Who will you Vote for 2008


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sofabean
obama for sure. hillary is conniving. all of these very controversial threads that have started lately are headed for trouble, seriously...

I agree. I've taken the bait the last few times... I think I'll just swim around it this time. I hardly ever discuss my views on abortion/religion/politics publicly, and somehow my comfort level got so high that I spilled here. Not this time.... or YET, rather, LOL


Well-known member
I'm definitely Obama, I caucused for him, and both my mom and I are huge fans of him. I originally was for Kucinich, but as soon as he dropped out I jumped on the Obama bandwagon and never looked back.


Well-known member
I'm voting Democratic. I'm a Canadian with dual citizenship, and its worth the trip to the states for me to vote against another George Bush in the making. Don't really feel strongly about Obama, but hey, at least hes not McCain


Well-known member
I havent decided yet, obviously we arent given a great choice, both of my sisters live in chicago and are big Obama supporters, but where I live, realistically if I want job security for my husband for the next few years it would have to lean more towards McCain since my husband works for the government. I dont know, I probably wont vote, since I am not really impressed with anyone.


Well-known member
Ahhhh Christ, I'm not happy with any of the choices. I think I am going to vote for Pedro.

Write-in vote for Pedro. There you go, problem solved.


Well-known member
Small Business owners are the backbone of this Nation. My husband & I are small business owners that actually provide jobs for others...single moms, new business owners, etc.

While I'm not thrilled with McCain, at least he will keep the tax cuts permanent & understands that you cannot continue to tax the people & businesses. I have listened to many top Economists that have stated that if Obama's Robin Hood rob from the rich to give to the poor & raising taxes gets implemented it will definitely hurt the Nation, Small Business & the Economy as a whole right now. The Government needs to stay out of our personal lives & our money.

But hey...as long as Obama is cute...what does the Economy matter.


Well-known member
Obama! Its about time we have a pres whose concerned about problems in the US and pulling out of the god damn war. We have plenty of problems to fix in our own country.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeupgrl8
Obama! Its about time we have a pres whose concerned about problems in the US and pulling out of the god damn war. We have plenty of problems to fix in our own country.

Makupgrl8, not directed at you, just my thoughts on the candidates' plans for pulling out of the war to keep a political promise.

The sad part about most plans for pulling out of the war is that they leave behind a group of soldiers who will bear unbelievably dangerous and heavy burden.

A lot of politicians are selling withdrawal in a way that is misleading to the public. Withdrawals aren't like pulling off a band-aid. It's not one clean sweep. They come out in stages, but never completely for quite some time. As the majority leave, the minority face higher instances of danger, injury and death.

I guess to the majority of americans, if the numbers look good on paper (i.e. masses of soldiers leaving Iraq and Afghanistan), then everyone feels good and happy. Sadly, for the military families, and for the soldiers left behind ill-equipt and short of manpower in the war zones, it's a different story. Higher numbers out of Iraq and Afghanistan does not automatically mean success. It goes deeper than that.


Well-known member
You guys are terrible! and I dont mean that in a bad way. I love that all of you speak your minds. Love it.

but uh some things are alittle harsh.

The whole pulling out of the war is the same old crap that happen during the veitnam war. History continues to repeat itself right infront of us, on paper/tv ect.

I would really hope you guys all thought twice about voting, not voting only means that when someone does get elected and all of you who didnt vote, may or may not be happy with the results.

I would atleast like to have a reason to complain. because even if it isnt who I wanted in the first place, I will be voting.

and who ever said that racism doesnt exist anymore, is soooo wrong. Especially for us on here we should embrace colour, I mean its what were here for right?

oh and were looking for a president, not someone to bring home to meet mom.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I guess to the majority of americans, if the numbers look good on paper (i.e. masses of soldiers leaving Iraq and Afghanistan), then everyone feels good and happy. Sadly, for the families, and for the soldiers left behind ill-equipt and short of manpower in the war zones, it's a different story.

I've found that most people that want to pull out of Iraq don't actually have a clue how things work in the military or how warfighting works. And there is nothing more annoying that people who claim to want withdrawal "for the troops." For my peace of mind, I'll pass on the withdrawal.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
I've found that most people that want to pull out of Iraq don't actually have a clue how things work in the military or how warfighting works. And there is nothing more annoying that people who claim to want withdrawal "for the troops." For my peace of mind, I'll pass on the withdrawal.

There are just some things america has to do, in order to stay on top of things. It may or may not work for some people, but im sure it makes some people feel alittle safer here at home.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sikfrmthemirror
oh and were looking for a president, not someone to bring home to meet mom.

Sure we are.
But why in the world is it reasonable to vote for someone you'd be embarrassed by? Why in the world is it reasonable to vote for someone you wouldn't trust alone with you in an elevator, or with your purse while you run to the bathroom?
The people we elect (or just vote for) into our representative offices are supposed to be people we would be comfortable saying "That person is a representative of me and my view points." I wouldn't be happy, as a person, if my peers were to say "Yeah, she can go speak for us but I wouldn't want her in my house or around my kids."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Sure we are.
But why in the world is it reasonable to vote for someone you'd be embarrassed by? Why in the world is it reasonable to vote for someone you wouldn't trust alone with you in an elevator, or with your purse while you run to the bathroom?
The people we elect (or just vote for) into our representative offices are supposed to be people we would be comfortable saying "That person is a representative of me and my view points." I wouldn't be happy, as a person, if my peers were to say "Yeah, she can go speak for us but I wouldn't want her in my house or around my kids."

I think she meant about looks. I'll take a fugly president- as long as he or she does their job the right way then I am happy as a pig in shit.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Sure we are.
But why in the world is it reasonable to vote for someone you'd be embarrassed by? Why in the world is it reasonable to vote for someone you wouldn't trust alone with you in an elevator, or with your purse while you run to the bathroom?
The people we elect (or just vote for) into our representative offices are supposed to be people we would be comfortable saying "That person is a representative of me and my view points." I wouldn't be happy, as a person, if my peers were to say "Yeah, she can go speak for us but I wouldn't want her in my house or around my kids."

I understand, now what you mean by that because I wouldnt want to be misrepresented. When I voted, I was not thinking about how much I could trust them with my purse. I should have though, because when they become president I will have to trust them with more then just a silly purse.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Its the internet, and should NEVER be taken seriously.


These are HEAVY topics and when I said that these threads are headed for trouble, I meant that it's because everyone has their own opinions and some of those are stronger than others. Just because it's the internet doesn't mean people take things lightly. Discussing politics over the internet is the same as discussing them with a friend in person. Because these are heavy topics and hit so close to home for some people (I don't mean me, but maybe for others) that this would stir up some trouble.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sofabean

These are HEAVY topics and when I said that these threads are headed for trouble, I meant that it's because everyone has their own opinions and some of those are stronger than others. Just because it's the internet doesn't mean people take things lightly. Discussing politics over the internet is the same as discussing them with a friend in person. Because these are heavy topics and hit so close to home for some people (I don't mean me, but maybe for others) that this would stir up some trouble.

If you let yourself get stirred up , over some one you don't even KNOW and doesn't even know anything about you, except for what you type on an internet forum, then the internet isn't the place for you.


Discussions over the internet are extremely different than discussing something with a FRIEND, in person.


Well-known member
don't make this personal because i wasn't talking about me. this is exactly what i meant about controversial topics stirring up trouble. It doesn't mean that we can't have them. It just means that everyone has their own opinions and some express them more strongly than others.