeglass: Metalberry c/g

I'm passing on and may regret not getting:
Flashtronic: Ether e/s
Rushmetal: Fastlane l/s
Blue Storm: Thunder e/s, Stormwatch e/s
Almost all of Smokey Signals


It's a long list, but it'd be longer if I wasn't able to track down some things, like Sunplosion e/s and Brill e/s
. I also have to admit, I'm slightly comforted that I don't have some of the above because I do have some items other people have on their regret list!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ladynpink
as everyone said...check your local CCO....mines just had a shipment of C-shock, barbie( almost all the eyes, blushes, lippies), all the novel twist, and holiday brushes...

I see you are in FL. Which CCO do you go to?


Well-known member
i regret not buying that red/purple mineralize eye duo from the holiday collection. argh! idk why i didnt buy it. im def kicking myself now!


Well-known member
I regret not getting:

-delineate, graphic brown & penned fluidlines (stupid, stupid, stupid)
-lippies from barbie (hopefully rectifying this with a trip to the CCO this weekend!!)
-y&kei stuff
-nightsky softsparkle (I know it's in the holiday sets, but it's the only one i want...)
-jewelmarine glitter (it would have been perfect for halloween this year)
-a back up of say yeah! (my mom broke the one i own and it didn't survive a repair attempt)

things I know I will regret not getting:
-pagan pp
-kitten khol power
-a backup of woodwinked if the d/c rumors are true


Well-known member
Lingerie! I was into MAC back then, but didn't pay attention to special collections or anything, boo.


Well-known member
*sigh* Don't have a CCO, so there's virtually no chance of *not* having to pay out the nose for these :

- French Grey
- Peaceful, Yogamode, Sun Twist (though that was never released here) and Pearl Blossom beauty powders
- Lipsticks from Flashtronic - I didn't even look at them!
- Moonbathe stuff! It was the perfect collection for me, but at the most imperfect time possible. Grr. Only have Other Worldly, Fireball and Firespot but want ALL the shadows and maybe the other blush too.

And I'm passing on ALL the McQueen stuff save for one New Vegas but I may come to regret that. Plus the stuff that was released when I wasn't into makeup. Oh well


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I regret not getting any of the eyeshadows from Strange Hybrid....Barbie stuff...Blushes and lipglasses from Moonbathe....and the brush set (kabuki) from Novel Twist.


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I regret not paying enough attention to Nocturnelle. That was about when I started actually looking at collections. Then I could have gotten Subtle pigment and Inneundo eye shadow. There is not much that I regret not getting, but I do regret buying Off The Radar pigment. What am I going to do with a jar of that crap?!?!


Well-known member
a back up Real Doll l/s, maybe even two. i love it!

some of those gloss liners from In 3D

Lovestone (i think it's called that?) m/e/s

Firespot e/s


Well-known member
I think I might regret not buying any McQueen stuff down the road (besides New Vegas). The only thing I wish I really had was Metal Rock MSF. I def have a few things I DO regret buying like Off The Radar pigment and quite a few of the newer MSFs!! *Must destroy glitter bombs!*

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