What you gettin/got from Heatherette and why?


Well-known member
I already bought trio 1 from blueangel on here. I got it because of the gorgeous minty green colour. Also, I didn't have Cloudburst from before.
Later, I might get Lollipop loving lipstick. I have samples of the pigments and there is no way I'll ever use up those, so there wouldn't be much point for me getting a full jar.


dont kill me, but i wasnt overly impressed with the collection, i liked fafi alot more. i havent seen it in person though so i might change my mind. from what ive seen online Lollipop Loving looks gorgeous and so do the Shes Bad lashes. im not going to order till i see them though


Well-known member
On my definitely buying list -

Pink Pearl
Jardin Aires
3D Silver

Because I don't have that many piggies, got a few neutral-ish colours so would like to add Jardin Aires and don't have a bright pink or chunky silver glitter. Nighthawk and Frontrow just look awesome so I'd like them!

Lollipop Loving
Melrose Mood
Sock Hop
Starlet Kiss

Purely because they all look to die for.

And if I have money (I'm thinking not though...) I'd like either of the trios, smooth harmony and possibly She's Bad lashes.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I will probably only get Lollipop Loving l/s, just coz it's coral and summer is coming up. Nothing else really impresses me though. I'll save my money for the collecations coming up in the summer.


Well-known member
Well.. since you asked!!

I just picked up this morning..

Dual Edge pencil in NightHawk/FrontRow
both the lashes
Eye trio #2
Hollywood Nights and Lollipop Loving lipsticks
Style Minx and Starlet Kiss lipglasses
and I was given the Smooth Harmony beauty powder.



Well-known member
I just got back. I went to the counter at Macy's on my lunchbreak, lol. I just cuoldn't wait til the weekend!

Alas, I only got Lollipop Loving. I was going to get Trio 2, but decided not to. I am buying a house so I didn't want to spend too much.


Active member
I just went to MAC and picked up:
Lollipop Loving
Dual Edge Pencil in Fab Orchid/Dash Lily (Purple)
Trio 2
Pink Pearl Pigment

...and now I'm debating about whether or not I want to go back for Jardin Aires!


Well-known member
I purchased both of the trio eyeshadows, all of the lipsticks & lipglasses, all of the duo liners, the 2 eyelashes & the 2 beauty powders. I bought them because I really like the colors and texture, especially the duo liners.

Now I am contemplating on the two nail lacquers...


Well-known member
Went to MAC today, here's what I got from Heatherette:

Sock Hop l/g - I was hoping it would look like juice on the lips, and that's so fun for summer!
Lollipop Loving l/s - I had initially wanted Hollywood Nights because Lollipop Loving looks kind of pale in respect to my skin tone, but I thought about it and came to the conclusion that I'd probably not end up using Hollywood Nights as my taste in makeup has been getting conservative lately. Plus Hollywood Nights looks very similar to Girl About Town. I also wanted to add that Lollipop Loving kind of looks like a peachier version of High Tea.
Jardin Aires pigment - I like this neutral pigment!

I wanted to say that had the lip products been in normal packaging, I wouldn't have gotten anything, but I was suckered into really wanting something in special packaging! I was also thinking about getting Pink Pearl pigment, but the Macy's MAC counter didn't have it. That's cool, more money for me... for now. I have a feeling I'll just end up getting it eventually
I tried convincing myself that I wasn't going to get anything from Heatherette and telling myself that the packaging was tacky... Oh who am I kidding? The packaging is HOT!


Well-known member
lollipop loving l/s
sockhop l/g
fleshpot l/s
bonusbeat l/g
alpha girl b/p
smooth harmony b/p
$$$$$ yes n/l
nighthawk/frontrow e/l
black funk/pop blue e/l


Well-known member
Originally Posted by .:jinx:.
dont kill me, but i wasnt overly impressed with the collection, i liked fafi alot more. i havent seen it in person though so i might change my mind. from what ive seen online Lollipop Loving looks gorgeous and so do the Shes Bad lashes. im not going to order till i see them though

I like Fafi more, too. Lollipop Loving and Sock Hop were the only two things that I saw in the swatches I wanted and going in to look at it in person, I didn't change my mind LOL. The only other thing I got was the Dual e/l in Nighthawk/Front Row because I needed a good liner and the MA said the brown would go good with my blue eyes and she was of course right! LOL


Well-known member
I'm on a tight budget unfortunately---I went a little crazy with Fafi. I should have waited until Heatherette!

But I'm getting

-Melrose Mood because I am obsessed with light pastel pinks
-Starlet Kiss because I just love it
-Sock Hop because I have no coral-y lipglosses
-Smooth Harmony because I can use it as a bronzer
-Eye Trio 1, because I love the blue/green


Well-known member
I got

Hollywood Nights
Lollipop Loving
Melrose Mood

Starlet Kiss
Bonus Beat
Sock Hop

Smooth Harmony BP
She's Bad lashes
Pop Blue/Funk Black Pencil


Well-known member
I had to pass over the Trio #1, although it completely broke my heart, at the time. I already have Cloudburst, and the peachy colour is so-so, but the green was oh-so-lovely - damn...

However, I do adore my Trio #2, and when I put on the purple, all my regret for not buying Fertile, last spring, left me forever. And the pink case is metallic, clicky-click, how can you not love that!

I picked up the NightHawk/FrontRow, pencil, and the Lollipop Loving (online, a couple days ago), as well. I think the pencil is going to look nice with the peach/gold MES from Christmas.

This collection is pure love, isn't it? Something about that shade of pink. And metallic pink!


Well-known member
i want sock hop l/g, and maybe alpha girl BP.

the collection just hasn't grabbed me that much. i was excited for melrose mood l/s until i saw a swatch - it's not going to work on me at all


Well-known member
I wish I hated this collection. My poor wallet!

I'm getting:

- Lollipop Loving
- Sock Hop, Style Minx, Starlet Kiss
- Trio 1,2
- Alpha Girl
- Jardin Aires
- Black Funk/Pop Blue

I'm a sucker for pink, what can I say?

brownsuga lady

Well-known member
I made my purchases last night, I got:

-Hollywood Nights l/s
-Lollipop Loving l/s
-Sock Hop l/g
-Style Minx l/g
-Black Funk/Pop Blue dual edge pencil

I'm NC50


New member
I went to the store yesterday and picked up Hollywood Nights and it is amazing! I actually had no idea this collection was out yet, but I wanted hot pink lipstick anyway. I thought about getting Style Minx too, but ended up just getting Pink Poodle(which is an awesome match anyway)because I've been eyeing it for a while.

A funny note about the packaging(which I loooove): when I went home and pulled out my lipstick, my boyfriend thought it was a mini vibrator!


Well-known member
Hey y'all!
First of all, please ignore that my English is that bad, I'm sorry...

I know, that its not 100% the right subjekt in this thread but I have a question which I keep thinking about. I'm going to spend the next 3 weeks on vacation in Washington and New York. Do you think I still might get the products I want to have? I really, really really "need":
* the lollipop loving l/s - because the colour is just beautiful and I love glazes and the sparkle is so pretty!
*style minx l/g - because I just love pink, but I'm very pale (NC 15) and I like to look a little more natural, so a gloss, which is more transparent than the Hollywood Nights l/s works better for me!
* both pigments - again: because I love pink and jardin aires (btw: how do you pronounce "Jardin Aires"? Like french people would?) because it's just to beautiful to be true!
* trio 1 - because since Rollickin I'm so much in colours like that!
*maybe the alpha girl beauty powder, I'm not so sure about that yet!

Do you think they might already be sold out?
The first date when I maybe can get to a mac store is probably the 24th... Because otherwise I would have to leave a list of these products at home, so my mum can order them online. But I guess, she'll think I'm insane, when she sees how much I spend on Mac

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