What's your favourite shadow to highlight with?


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Ricepaper is my favorite to highlight wth. I just started liking Blanc Type as a highlight color and concealer as a highlight.


Active member
Ricepaper, Shroom, Brule or Vanilla usually for me.


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Shroom, Vanilla and Dazzlelight, depending on how dramatic an effect I want.

Also I have found a new love for Brulé which has almost the same colour as my skin, and I am really going for that look in a highlighter a lot now.

I also use Blanc Type, when I want something completely matte or Vanilla pigment, when I do pigments.


Well-known member
I haven't found a highlight shadow that is my HG. I use Blanc Type, Vanilla Pigment, and various pale shadows.


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#1 Brule
#2 Ricepapper
#3 Vanilla

I have 1 palette just for highlight e/s. I use these 3 e/s most of the time but I would definitely add Vex e/s to a list as a must have highlight color.


Well-known member
#1 - Ricepaper
#2 - Shroom
#3 - Naked pigment

These are my favorites but I have at least 20 more that are all loved.


Well-known member
Dazzlelight so far.
I haven´t tried so many light e/s from MAC, though.
Call me Bubbles (from the palette with the same name)
is pretty good too.