What would you do if you saw something like this?


Well-known member
Considering your livelihood has never depended on cattle, sheep, or other types of livestock, I'd not expect you to be able to understand.

Those vegetables you like to eat? Someone has to grow them. That someone has to protect his investment one way or another. You've obviously never lived in an area where deer, hog, goat, and recently emu are varminting through the area, destroying crops, eating grain, etc. that are meant to be what's sold to put clothes on your back, electricity in your home, and food on your table.

You're knocking an entire culture based on ignorance. As Devin said earlier, it's not really all that different from an African boy being given a spear and told to go chase down a water buffalo. It's not the lifestyle YOU choose to live. That doesn't make it wrong, it makes it different.
The animal wasn't killed to be stuffed and set in someone's trophy room. It's going to be eaten. Not only does that mean that the family is fed for however long, it means the butcher shop who does it gets business for doing it, as well as notoriety for being the ones to handle it, therefore, more business.
You're not from here, I don't expect you to understand it, and I don't ask that you endorse it, but I do expect and ask that you make an effort not to belittle the culture, simply because you don't agree with it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
That's not even a rational argument.
Have you ever messed with or raised pigs? No? Ok. I have. Wild boars are aggressive. "Domesticated" pigs aren't exactly nice critters either.
If it isn't on the property it 'belongs' to, then sorry, no, a thousand pound animal with a definite propensity for violence, wild or domesticated, being shot doesn't break my heart.

Additionally, I have had my neighbors shoot my dog(s). Dogs, pets or not, running cattle on another man's land are just asking for a bullet through the neck, or at bare minimum some birdshot peppered ass.

The animal was outside its property lines, and *shrug* realistically, anyone can see how it would be considered at threat, particularly if they've ever raised pigs.

There's no 'gun violence' there, and I can assure you...the country boy with the rifle is the LAST person you have to worry about going haywire and blasting through the school.

My grandfather's neighbor shot all of his ducks. Of course that neighbor decided to build his garden right next to my grandfather's pond, so I don't think he had a really good argument. A$$hole.

Anyway, I think I understand what semtexgirl was trying to say. It's kind of like when a small town starts to grow and housing developments spring up everywhere and then the people wonder why Bambi is in their yard eating their grass. If you were an animal that's home was destroyed by development, you'd be munching on someone's garden too!
I don't think she was suggesting we live in tents or not protect our familiy when needed. It's just the cocky attitude that people sometimes have. I've seen it in my old hometown.

Oh, and I don't think all humans are smarter than animals...have you ever read The Darwin Awards?


Well-known member
That whole, "Lost Creek Plantation" is pretty sick too.

It's basically a fenced in area of land, where sport hunters (i still don't see how using a gun to hunt is remotely sporting) can pay a fee to go shoot the different animals that are placed in that area.

Hunting is such an outdated form of entertainment. Thats nearly as bad as that internet hunter thing, where a feeding ground had guns/web cams pointed at it, and people could pull the trigger and shoot the animals who came to eat.



Well-known member
It's just a large pig. We eat pigs. We kill them all the time! They're just usually smaller. So what exactly is the big deal? This one was supposedly just a large farm pig. It was just killed a little earlier than expected.

Sausage mmmm! =]