Who will you Vote for 2008


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Specktra is primarily a makeup and beauty related site. That doesn't remove more intense and controversial subjects from discussion though.


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I think its great these things are being discussed. I value specktra more then I could explain, and for all topics, I couldn't think of a better place to ask for advice and opinion, whether it be on makeup, life, love, money, religion, politics, etc. Sure some of these topics are heavy, but if someone chooses to be intense and forceful (so to speak) when responding to some ones opinion, its our job to just step back from it and remember, its their opinion, and we're here to feel supported by the site members, its easy to take things over the top but its important to keep it calm and collected. I always feel like specktra is like having hundreds of sisters and brothers around who always have positive words. (And being an only child, I appreciate it more than all of ya'll know!) So I'm glad the controversial topics are here, you just have to do your best to stay your best, if you know what I mean

And as far as the question asked of us in this thread, I don't live in the US and therefore could not vote. But I do live in Canada, and a lot of what happens over in the US directly impacts us in a huge way. I follow US politics intensely on a daily basis. If I could, I would vote for Obama (but by default, I had hoped for John Edwards). I dont like to classify it, I just support whoever I feel is best for the job, no matter what their party is.


Well-known member
I think this is the first year that Ive ever felt like I dont want to vote, and thats wierd for me because Ive always been extremely annoyed with people who talk a lot of B.S about elections and how things are run, but never even register or go out and do something about it. Even if you feel like your one little vote isnt going to count, I mean, shouldnt you stand for something? Anyhow, after reading thru this thread and a few others on other sites, Im sure I will change my mind, (about voting) none of us want anyone in office who will put us more in debt and we need a strong leader not someone who is making promises that are unrealistic. I know everyone hates the fact that we are so many years involved in a war, but it happens, there are always people who want control and power, I dont think the smart thing would be to pull out of the war and when a candidate says thats what they aim for, its not likely going to be something that is just going to happen without consequences. And the area that I live in, its a economically prospering and growing place, because a lot of the jobs in this area are government provided.

You know its hard for me to talk about politics with my sisters. Well, my whole family they are all really strong minded and a few of them pretty narrow minded in my opinion, and I can see their point of view on some things, but on others I think its just ridiculous, but instead of trying to talk about it, a few seem to feel its necessary to talk down to people, who dont have the same views they do instead of trying to make it easier to understand. I enjoy reading everyones views and responses, it makes me stop and think about a lot of stuff I might not normally take the time to think about. =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sofabean
don't make this personal because i wasn't talking about me. this is exactly what i meant about controversial topics stirring up trouble. It doesn't mean that we can't have them. It just means that everyone has their own opinions and some express them more strongly than others.

Just, to keep things straight.

I was using the word "you" , as if Who-ever, Not you , single as a person.

But thats the internet for you .(not you as, in YOU "Sofabean" )


Well-known member
I am sad too when I hear that people don't want to vote. I believe that I am really lucky to have the right to vote and take my vote seriously. Even though I am not sure who I am going to vote for I am going to do my homework to make sure that I pick the one that will do the best job making our country thrive again.


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Originally Posted by Shimmer
It makes me so sad to see people say they won't vote.

As far as I'm concerned, if you don't vote (assuming you're eligible to do so) then you don't have the right to bitch.


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I have always felt that when voting for a candidate you had to choose the lesser of the evils. I really like Obama, but he's a politician, and I inherently don't trust him. The problem is that I trust McCain far less! He's done great things for our country and served the nation well, but I feel we'll be in for more of the same politics if McCain is elected, and that hasn't done awesome things for our country.


Well-known member
I feel like we as Americans were miss lead about the "WAR ON TERRORISM" & would love to have all of our Soldiers home and out of harms way, however simply pulling all of our troops out at one time under-minds everything that has been accomplished up until this point. Thats a terrible shame to all of the men and women that have given their lives up until this point. I know our country is in terrible need of reform in every area possible. But I would like to see that after all our soldiers and country has been through since 9/11 that some good comes out if it. Simply backing down now would open us up to further attacks. Things should be handled differently without throwing out everything that has been worked for up until this point.

I want to let you Ladies know I respect you all so much ! Thats why I ask for your opinions. I trust you with more than my Make up


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dahlia_Rayn
I have always felt that when voting for a candidate you had to choose the lesser of the evils. I really like Obama, but he's a politician, and I inherently don't trust him. The problem is that I trust McCain far less! He's done great things for our country and served the nation well, but I feel we'll be in for more of the same politics if McCain is elected, and that hasn't done awesome things for our country.

My only problem with Obama is that I don't know what he stands for, I know he wants CHANGE ... But what kind of change ?????


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
My only problem with Obama is that I don't know what he stands for, I know he wants CHANGE ... But what kind of change ?????

I support obama but in a way I kind of agree with this
Im always watching his speeches going
"but what are you changing!? lemme in on it!" lol


Well-known member
I will vote for Obama, only because I think he is the lesser of two not quite evils.

I don't think Obama really knows what he's doing, but McCain is just too damned old. The average life expectancy of an American man is 78. Remember when Reagan kept saying "I do not recall" during Iran Contra? We all thought he was lying through his teeth, but he probably really didn't remember. Because he got diagnosed with Alzheimer's not too long after leaving office. I don't see the point of electing somebody who could become senile or die of old age while in office

The Constitution says you have to be 35 by inauguration day to become president. So I couldn't have run this year because my 35th birthday will fall 5 weeks after the inauguration. It's not exactly as if a lightbulb will go on the day I turn 35, suddenly giving me the insight to run the country. So if I'm too young, McCain is too old. But the Constitution doesn't specify any upper age limit; it probably should.


Well-known member
yeah, well all the candidates SUCK, so the only way I will vote will be a write in of someone, and well, they surely won't get president. I think we're screwed with any of them as our leaders... Just like we were with Bush... and either way I will bitch because none of them are good. We've been screwed for choices the last few elections.
Not to offend anyone, but its just my person opinion, and Im definitely not trying to force it on anyone, cause I live by this phrase : Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blindpassion
I support obama but in a way I kind of agree with this
Im always watching his speeches going
"but what are you changing!? lemme in on it!" lol

The fact that he never states it kind of scares me. If its all so good, why don't you tell us about it ?? Why are you refusing to tell us?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
The fact that he never states it kind of scares me. If its all so good, why don't you tell us about it ?? Why are you refusing to tell us?

I definitely think that now that the race for the general election has begun, and its not just two democrats fighting for the nomination, that Obama will definitely become more detailed about his plans. I think that now that hes only got one opponent, so to speak, he can really start laying out his plans and starting the groundwork if that makes sense. When he was fighting for the nomination, it didn't much matter what changes he was going to make, they were just in a race for the democratic superdeligates. Now things are real, hopefully he'll step up and roll out some great changes so to speak.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by captodometer
I will vote for Obama, only because I think he is the lesser of two not quite evils.

I don't think Obama really knows what he's doing, but McCain is just too damned old. The average life expectancy of an American man is 78. Remember when Reagan kept saying "I do not recall" during Iran Contra? We all thought he was lying through his teeth, but he probably really didn't remember. Because he got diagnosed with Alzheimer's not too long after leaving office. I don't see the point of electing somebody who could become senile or die of old age while in office

The Constitution says you have to be 35 by inauguration day to become president. So I couldn't have run this year because my 35th birthday will fall 5 weeks after the inauguration. It's not exactly as if a lightbulb will go on the day I turn 35, suddenly giving me the insight to run the country. So if I'm too young, McCain is too old. But the Constitution doesn't specify any upper age limit; it probably should.

too old? ..I honestly would rather have an older president than a young one who hasn't experienced as much.


Well-known member
lol how damn cute is that?
i'm voting for obama. not based on anything except for his word. he's a powerful speaker and i think he'll work wonders for the country. i just hope nothing happens to him. Quote:
Originally Posted by mizzbeba
Obama b/c he keeps it real.
