Which PIGMENT do you HATE????


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Originally Posted by kashleigh80
What is it about Rose? I soooo wanted this to work- such a beautiful color! I CANNOT get this stuff to stick to my lid, even with a primer. It has no problem finding it's way onto my face though...someone please tell MAC and maybe they'll replace it with a better one!

Try using it wet. I had issues with it until I started using it with visine - Im alergic to mixing medium so I use visine instead...


Well-known member
I don't like Helium
I haven't found a good use for it still. Although, maybe I could mix it with some nail laquer . ehhh I just don't like it!


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I love all the ones I have.

Pink Bronze looks great on me and I don't have problems playing with it, so I was surprised about how others see it.

I was so excited to try 'Blue Brown' at the counter and was so disappointed. Blue Brown seemed to be the answer to my prayers - I look dreadful in shimmery blues and great in Browns - but it turns out that even Blue Brown looks terrible on me. It seemed like it'd only work to accent a totally brown look or a totally blue look, and for the price, I skipped it.


Well-known member
You guys are scaring me! Ack! I had planned to buy alot of pigments in the near future! Ok, going to the store to try them on!


Well-known member
Violet. I hate that it doesn't want to stick to my lids. Anyone else have this problem? The color is pretty so I guess it's worth it.


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for me its helium and kitschmas that I really dislike and regret buying...

Old gold has a nice texture but the colour is revoulting on me so thats another no no to me

Provence is chalky and I just dont use it.....

Frost is very difficult to work with, but worth it if you get it right
Grape is the same as frost

But for anyone having trouble with rose - which is one of my absolute favourites and a total must have, or copper sparkle etc use it wet in a water base and use a REALLY FIRM bristled brush - you will get the results you want then


Active member
Originally Posted by linziP123
i bought pink bronze but as soon as i received it i could tell it was not what i wanted, i wanted pink opal..ooops! So i've put it for sale on ebay!!

Crazy! This is my HG pigment! I started running out of Motif and instead of buying a new one, I just use Pink Bronze in its place and I freakin LOVE IT. As far as a pigment I vehemently dislike...I would say Frost. I wish someone would tell me if they have a combo they love with it because it just looks janked no matter what I do!:confused:


Well-known member
I LOVE Old Gold, Kitchmas and Fairylite, LOL! I have Kitchmas in pressed form though, so that helps with the chunky texture.

I cannot get Sunpepper to work for me. It goes everywhere except on my lids, and I am not joking.


Well-known member
Lol. It's kinda funny, Frost, Kitchmas, and Helium all work GREAT for me. I had to play around with them a lot to get a feel of blending them right though... at first they looked horrible. You REALLY have to work with them.

Dark Soul... I love the color, it stays well, but it goes EVERYWHERE. and I mean EVERYWHERE. I have stains of it on my carpet because I shook my head when I had it on...


Well-known member
I would say the worst pigments are old gold (just an ugly color) and kitschmas. The others that most hate I love, use them wet and they stick and blend fine even Rose and Helium!

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by clwkerric
I don't like Helium
I haven't found a good use for it still. Although, maybe I could mix it with some nail laquer . ehhh I just don't like it!

you could try applying blacktrak over the entire lid and put helium over it, it makes a pretty smokey look.


Active member
kitchmas looked sooo cool in the pot but when i try to wear it goes everywhere except on my eyes... guess i should use primer before it or somethin but im just too laazy lol

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