I really hate it when MA's recommend me too much stuff, that I'm most likely not interested in. I just moved from Sacramento to San Diego. I'm a regular to the MAC store and counter, so the MA's there know what I like, and know my shopping habits. I usually have an idea of what I want, just look on my own and come up to them when I need something, have questions, or want suggestions. The first time I was helped at the MAC counter in San Diego, I knew what products I wanted. They didn't have Decorative lustreglass so she tried suggesting all these lipglasses and I told her I only like lustreglasses because of the brush. She then tries to sell me 3d glasses, which I told her I did not like because I'm not too crazy about how sheer they are and the skinny brush as opposed to the more wide brush on lustreglasses. I then wanted a paint pot in bare study, but they also ran out. She then tried to sell me paints. I said I didn't like paints because I hear they tend to be heavy and drying. Then she tried shadesticks but I said that I hear that they tend to crease. She was really pushy about everything and made me follow her around the MAC counter; I didn't have any time to breath! She was getting rude too, probably agitated that I wasn't interested in anything she was trying to sell me, so I just had it and left.
Another time I was there, an MA also kept suggesting some things, but not as pushy as the first time. Something that really irritated me was that I was looking at the lustreglasses, and she suggested that I try the prolongwear, and I told her that I tried it and didn't like it. She immediately said, "too drying?". I said yes and she nodded, looking like she understood. If you knew it was too drying, then why would you suggest it to me? I'm still on a quest for my go to perfect honest MAC MA here.