I got into MAC back in August 2004. I got Whim and Little Madame, Permaplum, some awful peach blush (it went back), a bronzer, Untitled, Studio Fix, Pompadorable, Creme Brule lip tasti, the 239, 217 and a big bronzer brush that went back a few days later. We ended up going back to the counter 5 minutes after we left to get Zoomlash. I went back an incredible amount of times on that vacation. LOL.
I detest the Whim and Little Madame eyeshadows, but I LOVE my MAC! I am totally and utterly obsessed. I only used the same 3 purple eyeshadows everyday before MAC. I now have over 50 eye shadows and a TON of pigments either in full jars or samples. I am now on my 4th palette as well. Oops! My friend who got me hooked said I'd get into browns and greens. I doubted her at the time, but she was right.