Who else thinks MAC is being a tad ridiculous?


Well-known member
There is a simple solution to this: Don't feel the pressure/need to go out and buy all the LE stuff because you feel you 'have to have it.'

Keep your collection to colours/shades that suite your skin tone/taste and don't go overboard. It's only make up, and even if there are a few shades of eye shadows that look absolutely amazing, ask yourself 'is it really worth it to have it?' 9 times out of 10 the answer will most probably be no. MAC has so many shades and sometimes some are so close to others, it most certainly does not make sense to have so many. With the economy being how it is, surley there are other more important things to spend your hard-earned cash on (and for those ladies out there who spend someone else's money, or perhaps just get an allowance from your parents, this also applies).

After being on this forum for a few years, it's become disturbingly clear to me that MAC sure does make a hell of a lot of money off all the ladies who just 'have to have' all the new LE MAC products because it seems to invoke some sort of elite collection frenzy among it's faithful and loyal customers. MAC addicts. Couldn't be explained any clearer.
not to insult anyone out there, so please don't get offended. Just sayin' it out how I see it.

I went through a phase for about 8 months where I purchased at least one thing from every LE collection until one day I realized my HUGE make up case was full and if I purchased any more, it would be beyond rediculous. In my opinion, the only people who should have a substantially large collection of cosmetics are make up artists, MAC employees and drag queens :b

Quality not quantity.

as the recent billboard ad for ING Direct Savings says:



Well-known member
Originally Posted by ch33tah
There is a simple solution to this: Don't feel the pressure/need to go out and buy all the LE stuff because you feel you 'have to have it.'

Keep your collection to colours/shades that suite your skin tone/taste and don't go overboard. It's only make up, and even if there are a few shades of eye shadows that look absolutely amazing, ask yourself 'is it really worth it to have it?' 9 times out of 10 the answer will most probably be no. MAC has so many shades and sometimes some are so close to others, it most certainly does not make sense to have so many. With the economy being how it is, surley there are other more important things to spend your hard-earned cash on (and for those ladies out there who spend someone else's money, or perhaps just get an allowance from your parents, this also applies).

After being on this forum for a few years, it's become disturbingly clear to me that MAC sure does make a hell of a lot of money off all the ladies who just 'have to have' all the new LE MAC products because it seems to invoke some sort of elite collection frenzy among it's faithful and loyal customers. MAC addicts. Couldn't be explained any clearer.
not to insult anyone out there, so please don't get offended. Just sayin' it out how I see it.

I went through a phase for about 8 months where I purchased at least one thing from every LE collection until one day I realized my HUGE make up case was full and if I purchased any more, it would be beyond rediculous. In my opinion, the only people who should have a substantially large collection of cosmetics are make up artists, MAC employees and drag queens :b

Quality not quantity.

as the recent billboard ad for ING Direct Savings says:


A-FREAKIN'-MEN! Couldn't have said it better myself.

I haven't bought a single MAC item since I quit working for them, which was around the time of the Heatherette launch when I bought the palettes and the orange lipgloss before my discount went bye-bye.

Working for them and seeing everything from a behind the scenes aspect, so to speak, really opened my eyes to a lot of things. Frankly, I have enough makeup as it is (and am actually giving most of it away to some women who need it more than me). And I really have no intention on purchasing anymore "LE" items from MAC, unless I really need it. I'm very satisfied with what I have at the present moment, MAC wise. Besides, I am branching out and trying different brands like Atelier (thanks to Svetlana a.k.a Nireyna), MUFE, Napoleon Perdis, and the like.


Well-known member
I, for one, will admit that I have fallen for the hype of "have to have it" this year when the new collections hit. I had to re-evaluate when my collection took over almost an entire room of our small house alot of it still in boxes because I have so much to use I hadn't gotten to it. And my spending for it got out of control and caused problems between me and my boyfriend. Since then I have weeded my stash down considerably. Sold what I could and gave the rest away. I am not on a NO BUY but I am making wiser choices. I spent alot of money on CoC because they are colors I would use often and skipped Ungaro and Manish because I would not realisitically use most of those colors or they could be duped. I bought my 4 fave colors of Pearlglide liners (which have gotten daily use) instead of all of them which I would have done previously just because I got caught up in the excitement of a new collection. And now I have previewed Red She Said and Sheer Minerals and plan on purchasing only 5 items. Three because they are unique and will get used often and 2 for gifts. I can't stress what a huge achievement that is for a makeup junkie like me. So, do I think MAC is getting ridiculous? No. I just know that for myself I have to not get caught up in the hype and excitement. I love my makeup but there are more important things.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ..kels*

there IS one thing that's been ticking me off about MAC though..
they discontinued shadesticks & now they're repromoting a few in Gold Fever.

At the two MAC counters closet to me, they have soooo many shadesticks is basically every color, its crazy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ch33tah
as the recent billboard ad for ING Direct Savings says:


I think I heard that ING went under. AND money has no value unless you spend it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SaturdayStevens
I think I heard that ING went under. AND money has no value unless you spend it

I like to spend the money that I am working for. That I have the possibility to buy products like from MAC or other higher brands keeps my motivation among other things high.
I agree that there is no need to went crazy about ever LE - I guess my new craziness is part of beeing new to MAC. So I think it will reduce in the future because makeup needs to be used. It would be horrable for me if I bought something and have no time to use it so I have to throw away most of it after a certain time


Well-known member
Its hard being new because you gotta catch up on all the permanent stuff and constantly contemplate LE stuff. Well at least thats how it is for me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SaturdayStevens
Its hard being new because you gotta catch up on all the permanent stuff and constantly contemplate LE stuff. Well at least thats how it is for me.

Yes it is. But I only choose those items I know I'll use. I only bought two items from manish, because I knew that I wouldn't use the rest of it. But I have to admit, it was difficult! From the permanent stuff there is a lot to catch up on like different l/s, l/g, e/s etc. The basics I'd say. But those are permanent so I can buy some of it when already in the area of the store so.. no pressure there


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipshock
Besides, I am branching out and trying different brands like Atelier (thanks to Svetlana a.k.a Nireyna), MUFE, Napoleon Perdis, and the like.

I LOVE your icon. I LOVE Nireyna. But I find myself to be unimpressed with most NP stuff.


Well-known member
I think MAC is insane for all the LE collections. Thats why I usually buy one thing only from each of them. Then its not really an issue

And I make sure to think long and hard if Im going to buy more than one thing "do I really need this??".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amber_j
I'm getting a bit fed up too. I rarely buy that much from LE collections, but at the moment I don't even have time to enjoy the stuff I bought before the next batch comes out.


And poor MAs... Having to wear makeup from a new collection for two weeks. When do they NOT have to wear something LE?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharkbytes
2. Replacing collection items with regular items in-store: We've all seen it many times before--the newer collection has been out for a few days, and there's something that's so pretty it sells out quickly. So MAC refills the holes in the display with a similar item that *isn't* part of the collection. I noticed this most recently when the Cult of Cherry display had Dubonnet instead of So Scarlet. There wasn't any sort of special packaging, so I'll bet a few people walked away with Dubonnet thinking it was a hot new fall color. I just think it's crappy of them to do that sort of thing, knowing that a lot of people don't obsessively follow the collections like we do, and just want something new and trendy to wear.

I actually bought Swimming thinking it was Wondergrass from C-Shock because it was in the display, lol xD
I didn't notice 'til I got home... What a bummer :b


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharkbytes
I agree with a lot of what's been said here, but there is an element of the ridiculous with a few things:

2. Replacing collection items with regular items in-store: We've all seen it many times before--the newer collection has been out for a few days, and there's something that's so pretty it sells out quickly. So MAC refills the holes in the display with a similar item that *isn't* part of the collection. I noticed this most recently when the Cult of Cherry display had Dubonnet instead of So Scarlet. There wasn't any sort of special packaging, so I'll bet a few people walked away with Dubonnet thinking it was a hot new fall color. I just think it's crappy of them to do that sort of thing, knowing that a lot of people don't obsessively follow the collections like we do, and just want something new and trendy to wear.

I dont see what the prob is with that? In fact I think its a very good thing. The thing you have to remember is that trends are in fashion, not one particular shade. So deep cherry and wine coloured lips are a trend and MAC provides various shades of it (LE and perm). So if Dubonnet is used as a sub for SS then great, ppl who missed out can buy something very similar and still wear that trend. Rather than miss out on that trend all together?

Miss A

Well-known member
really it depresses me i cannot afford what i want the last thing i bought was....from cool heat collection solar white!
i know i know it makes me even sadder i was in a serous car wreck in may i couldnt work and im still struggling to get back on top! mac makes me happy though and buying it is therapy and as i see collections come and go its just sad. but really i want nothing from the manish collection i dont go for that type of look and ungaro reminds me a bit of Mcqueen.
Yesterday i bought wolf....i wanted 4 more but then my kitties and doggies would have no food!! i want alllll of suite array grrr but i just have to stop looking in the mac store in the mall where i work.....sadness

but my birthday is the 30th so maybe i will get some holiday collection as gifts! yay


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
It's better to have something to suggest as a replacement for a LE item than have a gaping hole in the displayer, or have a displayer with 'sold out' stickers on everything.

If the blood red LE lipstick is something trendy to wear, what makes the blood red regular product untrendy?

It's probably not the same everywhere, but I've seen MAs who don't even mention the fact that it's a replacement color. It doesn't make the color any less trendy, or pretty, but the whole idea of it just seems so shady and sketchy. Why not just leave the display empty and point people towards the color in the regular rack? Plus, they might be both blood red but they're usually not the same. I prefer So Scarlet to Dubonnet, personally, but that's just one example.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SaturdayStevens
I think I heard that ING went under. AND money has no value unless you spend it

No, that's AIG.

money has way more value when saved and used towards other things rather than make up which doesn't hold value long-term.

but i digress. this is not a financial management forum. :b


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ch33tah
No, that's AIG.

money has way more value when saved and used towards other things rather than make up which doesn't hold value long-term.

but i digress. this is not a financial management forum. :b

I heard both.

I didn't say make up specifically. Just things in general. Money is similar to make up though in that same sense. If you save every single dollar you make, it just sits there. With make up, it doesn't matter how much it costs. The products are worth nothing if you don't use them.

Also, I like to think that I'm not the only one on here that feels that cosmetics have long term value. Not any one product in your hand, but as a whole. For little girls, their first lipstick might signify them growing up. Maybe a particular powder reminds you of your grandmother. A lot of artists feel that making people prettier and more confident is their calling in life. Isn't that valuable?


Well-known member
I tend to pick two or three things from a collection. I liked COC, so i bought all of the quads. Neo Sci-Fi? Meh. It evens out.
That said, if it wasnt so expensive here, and so far away to my nearest counter I would probably buy more.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SaturdayStevens
I think I heard that ING went under. AND money has no value unless you spend it

Before I go on a
rant, can I get a clarification? Are you cheering about spending money or cheering that you think you heard ING went under. BTW, before you post something like you heard ING went under, try researching before you get people worried. I have a LOT of money in ING.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Stormy
Before I go on a
rant, can I get a clarification? Are you cheering about spending money or cheering that you think you heard ING went under. BTW, before you post something like you heard ING went under, try researching before you get people worried. I have a LOT of money in ING.

The original poster was trying to show their enthusiasm for purchasing makeup products. I highly doubt she was cheering on the economy collapse. It times like this its nice to be excited about something. I doubt they meant for it to be interpreted any other way.