What was your very first MAC product?

My first MAC product was Nehru eyeshadow. I think I purchased this back in 2006 and I still have it


Well-known member
e/s: Dear Cupcake
mascara: Zoom Lash
liner: Smolder
pigment: Vanilla
foundation: Pro Longwear SPF15
powder: Studio Fix
blush: I don't remember lol
lipliner: Cherry
lipglass: Baby Sparks
lipstick: Snob
misc: 15 Pan Palettes

Amber Dawn

Well-known member
First product I was gifted: Chrome Yellow and Jewel Blue Eyeshadows

First product I bought: 217, 239, 266, and Brush Cleaner (First mini-haul!)
e/s: Club
foundation: Studio Moisture Tint in Light
powder: Blot Powder
blush: So Sweet, So Easy
lipglass: Nymphette
lipstick: A Rose Romance


Staff member
A more complete list... Eyeshadow: Shale Mascara: N/A Liner: Ebony Pigment: N/A Foundation: N/A Powder: N/A Blush: Dame Lipliner: Plum (which I don't have anymore but want to repurchase eventually) Lipglass: Bizaarish (RIP) Lipstick: Tease Me (as mentioned in my previous post...RIP) Miscellaneous: 217 brush


Well-known member
Circa 2003, I wanted a foundation to control the oilies. I went to MAC for the first time.. I got some sort of foundation that was a Studio one, in a tube, that was discontinued shortly after. I can't remember the name of it though. It was a nice, matte finish. I felt so spoiled when the MA was applying it. At that time in my life though, MAC was completely out of my price range, so I didn't go back for a while.

Fast forward to 2005ish. Passed by a freestanding MAC one day, and strolled in. I told the MA I was just browsing, but in a short while, she convinced me on a lip lacquer. I can't remember the name, but it was almost white, with an iridescence. I wore it like crazy, even though it gummed up all over my lips.

With that, a monster was born...

Eyeshadow: I had to get a quad! Sumptuous Olive, Freshwater, Beauty Marked, and Parfait Amour
Mascara: Didn't like any until this year > Studio Lash Fix
Liner: Blitz & Glitz Fluidline
Pigment: Frozen White/Bell Bottom Blue
Powder: MSFN
Blush: Dainty Mineralized
Lipliner: Dervish
Lipglass: The lacquer above. Actual lipglass: Nico, Oyster Girl, and Bizaarish
Lipstick: Big Bow
Miscellaneous: 239

I can't believe I actually remember all of this. But I guess, I didn't really start collecting until around 2006. I didn't start chasing collections until around 2009. 150 or so eyeshadows, and 120 lip products later....


Well-known member
I'm thinking it was in like 2005, when I was in 7th grade. I got three eyeshadows; Creme De Violet, Chrome Yellow, and Rule.


Well-known member
My very first MAC product was Freshwater eyeshadow and I was 17 or 18 years old. (I started wearing/getting into make-up at the age of 16ish, 17). I fell in love with it and I still love it. And now I'm pathetically obsessed with all MAC products!


Well-known member
My first MSF was glissade..
Eyeshadow: Smut
Lipstick: peach stock
Foundation: studio fix
Blush: Well dressed
Lipglass: Pink Lemonade


Well-known member
My first MAC experience was a big haul on my birthday! I got a few eyeshadows (Mystery, Shadowy Lady, Hush I think) and a bunch of brushes.


Well-known member
Blush: raizan
Lipstick: touch
eyeshadow: it was a quad with sushi flower, soft brown, sable and orb and i got an extra shadow: plumage
brush: 188
lipgloss: richer lusher

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