When do ~you~ feel pretty?


Well-known member
What makes you feel pretty? Is it putting on a full face of makeup and meeting the world? Is it a certain outfit? A certain lacy underthing? Is it just random times or days?
What IS pretty anyway? Is it pulled togetherness? Can a woman in jeans, tshirt, and slippas be pretty as well as a woman dressed to the nines? Is makeup a necessity?
Is pretty the same as sexy?


Well-known member
oo what a nice post

thinking about this, i don't know if this will make much sense to other people but i usually feel pretty when i'm happy. hahaha i know it may sound a bit cliche, but there is something about when things in your life go well that make you feel like you're in control and also pretty. i guess i associate confidence with feeling good about one's self (both physically and psychologically).

i think a woman wearing whatever it may be (a curtain even if she pleases! LOL) can look pretty if she knows what works for her and has the confidence to strut it

i'd have to say though, that when it comes to pretty vs sexy, i'd have to say that sexiness has mostly to do with confidence and how one carries one's self.


Well-known member
I feel the prettiest with makeup on. I don't really feel pretty or sexy running out to meet the world without it. I'm not saying you have to put on the whole face, but something to accentuate your features really goes a long way. Yes, I think that a woman can be just as beautiful in jeans compared to a stunning outfit. While I think that makeup is very important in being put together & looking your best, it's more than just appearances. It's also the attitude & self confidence that you portray to the world.


Well-known member
What makes you, upon seeing a woman, say "Wow, she's really pretty!"

Should, if wearing makeup, the objective be to have the makeup be the first thing noticed, or the wearer of the makeup be the first thing noticed?


Well-known member
there are a number of things that make me feel pretty on a given day... a new found lipgloss, a cool pair of socks, a gorgeous polish, a great date the night before.. just depends..

regarding the second question about makeup vs. the wearers... usually when i see a woman and says she's pretty, the wearer of the makeup being the first thing noticed.

cool post/qotd!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
What makes you, upon seeing a woman, say "Wow, she's really pretty!"

Should, if wearing makeup, the objective be to have the makeup be the first thing noticed, or the wearer of the makeup be the first thing noticed?

It would be the wearer of the makeup that would be the first thing I notice. If the woman is attractive, there would be a number of things that make her that way (upon seeing her only): hair, face shape, smile, makeup, confidence etc..... All those things meshed together.

Shimmer, I have told you numerous times how pretty I think you are...hair, eyes, smile, face, makeup...all those things play in my decision. Hope that doesn't sound too weird......


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gohgoomah
oo what a nice post

thinking about this, i don't know if this will make much sense to other people but i usually feel pretty when i'm happy. hahaha i know it may sound a bit cliche, but there is something about when things in your life go well that make you feel like you're in control and also pretty. i guess i associate confidence with feeling good about one's self (both physically and psychologically).

i'd have to say though, that when it comes to pretty vs sexy, i'd have to say that sexiness has mostly to do with confidence and how one carries one's self.

Totally agree with all of that!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Sexiness has a power to it. It commands attention without asking for it. It's self-confidence. Anyone can be sexy. Pretty and sexy can overlap, but it isn't necessary. Like- a lot of people find Alan Rickman sexy, but I wouldn't call him handsome or pretty. Steve Buscemi (look him up if you don't know who he is) is another one a lot of people find sexy, even though he is very strange looking. A lot of rock stars aren't necessarily pretty/handsome, but they can be very sexy. Johnny Depp is an example of pretty and sexy. I gave Gwenyth Paltrow as an example of pretty but not sexy to me.

When I think of pretty, I think of natural beauty, like flowers. It's quieter than sexy, and I think makeup, clothes, and other superficial things, like good skin and symmetric features, come into play. Ashley Judd is very pretty, IMO. I think most but not all people can do things that make them pretty. Some people are just blessed with good genes or the money to pay for someone to help them fake good genes to appear pretty.

I'd personally rather be sexy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Sexiness has a power to it. It commands attention without asking for it. It's self-confidence. Anyone can be sexy. Pretty and sexy can overlap, but it isn't necessary. Like- a lot of people find Alan Rickman sexy, but I wouldn't call him handsome or pretty. Steve Buscemi (look him up if you don't know who he is) is another one a lot of people find sexy, even though he is very strange looking. A lot of rock stars aren't necessarily pretty/handsome, but they can be very sexy. Johnny Depp is an example of pretty and sexy. I gave Gwenyth Paltrow as an example of pretty but not sexy to me.

When I think of pretty, I think of natural beauty, like flowers. It's quieter than sexy, and I think makeup, clothes, and other superficial things, like good skin and symmetric features, come into play. Ashley Judd is very pretty, IMO. I think most but not all people can do things that make them pretty. Some people are just blessed with good genes or the money to pay for someone to help them fake good genes to appear pretty.

I'd personally rather be sexy.

I agree...completely.
When I think "Pretty" I think Keri Russell. The girl is gorgeous, but I can't see her being sexy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
It would be the wearer of the makeup that would be the first thing I notice. If the woman is attractive, there would be a number of things that make her that way (upon seeing her only): hair, face shape, smile, makeup, confidence etc..... All those things meshed together.

Shimmer, I have told you numerous times how pretty I think you are...hair, eyes, smile, face, makeup...all those things play in my decision. Hope that doesn't sound too weird......

It doesn't sound weird at all, and I thank you for the compliment.

I do think there are a combination of things that do it, but there are times that I look in the mirror after doing my makeup and wonder...damn, are they going to notice my makeup, or notice ME?? Shouldn't the point of the makeup be to accentuate not overpower?

Ahhh confidence. Confidence is one of the key elements of sexy...though one can be, I think, pretty, without being sexy...


Well-known member
Shouldn't the point of the makeup be to accentuate not overpower?

I completely agree with the above comment. When anyone goes overboard with the makeup, I don't find it sexy nor pretty...it then seems to become a mask & looks sort of clownish to me. Unless of course it's for that type of party/event etc, but for everyday wear...not really.


Well-known member
for me if I see someone the clothes are usually the first thing I notice straight away.
for 'seeing the prettiness' in other woman its usually the whole package tidyness i think is important, i went out with a friend the other night and she was wearing a ripped skirt and ill fittin denim waistcoat, her hair was out of place and she had on old chipped nail polish. She is pretty and has a great figure but lost it all in the terrible ensemble


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
But when is that point reached? When do is 'enough' really 'too much'?

For me it's when they have to much going on. Too much with the lips, too much with the face, too much with the eyes. I have always felt that makeup is to accentuate your features, not hide them. Some people have a "brighter/bolder, more..." personality & it may show in their makeup, dress, jewelry, tanning (ahhh all of the those things together), but by then they have lost me, and I'm just trying to figure out what's going on. I still will be saying, "WOW," but for a whole different reason.


Well-known member
I feel best 21 days out of the 'cycle'
Then of course, after retail theraphy
It just makes me feel creative and makes me feel like i need to go out - wearing my new clothes/ makeup

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
But when is that point reached? When do is 'enough' really 'too much'?

Too much makeup, IMO, is when you're trying to accentuate your eyes, for instance, and the first thing I notice is your eyeshadow.

I think when you go with a very bold eye look (to continue on with this example), there can be beauty but necessarily pretty. Think some of the more extreme fashion looks on the runways. Does that make sense? When I think of a room, for instance, that's pretty, I see something with lots of natural sources and plants, natural colors. Very aesthetically laid out and classic looking. Floral prints may enter.

If I think of something beautiful but not necessarily pretty, I think of the stuff in like Urban Outfitters home section. Bright, bold colors, interesting prints, non-classical styles of furniture.

For the record, I don't think "pretty" is better, it just is what it is. There are a lot of types of beauty, not just pretty.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
What makes you feel pretty? Is it putting on a full face of makeup and meeting the world? Is it a certain outfit? A certain lacy underthing? Is it just random times or days?
What IS pretty anyway? Is it pulled togetherness? Can a woman in jeans, tshirt, and slippas be pretty as well as a woman dressed to the nines? Is makeup a necessity?
Is pretty the same as sexy?

Usually I feel "prettiest" when I feel like I don't have to put a lot of effort into it and things just "come to me." Anyone who's seen my FOTDs knows I lean more towards the natural/fresh/not trying too hard side of makeup, but it applies to everything about me too. I've never been into the whole getting up early just to do my hair and makeup thing. A little makeup, working with and not against my hair, finding an outfit I feel comfortable in, being fresh and clean from a shower, having smooooooth soft skin and wearing a delicious BPAL, these all help me feel pretty. I can feel perfectly pretty in jeans and a T-shirt and a bandana in my hair.

I do find that there's a definite distinction between being "sexy" and being "pretty" though - to me, you can certainly be one without necessarily being the other, though the women I'm most attracted/drawn to are both.

For me personally, I feel like I have to make a bit more effort to be the kind of sexy others will easily recognize, it doesn't come as naturally to me. Slightly darker makeup, more clingy clothing, loose waves in my hair, a pair of heels, a richer fragrance - it's still fairly natural but you can "see the effort", and the overall effect is far more sensual.

What makes you, upon seeing a woman, say "Wow, she's really pretty!"

Should, if wearing makeup, the objective be to have the makeup be the first thing noticed, or the wearer of the makeup be the first thing noticed?

For other people, I tend to notice people's faces first, and usually find it more attractive if makeup enhances instead of overpowering the person. If they're wearing their makeup instead of letting the makeup wear them, basically. If anyone remembers M on Specktra (she hasn't been around here for a while), I think she's one of the most ridiculously pretty people I have ever seen.