What size clothing do you wear?


Well-known member
I wear a S or XS in tops usually..occasionally a M taken in at the waist because I have a decent sized chest and a really small waist. Then in pants I'm a 5/6/7.. I've gained 10 lbs this year and 30 since I started high school. I had eating disorders all through grade 6 and junior high (gross, huh?), a mixture of anorexia nervosa and athletica with the occasional purging. I was a size 1 and I was teeny, but I remember how fat I always felt..now I'd kill to have my old body back
I'm 5'5 with a long torso and stumpy legs, btw.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nameless4tv
I'm a size 22/24 and 5'8, and standin proud
I'm at the point where I feel awesome about my mind and body where I can actually say that, but I am workin towards shedding some weight for health reasons. As long as you FEEL healthy and ARE healthy, there's nothing to be ashamed or worried about! LIFE IS GREAT!

I'm glad you are happy yet still working to be healthier, this is a great attitude to have. Another factor is activity. They say its not the size of a person necessarily but the amount of activity they do. So stay active regardless of your weight.


Active member
I am 5'5"/6" (somewhere in between) and 1250-130lbs (my weight fluctuates). I used to be a stick woman, so tiny, wearing size 0 and 1 all the time at 100lbs. At the time between 17 and 18 when I gained weight, hips, a bust, and curves, I went on some obsession like I was some fat pig. But I'm not. I'm just voluptuous! I like my 34C and my size 5 jeans. They fit me better than anything ever has!


Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
I'm glad you are happy yet still working to be healthier, this is a great attitude to have. Another factor is activity. They say its not the size of a person necessarily but the amount of activity they do. So stay active regardless of your weight.

Of course
Every other day I will go jogging or walking and the days I don't I work out on my core ball! Plus, working part time at a Daycare is excersize in itself!


Well-known member
I'm a size 5... It's funny because I'm tall and very skinny... And my friends would think I wear a 2-3 but my hips are fairly large. They aren't LARGE in terms of like, giant but my waist is like... 25 and hips are 36 so i have quite a leap curve heh.. So it's hard to find pants that will fit at the thigh... I'm also 5'10 so pant sizes suck to find!


Well-known member
I'm 5'0" and about 95-100 lbs, wear a size 1 or 2 US dress and jeans.
I think I'm pretty average for my height/weight and am overall happy with my size ^.^


Active member
Originally Posted by sweetface
I'm 5'7'' 1/2 (so 5'8'') and I wear a 3-5 in pants (depending on the store) and a medium on top. ...(I'm also like 135 pounds...)

Wow, sizes are SO weird, how they are so different on different bodies! At my lightest, I was 125lbs, (5' 7") and could never fit into anything smaller than an 8! Now I wear a 10/12.


Well-known member
Over the winter I usually gain about 5-10 pounds. But it doesnt matter. If you are happy about the way you look, it doesnt matter about what everyone else thinks.

"Now matter how big or small you are, make sure to remember how beautiful you are, inside and out. Don't let anyone tell you anything different."

My mom used to always say this to me when I was younger, when all I cared about was how others viewed me.

5'4" 125 pounds


New member
I am a size 10-12 in women's. Size 11,13 in the juniors section. haha. I still try on junior clothes.
I wear L/XL in Juniors section and a S or M in women's clothes. Now does that sound right?.. I don't know. But I feel I am too fat! I weight 140 pounds after 2 kids....GRRR..I need to shed those left over fat! I'm so mad. I went from 115 size 3/5 all the way to 140 pounds. *tTEARS*..

I forgot to mention. I have wide hips now and a ton of love handles :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rocknroll_lies
UK12 no idea what that i in US sizing. Thats an average it really depends what shop, I've got clothes that are size 8 and clothes that are size14

Me too, I've got tops in a UK8/10 right up to jeans in a UK16. I hate the way sizes differ between shops.

And I'm a weird shape, I've got smallish boobs, a really small waist and absolutly giant hips. And then big thighs, no bum and skinny ankles.
So clothes never, ever fit me right.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
The one that fits.

I have to agree with Shimmer. I have clothes that are a Medium or size 8 all the way up to size 16. I do wish that sizes were streamlined... but I just go with what looks best. There is no point in squeezing into a size 12 just to say I wear a 12. Recently, I found out I have PCOS and my doctor just told me I would have to make peace with being heavier. Sadly, I needed to hear it from an authority figure to make peace with my weight. I did feel like I had tried everything and felt strange being larger than I felt. I had no problem keeping up during a hike, I was on the swim team, loved to play tennis, I eat healthy and I count my calories. I was more fit or in shape than some of my skinnier size 4 friends.

I'm now very happy with my body for what it can do and not for it's size.


Well-known member
See my sizing is really weird-I wear a medium or large top, and then anywhere from a size 7/8 (Express) up to 11/12 or in some places, 13/14. For my Joe's Jeans I'm a 31 for the fit I have to get. It's tough because I'm just slightly shorter than average (5'6), but I have a 27" inseam (even pants designed for short inseams have to get altered, and anything that isn't designed for a short inseam means the proportions will be WAY off), and am INSANELY curvy. Huge thighs, large bum, 36D chest. During high school I looked chunky but I've shed a good amount of weight since graduation without really doing ANYTHING at all so my waist is a bit smaller, but I don't feel any thinner. It absolutely sucks.

Ideally, I would want to get down around a size 3, or get the thighs slimmed down so that I'd be a 27 for jeans.


Well-known member
It's so weird that so many people here are equatable to a size 6 or 8 in NZ sizes. There are hardly any people that size here, I would say out of the 19 girls in my make up class, 3 of them would be under a size 10 (US 6). I'm an NZ 12-14 myself (8-10, so we'll say a 9 for kicks), and that's about the norm here, I think.

I think sizing is all over the place. In higher end shops I'm a straight 12 on top and bottom, in places like Supre (teenybopper kind of store here), I'm a 12 on top and an XL (14-16) can barely fit me in their bottoms. Ouch. And then in places like KMart I'm anywhere from a 10 to a 14. *shrugs* Same with shoes, anything from 8- 10. Damn.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SingFrAbsoltion
My first thought when I saw how many people wear a 0 was "you lucky bitches" but than I remembered that when I weighted 100lbs I used to look horrible - like a skeleton. I cringe thinking about my hollow cheeks. Size 0 isn't for everyone.

I distinctly remember being 21 years old and 98 pounds and wearing 0/1. I CRIED. Nobody believed I was 21 and had a 2 year old daughter, lol.

Now that I'm 31 (with a total of 4 children), and 125 pounds I wish I weighed about 7 or 8 pounds less. However, I have NO desire to go back to those size 0 days...I'm only 5'1 so I didn't look horrible, I just didn't feel "grown" or "womanly". Not to say that 0 isn't womanly - some people can't help being small. I know I couldn't. However, I question those who aren't naturally a 0 and try to get down to 0...

I wear 4-6 now. I'm happy for the most part.


Active member
Clothing sizes are really weird and almost random. I may look thin on paper but I'm not. I'm just average for my height with absolutely no curves so I can still wear some things from the kids department.

I wear a 0 in Express pants but am more comfortable in their M tops because I'm one of those with a big rib cage!. I wear a 1 in Gap and Levi's and a S or M in their tops and jackets. My 7FAM, Rich & Skinny, TR and Joe's Jeans are 26 but my JBrand jeans are size 25 and I had to get them all shortened because I'm 5'3 1/2 and anywhere from a 28 to a 30 inseam, depending on what shoe I'm wearing. [And all my jeans and pants have to have a lower rise (not scary low, but below the natural waistline) so they too have no waist because I have no butt and no hips so if the higher-rise pants fit on my hips, they will probably be cut way too small for my straight waist where most people would be a 23 but I certainly am not, LOL!] And in Burberry I wear a 2 or 4. Oh, and as far as kids clothes, I buy adidas sweatpants in a kids 14.

So basically, you really can't go by sizing and need to try stuff on. I used to wish I had a more womanly body but I have learned to be happy with what I have!


Well-known member
I'm 5'9" and currently a 4-6 in bottoms and a S-M in tops where I shop. Even though I'm tall, I have a smaller frame and I don't have much in the way of hips or a butt (with the exception of the insulation I'm working off), so I can easily (healthwise) being another size or two smaller. My tops size probably won't shrink much because although I wasn't blessed with a tush, I've got boobies galore!

Sidenote: I really despise the vanity sizing and lack of standardization, because I am verrrrry swayed by numbers. That's probably part of the reason I stick to only one or two stores...the places I know where my size is "smaller".


Well-known member
In AU sizing I'm anywhere between a 6, 8 or sometimes even a 10
But mostly 8.

I am BIG though, I don't know how I fit into 6 or 8, I'm losing weight though but if I wear bigger sizes that are a little baggy on me it makes me look worse.

Don't know what that'd be in US sizing but.

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