Well, my first trip to MAC I bought 3 eyeshadows, but I would have to consider Velvet Moss e/s my official first item because it was the one that I chose first. I also got paradisco and coppering, but they were kind of afterthoughts...lol.
This was back in 1998 I bought
Spice L/L
Frou L/S
Clear lipglass
and vanilla e/s
throughout the years after that I added to my collection lil bits at a time...until OCT 2005 thats when I caught "the MAC flu" and I have had the disease ever since then and its getting progressively worse everyday. I am convinced it will one day take over my body and consume me
Belle Azure e/s!!! I got it last summer when a camp I was a counselor for went shopping in Charleston for one of our field trips...to be honest, the only reason I got it was b/c I dropped my ultimate favorite bright blue Caboodles e/s (still can't remember the name of it) and the Belle Azure seemed to be the closest match...I didn't even know it was LE or anything, I just thought "what the hell, I deserve a lil treat after dealing w/ these crazy-ass girls!"
After that I didn't buy any more MAC for a while...I was like "why is everyone so obsessed w/ MAC??? It's sooooo expensive!!" Then I had to go and join MUA--and then worse--Specktra!! Hee hee
and now I can't STOP buying MAC stuff!!! My m/u stash is slooooowly but surely being engulfed by MAC products! "Well paycheck...it's been nice spending you before I even get you
My first MAC product was Studio Finish concealer and I'm really surpised that I stuck with MAC after that experience - it was way too heavy and thick and accented lines on my at-the-time 20 year old skin. I thought it was me and was distraught. I hung on for the eyeshadows (Sweet Lust totally converted me) and later discovered Select Moisturecover for my concealing needs!
my loving aunt introduced me to mac about 3 yrs ago and gave me a gift box which contained:
e/s:gleam, honeylust, era
l/s:twig, spirit,faux