What's the difference between constructive and non constructive criticism?


Well-known member
The point is, your criticism was not constructive. Feel free to dislike someone's FOTD all you want, but to say "You do look like a clown", for example, is just plain rude.

It was obvious by the original post and the title of the thread that this particular comment was hurtful to the poster (Nyla). So, if you thought her makeup was heavy or you didn't like it, why the heck not just say "It's not to my liking, here is why...". Is that so terribly difficult?

You are right, I don't know you and to laugh at the sociopath comment is just as offensive and I apologize. You might just be the sweetest human being in the world. But, you definitely did not portray yourself that way in your response.

I still don't get why the argument over common decency and manners in replying to a FOTD still exists? This is beyond my comprehension.


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Re: Apparently I look like a clown FOTD

Originally Posted by MACLovin
I don't think its fair to Nyla to have her thread closed just because of a rude, tactless individual.. people should still be able to comment on her look if they want.

However, perhaps the debate over the way certain members conduct themselves when commenting should have its own thread if people want to defend their right to be caustic and non-constructive. I don't see why it's so difficult to comprehend that if you're just spouting negative BS you may as well just shut it.
but i guess some will never learn.

I agree that it's not fair on Nyla, i wouldn't want her to close it either. I just wanted the personal attacks on her stopped and i see that Jaime have posted another thread for it, which is a great idea


Well-known member
For the record, you don't have to only say positive things otherwise keep it moving, if you have some critique that can be offered that you feel would improve a look, by all means everyone has the right to say so. But please remember this is someone's face you're talking about so a bit of tact and politeness can be expected. You can give criticism that will not offend someone, and might actually help them to improve their look or at least offer a new opinion. I don't think the FOTD forum is merely to "kiss ass", it's a great way to get helpful feedback from other people but common courtesy and tact goes a long way.


Well-known member
It's the spirit in which you say it- if you are genuinely wanting to help someone, chances are you will want to word your CC in a kind way, and if anyone did take offense you would most likely apologize and explain that you did not mean it in a hurtful way. If you just want to pick on someone, then you're not going to care if anyone is offended by what you said, and will probably get all defensive when anyone says you are rude.


Well-known member
Well to answer the question in the title:

If you look at the word "Constructive" it has "Construct" which most people take to mean "build".
You're trying to better the person and help them build their skill.

Nyla's FOTD was bold and different. People have different tastes, and most people aren't used to seeing such looks being worn like that.

I don't want to repeat what was already mentioned.
I do see where both sides are coming from, though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes

Nyla's FOTD was bold and different. People have different tastes, and most people aren't used to seeing such looks being worn like that.

I don't want to repeat what was already mentioned.
I do see where both sides are coming from, though.

I sort of can, too. I mean, constructive criticism is what it is: to help, we've established that. I don't really want to add much, because it's all been said. I've dealt with this alot as a seasoned mod at another forum. Though I'm not sure I see a big problem with saying 'Not my cup of tea, but I love how you did it'.
All in the phrasing, of course.

Of course, the individual is to be taken into account, too. Maybe someone (not meaning in this case exactly) the poster didn't mean to be rude, but they phrase things differently. I do know that artists and musicians are very blunt in how they critique things (I know many, and it's how they're critiqued at school so it's more natural for them and they don't mean it to be mean) so maybe things can come off wrongly.

This was always a big source of debate on the other forum too, though.


Well-known member
i didnt read alllll of the comments but i'll just say this.

i've noticed that SOME people post their FOTD's and ASK for CC. others dont. unless someone ASKS then STFU. If you dont LIKE it, dont comment. i do it all the time. i am not gonna waste my time saying "lak omg thats totally wack". nobody asked me. nobody asked you. i dont waste my time and neither should anyone else. if you like it, then by all means, say something. if the person ASKS for cc/help/suggestions, then by ALL means, suggest/give cc/help that person out. we're all learning here, none of us are perfect. we just have one thing in common, we fucking love cosmetics and love sharing that passion. i've learned that online, people are the most sensitive. maybe in real life you can point out "oh girl, thats not working for you.." but you cant do that here. people get offended and upset. and rightfully so, because we cant tell what your e-tone is. if a friend made you some cupcakes and used too much salt, you arent going to be rude and say GOTDAMN THIS IS SOME NASTY ASS SHIT, you're PROBABLY (if you're a good friend) gonna say "Thank you for the effort, but you may wanna cut back on the salt lol". i mean damn, have we no tact?



Well-known member
Thanks Resha, cuz I started reading and got so lost I didn't know how to come in. But you've expressed my sentiments perfectly.


Well-known member
non-constructive is just straight criticizing someone. constructive would be giving tips/advice for the purpose of improvement or helping someone.
i don't even know what this girl said but from what i'm reading it must have been a pretty sh*tty comment. i saw one comment left from that person saying how she's gotten a whole slew of positive comments so her one negative comment shouldn't be a big deal. well, depending on how it was delivered, it is a big deal. not to mention nyla never said "somebody, please tell me why this women thought i looked like a clown!!" that wasn't the purpose. she liked her face, thought it was pretty damn good fotd, and on top had a pretty interesting story behind it.
almost everyday i get on here i come across an fotd i don't like but these people aren't asking for any help or advice so i move on. and there are some i see where someone HAS left a comment with some consctructive criticism but it's something like "hey, maybe try blending a little more" or something along those lines. not with something similar to "i don't like it" or "you look like a clown"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by reesesilverstar
Thanks Resha, cuz I started reading and got so lost I didn't know how to come in. But you've expressed my sentiments perfectly.



Well-known member
Oh, wow. What have I stumbled across? Lol.

Being an active member in makeup forums for many years including being a MOD - one thing I learned is if you ain't got nothing nice to say, don't say it at all, especially like Misschievous stated, about someone's face, lol.

Even if it's constructive criticisms (depending on how well you word it).
I've seen people who asked and get offended by the slightest comment and get jumped by other members. Although what Amity originally posted wasn't a good CC, I don't think jumping down HER throat is necessary too. Just an OD of catty BS.

I point blank don't give out CC because no matter how I word it, I'm afraid the OP might get offended or butthurt - because in most cases, they do. I've seen it way to many times to back that up.

I don't ask unless if I truly don't care how blunt people may be in the responses. If you ask, be prepared to get all sorts of responses - constructive or not. Do I think saying Non-CC is okay? No. But it's the net with millions of people in it - there are bound to be a few assholes here and there. Sometimes I'll ask about my eyeshadow and get a random response on my lips - I'm like, "uhhh *confused city* not what I was asking for but thanks?" - move on.

As far as kissing ass, haha - there are a few ass kissers here and there but you know what? Ass kissing is good and majority of them I'm sure are genuine about liking that person's look and it's a total confident booster. The most positive thing about all MU forums is no matter how shitty or good your looks are, people will appreciate it no matter what.

As for what's the difference between the both, Shimmer answered it the best way possible.

Have your opinions - but be smart on how you say it that way it's a win/win. You get your point across, they get good advice.


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Re: Apparently I look like a clown FOTD

Originally Posted by Kels823

If I post a thread saying 'Someone said I look like [insert condescending character] what do you think', then you respond 'I don't like the look but the technique is great' you would be answering my question, no?

true, but she never asked for anyone to tell her how she looked....
and if she just informed us of how she was HURT by this woman's rude comment, why would the first thing out of someone's mouth be "yeah you do remind me of a clown. plus your lips look coloring book drawings"

she could have stated what she didn't like & give advice but all that extra wasn't necessary...... which means she should have found a tactful way to put it or keep it moving

i don't know what's so hard to understand about that......


Well-known member
I think there are just certain people that don't understand the "happy medium" in the situation.

They feel they either need to be COMPLETELY BLUNT ("Wow this is not very good") versus "OMG, YOU LOOOK AMAAAAZZZINGNGNGNGNGNG"

I have personally seen some FOTD's that I really did not care for, but what did I do? I clicked back to the forum and just kept browsing. Especially if I feel that I can't give them feedback without sounding like a pretentious bitch.

You can tell someone how you feel without going overboard and being rude or snobby about it. THAT sounds more constructive to me. When it becomes a battle of wit, it is no longer constructive.


Well-known member
Constructive criticism offers advice in a nice way to improve your skills, non constructive criticism is usually offers nothing but "a that's not done right" comment followed with no instruction on how to improve.


Well-known member
This thread is more confusing than it should be, and I'm amazed the issue has a thread in the first place. I too participate in many makeup communities and I have learned never ever put your face on the web if your going to get e-feelings or can't shake things people say off. There are people from various cultures, educational levels, class, ages, etc. and we are not going to agree and the more you try to defend an issue, the more flames to the fire will come.
On the other hand, if you post an FOTD and you are going for the bold look people may not know that you want your liner, brows or whatever "admittedly" bold or over the top and get just compliments. If we just keep it moving, how do we develop better makeup skills? (I understand how to give constructive criticism) The people who are afraid to go against the grain and offer feedback, often do keep it moving I'm guilty of it.

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