what mac item(s) do you regret not buying?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mandilovesmakeu
BANG ON BLUE!!!!..i didn't act fast enough!..and now it's gone!..
also the smoking eye quad..it's gone too!..

You can probably get by with Blue Calm from the pro collection.

I wish I'd gotten a back up of the Pearl Sunshine BP, and Goddess Blush from Raquel.


Well-known member
I have a long list lol. I just sit back & watch them go by since I dont have any money.
The barbie lipsticks & backups for my lipglasses.
All the msf minus northern lights.
Smoke signals collection.
And 2006 holiday sets.
Most of Flashtronic & Moonbathe.
Most of C-shock[I only have bang on blue big t wondergrass eyepoping & lil sizzle lipgelee.]


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Just a reminder that sale/swap/CP offers outside of the Clearance Bin forum are absolutely verboten.

I wish I'd purchased another Lightscapade MSF.


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petticoat msf and golden olive pigment, tho i think this will be available with the originals in Dec! Woo hoo


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I wish i bought stuff when i found them at a great price like coco and softwashed (asia exclusive) pigments that were both under $20 on eBay....why oh why did i pass on it?


Well-known member
I regret not getting and of the lipsticks and glosses from the Barbie collection. I was sooo broke at the time.

-I regret no getting a bunch of back ups of Precocious and Flash of Flesh ...why can't these have been perm?

-peacocky and divine lime glitte liners

-Bunny Pink lipstick

-Lucky Green eyeshadow


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stv578
petticoat msf and golden olive pigment, tho i think this will be available with the originals in Dec! Woo hoo

well I dont know about petticoat but golden olive is a perm. item so you could go to the store now and pick it up if you wanted to

as for things I dont have that I want.. I'm really happy with what I do have, and figure that really there will always be more of the same thing some time sooner or later and if not from mac then from another company out there.

however with that said... I do kinda wish I had some more bronze pigment


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thelove4tequila
I think I might regret not buying any McQueen stuff down the road (besides New Vegas). The only thing I wish I really had was Metal Rock MSF. I def have a few things I DO regret buying like Off The Radar pigment and quite a few of the newer MSFs!! *Must destroy glitter bombs!*

I'm not alone I see. It works decently as a blush.


Well-known member
The Barbie collection for me as well. It was out just as I was getting into MAC and I totally thought I wouldn't need it. Boy I was so wrong...


Well-known member
I regret not buying most of the Lingerie stuff, it would have been perfect for me.

Also Yogamode beauty powder and Don't Be Shy blush - luckily I drive past a CCO on the way to my mom's house every month and DH usually lets me go in and check for stuff, so here's hoping!


Well-known member
I'm bummed that I missed out on the barbie collection. I was lucky enough to find some left overs but I really want Pearl Sunshine and the other lipsticks. Oh well, I'm sure MAC will re-release them or something similar.


I regret not buying Maroon pigment, even just a sample of it! I didn't know MAC a lot at that time, so I missed it. I know it's still available on ebay, but I not sure I want to take the risk to get a counterfeit....


Well-known member
I am paying for so much for the flashtronic collection on Ebay..
God they look so cooooooooool...................
I wish I was into MAC when they were available...


now I want by jupiter and gold spill and lightscapade.. and and... quarry.. and.. o lord..


Well-known member
I'm so sad that I sold/swapped these things:

bunny pink --the only lipstick I ever liked

jewel eyes palette (?) the one with parrot, mulch etc. The colors looked great with my blue eyes!
parrot- sold this 2x. Hate being broke and selling the good stuff! (So glad that it's being re-released)
sunplosion/ola mango (I've had ola mango 2x and rarely used it. Now that it's gone though it makes me sad.)

Ones that I wish I bought:
wondergrass (I'm slowly catching up on C-shock. This collection was made for me but I was really low on cash then)
mancatcher (I'm slowly catching up on the Lure Line)

who's that lady and the other 2 lip gelees-can't remember the names

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