Who else thinks MAC is being a tad ridiculous?


Well-known member
ING *knocks on wood* would probably be one of the last institutions to go under. Anything is possible, but they save more money than average banks because they have no physical branches.


Active member
It is overwelming. I am now at a point where I realize I cannot afford everything, nor do I have too.

I now really try to think ok, will I wear it..or do I just want it.


Active member
i think its a tad ridiculous that everything sells out so quickly, like i got the email for manish, went to mac.com everything sold the eff out.

but yes my wallet needs a break, i mean i make it, but have you seen the stock market?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
Even if I wanted to get certain items from a collection, they are gone in my area mighty fast. Over the past year, I have noticed this trend over the past year getting worse. Sometimes by day two of a LE release, those items are completely sold out. Hmmm. I bet some people are passing the word and educating themselves about new releases from m/up sites.

I think this has to do a lot with YouTube tutorials. Aren't makeup tutorial channels some of the most subscribed on YouTube? I know I have a few friends who never wore makeup, but ever since they started watching YouTube tutorials they have been buying the colors they see someone using. So yes, I guess that goes along with you saying that more people are educating themselves on collections.

Originally Posted by ch33tah
In my opinion, the only people who should have a substantially large collection of cosmetics are make up artists, MAC employees and drag queens :b

Compared to "normal" people, I own a lot of makeup. Compared to a lot of people on here, my collection would be considered small. Like my friend said, everyone has their "thing". I even had this conversation with my cousin the other day. I spend a lot on makeup and clothes. Fashion and beauty has become "my thing" over the past four years. My cousin spends a ton of money of DVD's. I think she's crazy. But then I thought about it. She thinks I'm crazy for all the makeup I own. So that's also something to consider the next time someone mentions your "too big" makeup collection. What's the difference between me and the person that buys a new $400 cell phone each month? NOTHING! We're spending the same amount of money. It just doesn't seem like it because I can get 20 eye shadows compared to your ONE phone/whatever you bought for the SAME PRICE. They see the quantity of things I have compared to their ONE thing and say, "OMG SHE HAS A PROBLEM. SHE OWNS 20 EYESHADOWS! I ONLY HAVE 5 PHONES!"


Well-known member
to be honest, i don't think they are being ridiculous. most people would only visit a makeup counter every now and then and so wouldn't be exposed to the hype on each collection.

i can't comprehend buying everything in a collection just because it's LE - my mind doesn't work that way. i buy the things that i really like, and that will hopefully suit me and the colours i already have in my collection.

i admit that sometimes it is hard to pass on something (i am currently umming and ahhing about petticoat MSF), but at the end of the day if i miss out it's not going to cause the world to come to a grinding halt.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
The original poster was trying to show their enthusiasm for purchasing makeup products. I highly doubt she was cheering on the economy collapse. It times like this its nice to be excited about something. I doubt they meant for it to be interpreted any other way.

Exactly! Thank You!

Also, I said I HEARD and NOT I know. Hearing doesn't take research. Anyone who is really concerned about it should be researching it themselves.


Well-known member
i'm finding myself getting a little frustrated now with all the limited edition collections. it wouldnt be so bad if it was just one collection in a month but this month in the uk we had 4 collections released! which makes it hard to buy everything you want because that's alot of money going out at once!! i mean this month i really wanted petticoat from the minerals however duue to me also wanting stuff from suite array, coc and manish i had to miss out. if they spread things out it wouldnt be so bad.


Well-known member
There seems to be a bit of animosity, even on this board, about the amount some people will spend because they just "have to have it." So what?! I know most of the ladies and gents here with killer collections scrimp and save in other ways. It's not that different from someone who spends $100 a week going to bars or restaurants. Don't get me wrong, if you're plunking down $500 on a collection instead of paying for child care or the rent, then yes there is most certainly a problem. But if you're putting aside your entertainment/disposable income for makeup, then good for you. A lot of people get so caught up in saving that they forget to enjoy what they work for.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
It's better to have something to suggest as a replacement for a LE item than have a gaping hole in the displayer, or have a displayer with 'sold out' stickers on everything.

If the blood red LE lipstick is something trendy to wear, what makes the blood red regular product untrendy?

To me that seems a little sneaky. If they were simply promoting blood red lipstick, why bother making a new product? I think recommending a similar product is a great idea, but I think it's sort of like false advertising if you stick a non-color story related product in place where one was.