Whats in our MAC? *Frightening*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
I remember watching an investigation on the local news on MAKEUP COUNTER TESTERS. OMG I felt sick. No joke. One of them happened to me MAC. They took samples from these and tested them out and there were microbes and what not in them, and some of them were harmful! From then on, I never used a tester. lol

When you go for makeovers, they use those testers on you.
Powder products cannot harbor much bacteria, so powder eyeshadows and blushes are fine.
Also, anything that has to be poured out is ok, coz no one is putting their fingers into the bottles.
But when going for makeovers, I would say not to use cream blush, studio tech foundation, studio finish concealer, basically anything that's a cream product in a pan where anyone's fingers could have been.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flammable
When you go for makeovers, they use those testers on you.
Powder products cannot harbor much bacteria, so powder eyeshadows and blushes are fine.
Also, anything that has to be poured out is ok, coz no one is putting their fingers into the bottles.
But when going for makeovers, I would say not to use cream blush, studio tech foundation, studio finish concealer, basically anything that's a cream product in a pan where anyone's fingers could have been.

I agree. They do use testers but with sanitized brushes. They never use their fingers. And they put their products on a lil palette rather than dipping it straight into the pot or product itself. I rather have it that way than any other way. And I never let them use any skincare or foundation products on me when I am there. I just say "pass"


Active member
Originally Posted by clotheswhore
I bet a lot of those ingredients are harmful only when ingested at high quantity. So unless you're eating your makeup, I think we're all safe.
The best way to know is to get the MSDS sheet for each of those ingredients.

totally agree with this..
it's all about the quantity...not the ingredients on their own


Well-known member
Originally Posted by athena123
Yeah.... ingredients in many cosmetics and skincare can be pretty frightening. I'll never use MAC skincare or foundation because of all the junk they use in their formulations. There are much, much better products for skincare and plenty of great companies who create wonderful mineral makeup.

I don't mind using MAC MSF, blush, eyeshadows and lipglasses because I have a layer of beneficial makeup making direct contact with the skin barrier. That prevents me from worrying too much about the crap leaching into my epidermal layer.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
I want to know who sponsors this site. Almost everybody has an agenda these days. I need to read the site more, but the statistics they use (Data gap stats?) makes me a bit skeptical.

I am as skeptical as you! The Lauder based companies are exceptional and I trust (after carefully reading the ingredient lists for irritating or useless ingredients) most of their products... especially wonderful are their skin-care products!


Well-known member
Oh Damn Shit.

So Whats A Good Foundation Though..

Liquid... Not Powder/Mineral....



Well-known member
we live in a chemical world. Everything is made of chemicals. Have you ever considered other things like radiation from our microwaves, tvs, and computer screens? Our water is chemically treated. The food we eat are chemically processed and chemically grown. There is nooo way to live 100% organic. The air we breath is poluted... the list goes on!

Theres no avoiding it! You can reduce the amount of toxins, but we all are gonna die eventually. I'm not gonna stop wearing MAC! MAC makes my life more enjoyable. I want to LIVE and be PRETTY~!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Babylard
we live in a chemical world. Everything is made of chemicals. Have you ever considered other things like radiation from our microwaves, tvs, and computer screens? Our water is chemically treated. The food we eat are chemically processed and chemically grown. There is nooo way to live 100% organic. The air we breath is poluted... the list goes on!

Theres no avoiding it! You can reduce the amount of toxins, but we all are gonna die eventually. I'm not gonna stop wearing MAC! MAC makes my life more enjoyable. I want to LIVE and be PRETTY~!


Psst...we're made of chemicals.
Full of carbon here.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
Psst...we're made of chemicals.
Full of carbon here.

I know! It makes me laugh when people are like.. "There's so many chemicals in our food!"

But water itself is a chemical.
And we're not going to stop drinking it because of that. XD


Well-known member
There are some people out there, such as the creators of this website, that I like to call "debbie downers", for all you SNL lovers lolol everything in this world contains chemicals that can kill us if consumed/used in large amounts. MAC Cosmetics will NOT give us cancer, I promise you.


Well-known member
A botulism outbreak in organic carrot juice nearly killed a mess of people last year.
Preservatives have a purpose.
I also would like to know who is behind this site...


Well-known member
I agree, We live in a world now where you can pick at anything in our lives and call it a hazard. People will sue over every little thing and I'm not about to go for organic make up yet, most organic products i've tried smell horrific! Chemicals are everywhere, perfume, shower gels, household detergents etc etc. I'm not saying we shouldn't take more care with the products we use, only that it's silly to go crazy over every little thing. Sites like that annoy me and only create hyperchondriacs. Gah!


Well-known member
I've seen that site before. It's nice to keep in mind that we don't really know what we're putting in and on our bodies. A concern for a lot of people is not only that but also we don't know the long term results of using these ingredients/chemicals/stuffs, if there is a result from using them mixed together (over a long period of time... and by long, I mean decades), or if they accumulate in the body somehow. But, yeah, it's really unavoidable. But you CAN control how much you expose yourself to a degree.

But, stress will kill you too! Don't panic.


Well-known member
Eh, an overdose of anything can kill you.
Too much water = water poisoning.
There really isn't much you can do. lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kalico
I've seen that site before. It's nice to keep in mind that we don't really know what we're putting in and on our bodies. A concern for a lot of people is not only that but also we don't know the long term results of using these ingredients/chemicals/stuffs, if there is a result from using them mixed together (over a long period of time... and by long, I mean decades), or if they accumulate in the body somehow. But, yeah, it's really unavoidable. But you CAN control how much you expose yourself to a degree.

But, stress will kill you too! Don't panic.

You get extra points for the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference. My favourite book.


Well-known member
Treat this exactly the same as that rubbish 'red lipstick will give you lead poisoning' report that gets trotted out every few years. To get lead poisoning from a red lipstick you'd have to eat just under a hundred kilos of it in one sitting.
The products they've listed as irritants or carcinogens are irritants in pure forms or when ingest/injected directly into the gut or body. Again, you'd have to chow down on litres upon litres of foundation, snack on tubs and tubs of moisturiser...

People genuinely do have reactions to certain products, but all I'm saying is be educated about it - chances are better that you're having a mild reaction to a pigment or an oil, not developing metastatic cancer that's starting on your cheeks.

For those who were wondering who is behind the site, it's the Environmental Working Group (EWG). They're an environmental political lobby group that lean towards the extreme end of the scale. I wouldn't take the information presented on the website as unbiased or without emotional leanings.


Well-known member
I don't swallow everything the EWG or cosmeticsafety.org tries to ram down my throat and the "chemical scare" kind of makes me laugh since, as many have pointed out in this thread, every living thing is made of chemicals. Despite my skepticism, sites like these can promote more awareness of what's contained in our skincare and makeup. I have oily skin prone to clogged pores. Until mineral makeup became available, I used to have to choose between covering my my blemishes, which in turn would cause even MORE breakouts, or not using any foundation at all in order to minimize my breakouts. It was a vicious cycle.

I've since educated myself on what my skin can and can't tolerate. Fillers, mineral oil, parabens and harsh sulfates have all become no-no's for anything that makes direct contact with my skin barrier; and it looks better than ever.

I'm just glad we have choices out there. It also helps to keep in mind that 100% organic isn't always the best option for everyone either. While the more organic skincare and cosmetic lines works well for me, essential oils often used in botanical brands can cause irritation for those with really sensitive skin.

A little common sense is all that's needed to separate the wheat from the chaffe.

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