What size clothing do you wear?


Well-known member
Size 0-2, I think most of my tops/skirts are a 0 and jeans 2. I used to be bigger but I lost just over 4 stone when I became eating disordered 5 years ago.


Well-known member
I'm a size 14 aus which I think is a size 8/9 US though I'm losing weight. Tops aren't very consistent though, I have larger boobs so that makes tops harder to find.


Well-known member
For jeans a 26-27 inch waist... I am a size larger on top than on bottom (big boobs and small legs/bum) so I am usually a small- medium in tops. My prom dress is a size 4 i think and I still fit into it.


Well-known member
Well I am between a 10 and 12 in pants, and a sm to med on top. Hooray for being a pear! (sarcasm)

I would find it interesting to know how tall everyone is along with the clothing size. It does make a difference. I know I get discouraged hearing how lots seem to wear less than a 6.

I am 5'8



Well-known member
We are all beautiful!

I am ~curvy~ .

I wear various sizes, depending on the brand, store, etc...I'm generally about a 8/10 US, or a Medium, but I have been a 4/6 (too thin for my frame) & I've been a bit bigger (about a 12/14 US) for awhile after my son was born. I think a US 8/10 (approx) is my ideal size, but I'll wear it better when I'm more toned

I grew up with a mom who always thought she was too heavy. I cannot recall *ever* thinking she was heavy. She moved from diet to diet, causing herself great angst, & I found it terribly painful to watch. I was affected; I used to worry so much about my weight. I asked my husband to throw out our bathroom scale, & he did! i have never felt so free!

Now I simply try to eat healthily, altho I miss meals & end up snacking at Night, when I have no chance of burning off the calories.

My husband has been wonderfully supportive, &, while he finds the look of a waif "ethereal' & pretty,
"sexy," to him, is a ~woman with curves~.

While I absolutely need more exercise and need to firm areas (like my thighs!),
I no longer obsess about feeling 'fat.' I am womanly!

I'm injured right now, with a painful herniated disc in my back, & I'm sort of stuck at home with my little boy, who's 4, & who has special needs, but I walk out with him as much as possible, & we dance alot throughout the Day! I'm supposed to go to physical therapy & get proper exercises to help my back (as i refuse surgery) so I have to be a bit careful about how I move/exercise right now. Sometimes I move incorrectly or dance with too much gusto during the Day, which causes me great pain later at Night, but once I get this problem sorted,
I'm planning to get *toned*.

I finally have no wish to be skinny
(no offense meant to anyone; please know that
My heritage of *strong* Eastern-European peasant women
(with a bit of strong Jerusalem woman thrown in)
dictates that I am a curvy woman;
my grandmother, age 95 & going strong, who has always been curvy, recently told me that I "need" my curves.
I am made this way, &
I will no longer let society tell me I should be ashamed to wear a size 8/10.

Too many of us women are hurt by society's dictates...sigh...
how many men have contributed to our size/weight pain? (btw....I ~truly~ love men...& most men do know how to think with *both* heads
But who do you suppose helped most to further this obsession?

While I would like to be thinner, I probably won't be.
I will, however, be more toned, & I hope to improve my vegetarian diet, which is missing a few key elements (I have no time to eat sometimes.)

I thank my Soulmate for encouraging me to feel better about who I am; even if he hadn't, however, I would hope, by now, that I would feel better about myself, more comfortable in my own skin.

Don't get me wrong. I look at myself from all angles when I get dressed. I'm angry at cellulite areas which have cropped up when I wasn't looking. I hope to burn them away.
I'm joyful to be a woman, though.

I'm happy to have been blessed with curves.

Please be healthy and know we are *all* beautiful!

Love & meows xxCherylFaith

"Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin world go round..." Brian May, of Queen


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Obreathemykiss
Blah, I hate sizes. It's depressing to go shopping sometime. I like being anywhere from a US 7 or 9...unfortunately, I'm more like a lady's 12 at the moment. I blew up like a balloon over the winter.

yeah...I know how you feel, as I've felt it! Winter hurts our feelings, as many of us are chilly, and/or depressed (I tend to be more depressed in grey Winter).

you are beautiful. xx


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iheartcolor
Well I am between a 10 and 12 in pants, and a sm to med on top. Hooray for being a pear! (sarcasm)

but yaaaay! Beautiful you

Originally Posted by iheartcolor
I would find it interesting to know how tall everyone is along with the clothing size. It does make a difference. I know I get discouraged hearing how lots seem to wear less than a 6.

1/2" shy of 5'5"

excellent point!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AmberLilith
At the moment i am unfortunately about a UK 14 (US 10) sometimes a 16 on top and UK 12 (US 8) on bottom.
Which i'm not happy about as i have a wardrobe full of UK 8s and 10s
that i love and want to wear again. My ideal size is probably 4-6 (US 0-2) Long way to go...

Please remember you are a lovely *woman* !


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
its different here in the UK and it depends on the style of clothing...
Jeans 10 but in the summer im an 8 for some reason (US 4-6)
Tops im a 6 or 8 because im tiny on top but ive got about two size 4 tops so anything from a US 0-4
Dresses im usually 8 so US 4

I wanna be a UK 6 (US 2) because i think my body will look better as im really short and my legs look short n fat

You're a size 10 in the winter because you're either eating more to compensate for the extra energy you use up to keep warm OR your body is retaining extra pounds for more warmth. It's normal, usually happens with everybody


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iheartcolor
I would find it interesting to know how tall everyone is along with the clothing size. It does make a difference. I know I get discouraged hearing how lots seem to wear less than a 6.

I am 5'8


I wear anything from 0 to 6, and I am 5'1", 110 lbs, and pear-shaped. God blessed me with the boo-tay


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitics
God blessed me with the boo-tay

Boo-tay owners unite! Woo!




Active member
it's a secret, but what i wouldn't give to be bigger on top and less big on the bottom. :T


Well-known member
I would find it interesting to know how tall everyone is along with the clothing size.

I'm 5'3 and yeah 8/9 US (I think lol). I have a booty and big boobs, though the rest of my frame is tiny. I have super skinny legs from the knee down, everybody comments of them lol.


Well-known member
im really chubby and im short 5"3 and i wear a 12....what can i say i got both T an A lol and some squishiness in the middle


Well-known member
I'm a Dutch size 44, which is a size 16 in the US and 18 in the UK. I really need to lose the 15 kilo's (about 33 pounds) I gained over the last year or so, since I don't feel comfortable carrying all this extra weight around.


Well-known member
i am an australian 14, which is around a US 10.

at a minimum healthy weight i could go to an aussie 10 (US 6). any thinner and i'd be sick, not to mention skeletal. i am aiming to get back to an australian size 12 (US 8).

i am 5'11".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by redambition
i am an australian 14, which is around a US 10.

at a minimum healthy weight i could go to an aussie 10 (US 6). any thinner and i'd be sick, not to mention skeletal. i am aiming to get back to an australian size 12 (US 8).

i am 5'11".

I personally think size 12 is ideal. I'd be happy to be size 12 again. Though I with my body frame I could easily be size 8 and still be healthy. I really don't want to lose all my curves though, I love having boobs, an ass and thighs.

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