Who watched The Grammys?


Well-known member
^^ Yea i noticed the fall. i heard a lot of people saying it was inapproirate when she grabbed herself in her preformance, too.

Honey xOo

Well-known member
The Taylor Swift perfomance seemed like everybody was thinking 'thank god' once it ended lol. It just didn't seem well put together. And I love Beyonce but I'm honestly sick of seeing her win every award at every award show lol. Like there's not another good female singer? What about poor Mariah Carey, that woman has one of the best voices ever and she gets no respect at award shows these days. And I totally wished they did a longer tribute to Michael Jackson, thats what I was watching mainly for and it was good but too short IMO.


Well-known member
oh and another thing.. i was watching fashion police for the grammys (guilty pleasure, lol) and why the hell was snookie from the jersey shore even invited??


Well-known member
I didnt watch...too predictable. I watched the drake, lady gaga, beyonce ( idk what possessed me to do that), and pink performances on youtube the other day.

Drake's was AWESOME ..love that song.

Beyonce is soooooooooo overrated in my opinion. Im tired of her. Whats up with her up and down yodeling ? Cant she hold a note ?URGH! Why did she sing that like a boy song? thats old.

Lady gaga..love her and love that she sang speechless..but with elton ?? Odd.

and pink...pretty cool but is that gonna be her thing everytime now? some cirque du soliel shizz??

Damn...I sound like a debbie downer. Hahaha


Well-known member
I love Gaga and Elton John but I was so disappointed that Taylor Swift won all of those awards! dlfjaslikfaiw!!! If anyone had any doubt about the Grammys being a complete joke they should now be sure of it.


Well-known member
I watched GaGa and Elton. I thought it was a good pairing. I mean, Elton has a trail blazer back in the day. He was the ultimate showman. He had the crazy outfits and glasses. Gaga is like our generations Elton, obviously more extreme though.

I can't get over Pink's performance. I mean, she wasnt wearing an fing harness!!! I know i know, acrobats do it all the times, but they train for YEARS to do that, and she's probably only been at it one year. Even at that, she's a multimillion dollar recording artist, not some girl that went to circus school. How much did the insurance cost for that gig??


Well-known member
I think Pink has ben doing the acrobatics on her tour for a while now. Maybe there is some safety in place that is not visible to the audience? Otherwise, she's a brave one, and I would wonder about the insurance too.


Well-known member
Well, im not sure about a saftey rope, cause she just goes straight up... i mean, she'd have to pass through it. Unless there's some weird thing that they hook up when she's in the air and dismount as soon as she comes down (like when she adjusted her position) and then re mount it.
Either way she's brave as hell. I'm chicken shit of heights. Looking at tall ladders makes me sick (this isnt even a joke).
Her record label must be paying out the butt for the insurance for her tours.

edit to add: you know i feel even more sketched out now that i think of her doing this nightly on a touring show. I mean, they need to strike her set and remount it every night. Wether it's her crew or the venues mounting the show anything can go wrong. Again, i know, cirque du soleil does it all the time... but this show changes venue every night. Man.... i hope they hired a rigger from cirque.

i'm thinking about this too much. Sorry, I do some technical work in theatre... so you know, this kind of thing gets me going

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