What you gettin/got from Heatherette and why?


Well-known member
My bf is a sweetheart, he's been hauling with me and will pay for my Heatherette haul.

Here's my list:
-both eye trios
-lollipop loving l/s
-sock hop l/g
-alpha girl b/p
-all the eye pencils

I need to check it out IRL and to see if I like Melrose Mood, Starlet Kiss, & Smooth Harmony. Ughhhh.....I probably can't resist and will most likely get them.


Well-known member
Trio 1 - since i've got quite a few purples and pink just doesn't look good on me so trio 1 it is. i love the colors. very different.

All four dual eye pencils - i love to mix it up when im doing my shadows and use various colors and i dont have good dark pencil liners that i dont use in my waterline. i like a little bit of shimmer to make my look pop and i love all the colors.

Jardin Aires Pigment - since i've been eyeing it for awhile. love the color

Pink Pearl Pigment - loved it since i tried it out...very similar to stars N rockets but better since i dont have that it's good.

Lollipop Loving Lipstick - beautiful sheer shimmery pink color

Sock Hop - nice orangey coral

Alpha Girl BP - gives me a nice light flushed look

I tried smooth harmony but it blended with my skin too much. I may go back and get it.


Well-known member
i looove the lippies from this collection! im getting:
Lollypop Loving + Sock Hop
Hollywood Nights + Style Minx
because those look hottt together!

i also want Alpha Girl b/p because it looks like it would give the same effect as Pearl Blossom from Barbie which im sooo sad i missed!

im skipping the e/s trios although they look extremely pretty but i dont think they're must-haves.. hmmm im also considering the pencils but im gonna have to see them in person first =]


Well-known member
I want

l/s Hollywood Nights
l/s Melrose Mood

l/g Style Minx
l/g Starlet Kiss

Eye Trio 1

BP Alpha Girl
BP Smooth Harmony

I don't only love the hot pink packaging but also the pink shades of the lippies. And of course I am a fan of the BPs.


Well-known member
I want...


Bonus Beat (sounds gorgeous)
Sockhop (to go with lollipop loving)
Starlet Kiss (to go with melrose mood)

Melrose Mood
Hollywood Nights (Coz I love pink lippes)
Lollipop Loving (I dont own any coral l/s)

Heatherette Trio 1 (dont have these colors and the packaging is stunning)
Heatherette Trio 2 (dont have these colors and the packaging is stunning)

Night hawk/Front Row (not sure about these two yet, will have to see swatches)
Fab orchid/Dash Lily

Jardin Aires pigment (sounds quite unusual)

Shes good lash (I dont have any mac lashes yet)

GOD Iam going to be broke after this haul.


Well-known member
I haven't made it to the store just yet. I was thinking about a pencil and the 3D silver. Oh, I hope to not get tempted for more.


Well-known member
I'm hoping to get ...

Both eyeshadow trios - trio 1 as there are colours in it that my collection lacks; I don’t have any true black e/s (I’m ignoring the fact that that’s because I don’t like black e/s because I do like the idea of the green sparkles) and the mint green looks lovely – trio 2 because although I have plenty of similar colours, they’re ones I wear on a regular basis so it will be nice to have a bit more choice

Jardin Aires pigment – I like peachy shades and I didn’t buy it on its first outing
Pink Pearl pigment – I’ve been meaning to buy this so even though I could get it later, now is as good a time as any, I reckon

Alpha Girl Beauty Powder – I’m not amazed by the colour, but I want one of those compacts and it’s the better shade of the two!

I don't like any of the lip stuff at all, apart from Style Minx and I have similar-ish shades already so I'll pass on it. I know I'm in a very small minority here, but I think the rest of the lipglasses and lipsticks are hideous!


Well-known member
I'm getting

*Hollywood nights l/s I have a thing for pink lips at the mo

*Style Minx l/g (only if they don't have a similar colour available in the lustreglasses as I don't really like the lipglass formula)

*I was gonna get eye trio 1 but I already have similar colours so I'll go for trio 2

*Smooth Harmony b/p I never got one of these first time round and it such a pretty colour

*shes bad/shes good lashes

* maybe the 3d glitter or I might just get a sample of it instead


Well-known member
After seeing swatches, I want more than I thought!
Lollipop Loving l/s
Sock Hop l/g
3D silver
Alpha Girl bp
the black/blue pencil

This will be the first time I buy something without seeing it in person first! This collection is only being released in one city in my country so I have to order it.. I'm a little scared. Plus we don't have a PRO store in NZ either so any chance I have to snap up glitters, I take full advantage!!!


Well-known member
I want both beauty powders, all the lipsticks, all the lipglosses and 3 pencils.

I'm going to pass on the lashes, glitters, nail polishes, and the pigments.

I'm still undecided on the trios. I have simular colours but I still kind of want them anyway.


Well-known member
I'm getting
Melrose mood x2
Lollipop loving
Bonus beat
Starlet kiss
Alpha girl bp x2
Smooth harmony bp
Eye trio 1
Eye trip 2
And maybe just maybe some lashes


Well-known member
i got:

lollipop loving l/s (pretty colour)
fleshpot l/s (don't have anything like it)
sock hop l/g (to go with lollipop loving)
bonus beat l/g (to go with fleshpot)
trio 2 (love the packaging and would use more than trio 1 cuz i don't use green)
nighthawk/front row dual eye pencil (for neutral looks)
fab orchid/dash lily dual eye pencil (loved the colour)
alpha girl b/p (love the packaging and i don't have a b/p)
smooth harmony b/p (love the packaging and i don't have a b/p)


Well-known member
To be honest I will have to wait to see it in person as a WOC I have to visit the MAC counter to make sure they will look good on me...
But I do like the packing!!!


Well-known member
I too am looking to get a lot of what many ppl already are craving. Just called my local mac counter and they are releasing tomorrow, so i'll be there around door opening (I think) LOL

-Alpha Girl
-Lollipop Loving l/s
-Sock Hop l/g
-Jardin Aires pigment
-Dual edge pencil in Nighthawk/Front Row

*fingers crossed* I can get it all tomorrow. I'm kinda wanting the trios but also have enough shadows that are kinda similar that i should be using therefore will pass.
Yay I'm so excited about Heatherette!

I'm getting:
Hollywood Nights - I'm a sucker for hot pink!
Lollipop Loving - xbrookcorex sold me on it with her swatch pictures and description.
Pink Pearl - I've been wanting this so bad ever since Leesha used it in a youtube vid, and stars n rockets is my fave shadow. I pretty much flipped out when I heard I wasn't going to have to drive 3.5 hours to the dallas pro store to get it (or order by phone, but whatever).
3D silver - who doesn't love glitter? I just want it!
$$$$$ Yes - The gold one from Antiquitease is one of my faves, so now I have to have a silver!
She's Good lashes - I love the #7's, and these look bad ass.
She's Bad lashes - these also look bad ass! I was dubious of the fishnet concept, but once I saw pics I was sold.

I'm not sure about:
Melrose Mood and Fleshpot - I'll have to try them on, but I'm terrified they will look ridiculous on me.
The eyeshadow trios - they just didn't seem very impressive, and the swatches I've seen definately hurt their case. However, I want the box. Dilemma!
The beauty powders - I love the compacts, and I'm tempted to get Alpha Girl for it, but I have beauty powders and I just don't really use them.
Jardin Aires - how many neutral pigments does a girl need? Well, I might need just one more...
Reflects Gold - I actually love this stuff, but I have a vial of it from Curiositease, so I don't think I need another whole jar of it.

Not interested in:
the pencils - I love my fluidline, when do I use pencils?
the glosses - lipglass has fallen out of my favor lately. Its so sticky, and I have so many already. I never really wear a lipstick and a gloss together, its one or the other, so for this collection I'm thinking its all about the lipsticks.

Am I missing anything? if so, I'm definitely not getting it, haha.


Well-known member
I'm getting...

BP-- Alpha Girl
Eye pencil duo-- Nighthawk/Front Row
Lipglosses-- Bonus Beat, Sock Hop, Starlet Kiss


Active member
All of it!!

apart from the Silver 3D glitter, and alpha girl b/p....im debating about the eye trio but i will probably get them even anyway. cant wait

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