What was your very first MAC product?

I went on a HUGE haul (only because there is no MAC near me). I did this damage when I was on vacation:

MSF Natural in Light Plus
MSF in Soft and Gentle
Dainty Blush
Painterly Paint Pot
Eyeshadows in Shroom, Mulch, Twinks, Naked Lunch, and Woodwinked.
Viva Glam V lipstick and one in Desire.
MAC 109 Brush


Well-known member
My very first product was e/s Juiced.
I bought it when I was 16 y/o
and I still got it.
I love the eyeshadow,
and want it to last forever!


Well-known member
My first product was Mythology
I remember it likt it was yesterday.
I the mall with my two best friends my parents gave me 100 dollars to buy some tops and then all I had left was some change. I was sitting in between the MAC and Sephora and I went into the Sephora and swatches a few items. Got out and looked at the mac store I quickly opened my wallet and I had about 9 dollars. Then I counted out some quarters and walked into mac swatched some eyesjadows and picked one at random then I had my friend pay for it cause I was embarrased with paying in coins. It was my first pan eyeshadow form MAC. 11.50. I was 15 years young
oooooooooooo the memories lol :)


Well-known member
My first MAC purchase was only a couple of years ago! I think I got Woodwinked eyeshadow (which I hate!), a mineralize eyeshadow I can't recall the name of at the moment, but I didn't like it much, Prep & Prime eye (hate), and a couple of other things. Not a great first purchase but I bought online without checking things out in person - doh!

Thia Winter

Well-known member
My first MAC purchase was at a PRO store in Vegas. I got Fleshpot (which has mysteriously disappeared GRRRR but I plan to repurchase in January), Untitled Paint, and a 222 brush. That 222 is STILL my go to crease brush and probably the most used brush I own.
e/s: All That Glitters
mascara: N/A... yet
liner: N/A
pigment: Vanilla
foundation: Studio Sculpt
powder: MSF Natural
blush: N/S
lipliner: N/A
lipglass: Funtabulous
lipstick: Fresh Brew
misc: first brush was 213


Well-known member
Seedling eyeshadow & Sweet Sienna pigment ...... both are still favorites of mine


New member
My first MAC product was the Blushcreme in "Laid back".
But never used it because it's way to dark for me :-D


Well-known member
Mine was golden olive pigment. I asked my friend for a bright green from mac for a birthday not quite the bright i wanted but i still fell hard.


Well-known member
My first MAC product was MSFN that I bought when I made the horrid mistake of thinking my face was much more tan than it really was. Talk about looking like an Oompa Loompa.


e/s: Trax,Amber Lights,Woodwinked and Star Violet ( all at the same time )
mascara: NA
liner: NA
pigment: Vanilla and Pink Opal
foundation: Pro Longwear
powder: MSF Natural
blush: Blushbaby
lipliner: NA
lipglass: NA
lipstick: NA
misc: Fix +


Well-known member
My first products i got was Macs Studio Fix Fluid and Mineralize Skinfinsh got them both together in 2009. My mac collection has grew ALOT since then.


Well-known member
My younger sisters actually introduced me to MAC, and I made my first MAC purchase back in the late summer of last year. I bought the Prolong Wear Foundation, Prolong Wear Concealer, and Prep + Prime Transparent Finishing Powder. I still consider myself a MAC newbie, but I am slowly turning into a MAC addict lol.

Audrey C

Well-known member
In the mid-80s, I found and fell in love with a makeup line called Electa and Corrado. A lot of my first part time job earnings poured into their products since I worked across the street from a Bay store that had a counter. I built up a good sized stash (for a teenager), but after they closed I mostly drifted back to drugstore brands. I didn't have much money for makeup in my early 20s.

My first foray into MAC was the Viva Glam I launch ('93 or '94, I think). Mocha came next; I still wear both shades, although not in the same heavy matte way I did then. :)

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