What Trend Do You Wish Would Go Away


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Originally Posted by TISH1127
Love the Big belt look.....especially if you have the body to pull it off

That's fair ~ I'm 4'11" so it pretty much looks like a corset on me only bad.

Ok another thing that annoys me it not matching which becomes harder with hair I hate it when people wear something that totally does not match with their hair on in general.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ritchieramone
I'm shocked that I'm aready at the age where trends from my childhood/teenage years are coming round again. Oh dear.

Some 80s stuff was so hideous it never should see the light of day again. This week, I saw a foul strapless pink stonewashed denim minidress with a peplum in a magazine and the caption was something like "Some 80s fashions should stay in the 80s but check *this* gorgeous dress out!"

Man I hate to hear that it shows my age, and I'm not even an 80's child but for some reason I adore it. But wearing Rainbow Bright shirts at 31 just well I can't bring myself to do it

I'm waiting for Snot Topic to start selling Barney shirts.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ritchieramone
I'm shocked that I'm aready at the age where trends from my childhood/teenage years are coming round again. Oh dear.

Some 80s stuff was so hideous it never should see the light of day again. This week, I saw a foul strapless pink stonewashed denim minidress with a peplum in a magazine and the caption was something like "Some 80s fashions should stay in the 80s but check *this* gorgeous dress out!"

I was thinking about this last night and was hoping that those loose, button up silk shirts never come back. Everyone wore them and they were so unflattering and people were walking around with sweaty pits all the time. Erghhhh....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ri0tdorque
That's fair ~ I'm 4'11" so it pretty much looks like a corset on me only bad.

Ok another thing that annoys me it not matching which becomes harder with hair I hate it when people wear something that totally does not match with their hair on in general.

Ok just curious....as far as not matching the hair..Mine is Black so I can wear anything...I am looking at your avatar, and I like the color of your hair...However, what colors do you wear that matches your hair? I have never heard of hair matching...But than again my hair has always been Black or dark brown


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
you know what trend i wish would come back?

denim overalls. anyone with me?

I'm honestly not being sarcastic; I just curious about why you like them so much.

About 20 years ago, I had some rose pink weaver's cloth overalls, and they made me(5'3', and in those days about 125 lbs.) look about 3' by 3'.

I looked like a piece from some child's Weevils farm set.
Not a flattering look for me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by leenybeeny

people were walking around with sweaty pits all the time. Erghhhh....

I had to wear dress shields under fabrics like that, for that very reason.
What a pain!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Love the Big belt look.....especially if you have the body to pull it off

If you have a small waist it can look great.
I'm old enough to remember when belts were HUGE, and so were shoulder pads.

I nursed the gentle notion that enormous shoulders made my hips look smaller, but, thinking back, I probably actually looked like a Pittsburgh Steeler in drag.

I think my trouble was that I had an "hourglass" figure when "hourglass" figures weren't cool; everybody wanted to look like Linda Evans, with small hips and few curves.
God just didn't make my body like that.


Well-known member
I have one that I know many people with disagree with me on:

Louis Vuitton.

It's not exactly a trend, but I think it looks tacky (especially the monogram ones). Especially when people pair the brown and tan colored ones with black (are you kidding me?). Not a lot of people can pull it off. Don't get me started on the colored monogram design. I really tried to appreciate it before, but I couldn't see how anyone could spend $600 on a wallet that looks like... that. Sorry to those who might be offended but really, that print (monogram) really just bugs me.


Well-known member
Oh I know someone who doesn't have toenails on one foot. It does look different but I guess I got used to it! It's not that noticeable on her because her feet always looks so... clean. I asked her one time if her toes get painful when she wears closed shoes but apparently they don't. Just sharing

Originally Posted by Fataliya
Reminds me of the lady that came in to my old casino one time wearing flip flops and she didn't have NOT ONE toenail on any of her toes.

You ever see 10 toes, but no toenails? THAT IS SOME SCARY SHIT.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by cocomia
I have one that I know many people with disagree with me on:

Louis Vuitton.

It's not exactly a trend, but I think it looks tacky (especially the monogram ones). Especially when people pair the brown and tan colored ones with black (are you kidding me?). Not a lot of people can pull it off. Don't get me started on the colored monogram design. I really tried to appreciate it before, but I couldn't see how anyone could spend $600 on a wallet that looks like... that. Sorry to those who might be offended but really, that print (monogram) really just bugs me.

Actually, I agree. I think they're ugly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
you know what trend i wish would come back?

denim overalls. anyone with me?



okay, is it wrong that when you said that I immediately thought of my overalls that I drew...wait for it...billiard balls on?

paint pens made me the shit in the late 80s early 90s. cross colours/paco suits be damned!

(still not buying a pair of overalls ever again, though)


Well-known member
I just have to add that it is so strange to notice things you wore as a kid coming back in style. It's starting to make me feel old, even though I am technically young!

The peace sign came back in the mid 90s.. anyone remember? Everything had a peace sign on it. Now I notice the peace sign coming back.
Another thing... I never though straight legged jeans would come back. When I was young that was the biggest fashion no-no. Now look!
I can't believe stretch pants are back either.. thats all I wore in the early 90s lol

It's amazing to see fashion re-cycle it's self!


Well-known member
I know the hat with stickers/label thing is a few pages back... but... I don't specifically which hats everyone has mentioned, but if they're New Era cap's then you ruin the value of them by removing the stickers (but not the labels)
The label thing does sound dumb though.

I'm guilty of practically everything mentioned on here especially anything related to leggings/long tshirt dresses/ugg boots. I personally don't think I look bad at all wearing long tshirts with tights, ugg boots with denim mini skirts, dresses with three quarter length leggings etc... infact I know I don't look bad considering I've had my photo taken four times on different occasions in London by forecasters whilst wearing said combinations! Each to their own I guess.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cocomia
I have one that I know many people with disagree with me on:

Louis Vuitton.

It's not exactly a trend, but I think it looks tacky (especially the monogram ones). Especially when people pair the brown and tan colored ones with black (are you kidding me?). Not a lot of people can pull it off. Don't get me started on the colored monogram design. I really tried to appreciate it before, but I couldn't see how anyone could spend $600 on a wallet that looks like... that. Sorry to those who might be offended but really, that print (monogram) really just bugs me.

I agree..I would actually extend this to any item thats monogram..like the Coach bags with the C's all over..or even bebe shirts that say bebe on the front..I dont get it..the person wearing it looks like a walking advertisement..instead of fashionable.


Well-known member
I hate wearing labels. A&F, Hollister, LV, Coach, Pink, whatever...I hate wearing something that's going to go across my body and make it into a billboard.
My UA, Nike, etc., if the decoration is limited to the small monogram/swoosh/whatever, it's all good. But a big UNDERARMOUR or NIKE across my chest/back/ass = no go at this station soldier.


Well-known member
Have we discussed orange White girls yet?

I hate that.

Step away from the tanning bed and the bronzer, please.

Originally Posted by cupcake_x
Oh and... Tramp stamps.

Especially tramp stamps like THIS...


UH... What????


I am so over this, and most other tattoos that are supposed to be "original". People don't think about what they're going to look like as a grandmother with all this ink on their body. It's not feminine at all.


Well-known member
Oh god I agree about tramp stamps. Gross. I have one tattoo but it's tasteful and in a place where nobody can see it except my boyfriend and people at a swimming pool. It says "C'est la vie" and I got it while I was going through a VERY hard time in my life.

My fashion rant: UGG BOOTS *cry*


Well-known member
^^^ i hate UGG(ly) boots..I still dont understand why they are so popular..at first I thought because they keep your feet warm during the winter..but when I saw girls wearing them with skirts in the summer..I was so confused..they are soo ugly I will never understand why people like them

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