What Trend Do You Wish Would Go Away


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Ed Hardy.
I'm sure I've mentioned him before, but uh.
It's a t-shirt with a premade tattoo design, and rhinestones.
for 60 dollars.

AGREED!!!! My boyfriend and I went to Marshalls they had all kinds of Ed Hardy stuff.. He thought it was hilarious but I think it's just so tacky.


Well-known member
I watched this dude walking down the street as I was sitting at the light today and he had his jeans folded and tapered at the angle to fit like skinny jeans, that didn't really bother me......but then they were sagging so bad...that every ( I swear) 2 steps he made he had to pull them up and he kept feeling the bottom of his t-shirt in the back to make sure it was not rising up to show his drawzzz...How in the hell is that comfortable when you have to pull your pants up EVERY 2 steps...HOW!!! I tried also not to look at all the price tags and logo tags hanging off the baseball cap he was wearing...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigiopolis
I hate Uggs.

I understand that there is a need for them especially in cold, bitter weather. But I live in Vancouver. Our weather is rather temperate and we rarely go below -5 degrees Celsius. And it rains like a mofo here. Uggs + Vancouver do not mix, people! The toes of your light tan Uggs stained to a lovely dark poo brown colour by dirty rain water is not a good look!

If you're going to give me the weather excuse for Uggs in Vancouver, wear RAIN BOOTS PLS.

I also loathe Uggs, almost as much as I loathe thongs/flipflops. They are not shoes and should only be worn in public bathing facilities when trying to prevent foot-rot.



Well-known member
^^^ Foot Rot!!!
OMG you would hate the people in Texas they practically wear Flip Flops 24/7 365 LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^^ Foot Rot!!! OMG you would hate the people in Texas they practically wear Flip Flops 24/7 365 LOL

I'm in Australia so it's a big thing here as is paying like $40 for a pair of them...! Flaps of foam are not shoes!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Ed Hardy.
I'm sure I've mentioned him before, but uh.
It's a t-shirt with a premade tattoo design, and rhinestones.
for 60 dollars.

HA!! Come into the casino sometime.

You ever seen head-to-toe Ed Hardy? I'm talkin' hat, shirt, pants...including men wearing EH pants that SAY ED HARDY ON THE ASS.

Um, you're a dude...why you wearing sayings on yer ass???


Well-known member
I'd also like to second, or third, or fourth flip flops.

But my peeve is men in flip flops. I mean, unless you've got super cute manicured feet, you really should only wear those if you're in prison.

And while I'm on the subject...why do ladies with totally jacked up feet show their feet?

I mean, if your toes look all gnarled up like cashews, and you have so much dry skin that it looks like you glued sandpaper to the bottom, WHY show them off? It frightens me, and they should be kept under wraps.

Or at least socks.

Reminds me of the lady that came in to my old casino one time wearing flip flops and she didn't have NOT ONE toenail on any of her toes.

You ever see 10 toes, but no toenails? THAT IS SOME SCARY SHIT.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fintia
the 80's trend. I'm tired of it!

I'm shocked that I'm aready at the age where trends from my childhood/teenage years are coming round again. Oh dear.

Some 80s stuff was so hideous it never should see the light of day again. This week, I saw a foul strapless pink stonewashed denim minidress with a peplum in a magazine and the caption was something like "Some 80s fashions should stay in the 80s but check *this* gorgeous dress out!"


Well-known member
I personally have no problems with flip flops...I rarely wear them...but they don't bother me. My son and husband love them.....My only problem with any open toe foot exposed shoes are crusty feet, corns and hammer toes...Those do need to be enclosed for all public appearances...and yes this includes the quick post office and supermarket visits...My dh has the nicest toes...so I really like him in his leather flip flops and khakis....CUTE!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ginger9

There's one thing that kinda makes me roll my eyes and that's rich-kid-wanna-be-hipsters. Nothing about their look comes "naturally", it's all a big concerted expensive effort to look like they're not trying.

Yes - that's definitely a pet peeve of mine. Why spend hundreds of dollars on outfits that look like they have been worn for years and make you look like a sloppy bum?

Another trend that I'm done with is skinny pants. I will admit that they look incredibly good on some people but look terrible on me, and I'm not even fat! They just make me look weird, IDK what it is.
i don't know why people got issue with flip flop, where i live i see people in flop everyday(summer, winter, spring autumn) it is almost normal. I always thought flip flop is an everyday thing. That could be i live in So cal and 3 miles away from the beach.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
I have $50 dollar flip flops

California ;-;

50 bucks? Are they Rainbow sandals? I used to work for the company and their flip flops ranged from 45-65 bucks a pair. They're pretty awesome tho, but still...

And i LOVE flip flops! Im from the Philippines; i feel like they throw a pair of baby flip flops on you once you're born hehehe


Well-known member
I'm in Australia; it'll be a cold day in hell before someone pries the Haviana flipflops off my beautifully manicured feet


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Originally Posted by zeitghost
Peasant blouses and empire-waisted dresses. There is a time and a place for looking pregnant, thank you very much.

Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
I most def agree with this. I'm slim but I have lotsa boobs so I def don't like ppl with my body shape wearing empire-waisted stuff. The boobs hold the fabric to make you look pregnant. I guess for more flat-chested women this look can work, but not for the rest :/

ITA! Whoever said empire waisted clothing is universally flattering for every body type (I'm talking to you What Not To Wear!) is wrong. I look horrible in peasant blouses and empire-waisted styles. I am widest in the shoulder and where the empire waist starts - I look like a line backer when I wear clothes like that! I'm actually best with where the narrowest part of the garment is at the waist. Yes, it is that simple.

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