When I go to the MAC Store/Counter, I hate it when.....


Well-known member
i always shop online because i hate going to counter because almost every time i was there i was rushed or ignored
so i decided to just get me things online when there is a free shipping code.


Well-known member
I'm in NYC so I know for the most part which MAC stores to avoid and when. Lunchtime, after work and weekends are definite no-nos so I try to avoid those times unless I'm just bringing something back or whatever. I'll also try to go to a MAC store that's not too popular. The one on Spring Street can get busy, but the one on Columbus is usually pretty quiet.

I've never had a problem, but I think it's also wise to know what you want when you go in there, so, as someone said earlier, they know that you're not just in there wasting their time. They gotta make their commission, and I understand that. Most of the time I won't go in unless I'm buying. I know I'd be heated if I spent XYZ amount of time with someone and they left w/o buying anything.


Well-known member
I just hate going in there period! I am always ignored even when I ASK for help!! Just because of my age they must think 'oh well we should help someone older who will actually purchase stuff.' except when I go there I go for a purpose so if they would ever greet me and offer me help i would buy things. Now I buy online or nothing at all.


New member
If I walk into a counter or store and feel tension or even a slight attitude (not that often, but it happens) I make it clear that id rather be on my own, and usually it works out fine. Some of the artists are extremely nice and helpful, it varies. But, what does irritate the crap out of me is when im called "sweetie" or "hon", I know the purpose of this is to sound friendly and relatable but I find it to be rude and condescending. Just my thoughts. Unless your ten to twenty years older than I am or im at a diner Im offended.


Well-known member
Pushy dames - can't stand them. Every time a new collection launches it's the same. They crowd around the display, grab every color to put it on and then hold it while getting their gal pal's opinion and then delving into conversation. HELLO! Other people are lemming for that color too! Ugh...this is why I go at 10am when MAC opens the day of a launch and do my hauling then...alone with my fab MAs to take my sweet ass time with the collection to myself


Well-known member
most of my mac experiences have been good but i had one awful one.
I was in Ontario, visiting my friend, and we decided to go shopping. anyway, the barbie collection had just come out, and even though i didn't think anything would tickle my fancy, i wanted to check it out. I went up to the counter and was looking at the regular eyeshadows. The MA kept asking me what i was looking for, i said i was just looking, and she just stood there watching me and cleaning her brushes. I went around to the other side, where the barbie display was, and two more MAs were there, watching me. I was watching some stuff and they both asked me what i want a couple time. I kept telling them i was juts looking at the barbie collection, if i needed anything i would let them know. Another girl came up to me and was bout to ask when one of the other MAs said "Don't bother, shes not even going to buy anything. Just watch her and get her out of here." I was so pissed off, i nearly flipped.

Another time i was jonzing to try the spray foundation. It seemed to be sold out everywhere. I went to a store downtown and asked the MA, she said that my colour kept selling out super fast. She offered to call another store for me. I said no, thats ok, i'll just come back another time. She then ignored me, called the store, chatted with the MA for a while, then asked about the product, which they did not have. After she gave me the 1 800 number for MAC and told me to call them and order it. I said "well, i'd like to test it first, and i'd have to pay shipping right?" she said "probably" I said "ok, well, i don;t really want to pay shipping for something i can get here"
She then got all pissy and said "Well I don't know what you want me to do then!!!" I don;t go back to that store anymore...


Well-known member
I hate it when...I returned something recently bc my friends bought it for me for my bday..and the MA opened up each product and kept asking why i was returning it. I kept telling her that my friends bought me the whole Starflash collection after I bought it so I might as well return mine since I didn't want dupes. She kept insisting I should keep it for backups...I told her I would if she was willing to pay for the collection for me...LOL that shut her right up....


Well-known member
So far all my experiences have been good. The MA's always seem super busy but have always been friendly and helpful. I am always patient and wait my turn. The only thing that annoyed me was the time I went in to my local MAC store and picked out a very light nude pink l/s. I went up to the MA, told her I particularly liked the color and did she think it would look ok on me. She walked me back over to the l/s section and picked out a very bright orangey, reddy, coral color and said I should try that. I felt like she wasn't really listening to what I was looking for. If she hadn't liked the one I picked out she could have at least suggested another neutral color that would flatter me better!


Well-known member
I've been the customer at the MAC counter who has to interrupt another customer to ask something. It was at a weekend in a very large, popular department store so of course all the MA's were already busy but I knew exactly what I wanted and literally just needed someone to get it out the drawer and ring it up for me. I did feel kind of bad about doing it but I just wanted to zip in and out.

I think in any retail job it's hard to find a good balance between not hassling the customer but making sure they are aware the help is there if they need it. I've never worked in cosmetics but I have worked in other sales areas and I know what it's like to have managers breathing down your neck shouting targets at you. It can't be easy. Of course, this is no excuse for rudeness which I am saddened to say is the case with some sales assistants.