What the hell is wrong with me??

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Breaking News at 11

They become devils most time after being in the Catholic Church....

They come out and run wild!


Well-known member
This thread is the SHIT... seriously.. this is our "say anything" thread... and the 'what the hell is wrong with me' title is perfect. honestly. LOL


Well-known member
Yah cause I am sure some innocent victims that stumble upon this thread are probably scarred for life on some of the stuff we've been saying..HAHAHA...


Well-known member
This thread is AWESOME... It's making me smile, and I def need to smile... It's funny how much I miss when I go to work... I must say, I never went to Catholic School, and I am kinda glad I didnt...LOL


Well-known member
God I love my religion... Lord knows... but catholic school was hell in a handbasket. I mean there was alot of stuff about it that i enjoyed.. it got me really prepared for high school academically.... and I got a really great work ethic from it-- but the stuff that they really couldnt control as an administration (selfish crazy familes... insane kids.... bitchy girls...) Im sure you get some of it in public school too but there it was more "well we donated x number of dollars to the church so what are you going to do for MY child?" bullshit... which sucked.


Well-known member
I can imagine; when I was living in NY (when I was in elementary school) my parents sent me to private school and it was always about what you parents did for th school which was annoying; Also, it seemed like everyone was a BIG snob; when I moved back to Toronto, it was such a difference, but I loved the school system here


Well-known member
You guys crack me up, seriously. Although I did feel a little nauseous at the vagina stapling comment (you know how you just cross your legs when you hear shit like that? *shudders*).


Well-known member
Yeah but, what are they going to tell me? Wait it out....

Im going to call planned parenthood here @ nine when they open. ugh.


Well-known member
I just called and they said i shouldnt be having symptoms from the pill still... and that i need to come in for a pregnancy test- I told her that that would be dumb because I just had sex a week ago, and she startedl aughing and was like "then i doubt these are pregnancy symptoms." ..she said im pry just psyching myself out.

So im going to get some coffee and watch some regis and kelly.. brent just tested me 10 minutes ago too and goes "Hey are you feeling any better this morning?"

didnt text him back. holler.


Well-known member
I would make an appt...it is better to be safe than sorry! I hope you feel better ... I have no experience with this pill so I have no idea if what you are experiencing is normal....It sure as hell does not sound normal.


Well-known member
His ass is just afraid you are pregnant...I wouldn't even give him an answer for weeks and weeks...Just let him sit, sweat and ponder if he has to pay child support payments soon!


Well-known member
^^haha...yah totally, psych his ass out!! As far as the whole boobs hurting and what not, that has totally happened to me...every once in a while..and I'll be like, "what the hell, I better not be pregnant again!" But that will usually happen to me (if it does) about a week or so before I get my period. So I wouldn't worry..and the sick feeling could be from you being all worried about it...or you could be just getting sick?? I don't know about down there, but in this town, the flu is spreading like wildfire!! It usually starts up in around september and sweeps the town..haha..and now cause of my luck, Jaelyn has it..this will be Day 2 that I am staying home..so YAY YAY to that, but not really (I hope I don't get it..i feel kinda icky today too) But that could be caused by the lack of sleep I had last night from her waking me up every half an hour!! Gonna need an extra coffee this morning..HAHA..sorry I'm rambling now!!


Well-known member
My boobs hurt like hell right b4 my cycle...Maybe you are about to have your period....HOPEFULLY!


Well-known member
^Like a week before you're supposed to start?? Mine hurt every once in a while before Im going to start but i dont remember themhurting this far away... argh.

Jenna you're not rambling.. I was up with adler every 2 hours for 45 minutes a shot last night... he just would NOT sleep.. the kid already has 8 teeth and im sure is cutting more because hes just not a happy camper @ night time.

This morning when I woke up I was so freaking exhausted I was shaking. .... dont worry, rambling is what mom's do. lol


Well-known member
^^Yah, sometime it is a week before..or a week and a half..thats why I am always worried about it! haha..but the pain in the boobs DOES go away, and then i do get my period..soooo..Don't worry about it too much. Plus I bet it does have something do to with the pills you took cause you dosed your body with some high intake of hormones (probably lots of estrogen) lol..I don't even know what Plan B is made out of but when I think of it, I think of one big ass birth control pill...so all those hormones WOULD mess your body up, right??!
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