Who would say that to a 4 year old child??


Well-known member
that is just rude.

i hate it when people act like they know how things should be, like they don't even know your situation...not that i'm saying your daughter is, but you know what i mean - people shouldn't say any comment about appearance, regardless of truth.

i mean that is just pathetic, to insult a 4 year old. but aside from that, who is she to be the authority of your child's size anyway? i would definitely complain. she's probably just an unhappy bitch anyway...


Well-known member
Next time say "And you are a little chunky for a rude bitch"

Your daughter is not chunky by any stretch of the imagination.

That woman is really sad.


Well-known member
that's harsh. what a bitch! i'd definitely complain.


Well-known member
I really appreciate all of your replies. This thing has really been bugging me, and reading this made me feel better, it really did and I thank you for that
. There was a comment made here about that is how eating disorders can start and I totally agree. She maybe 4, but certain comments like that can stick with a person, and it seems like the world is so focused on that. I don't want her thinking that being thin=beauty. After some thinking and calling up my husband and talking to him, I am going to speak to the store owner Monday. I really do feel that some sort of discipline needs to happen. If I get no where there, I am canceling all of my percription orders there and contacting head office. I would hate for someone else to be going through what Autumn and I are right now. It actually is bugging Autumn. The other day she put her dress on and it was too small. She asked me if it was because she is chunky. So I did have a talk with her and told that people come in all shapes and sizes. The main thing was to be healthy. If someone makes a comment about how you look it is because they feel insecure on how they look. That she was beautiful just the way she was, and people who say that are just plain mean. Then she asked if make up made her beautiful (she is very much into make up). So after some thinking I told her no, it enhances what you already have. Make up is suppose to be a fun thing. Of course the conversation was exatly word for word.


Well-known member
Picking on a 4 year old is just wrong. She's got issues on all kind of levels if she has to stoop so low as to insult someone who can't defend themself. Something's either not going right or won't go right in her life as a result of that. That's just plain ignorant.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TM26
I really appreciate all of your replies. This thing has really been bugging me, and reading this made me feel better, it really did and I thank you for that
. There was a comment made here about that is how eating disorders can start and I totally agree. She maybe 4, but certain comments like that can stick with a person, and it seems like the world is so focused on that. I don't want her thinking that being thin=beauty. After some thinking and calling up my husband and talking to him, I am going to speak to the store owner Monday. I really do feel that some sort of discipline needs to happen. If I get no where there, I am canceling all of my percription orders there and contacting head office. I would hate for someone else to be going through what Autumn and I are right now. It actually is bugging Autumn. The other day she put her dress on and it was too small. She asked me if it was because she is chunky. So I did have a talk with her and told that people come in all shapes and sizes. The main thing was to be healthy. If someone makes a comment about how you look it is because they feel insecure on how they look. That she was beautiful just the way she was, and people who say that are just plain mean. Then she asked if make up made her beautiful (she is very much into make up). So after some thinking I told her no, it enhances what you already have. Make up is suppose to be a fun thing. Of course the conversation was exatly word for word.

Good for you. That's just inexcusable what that woman did. And Autumn- she was probably just growing taller. People are such jerks making fun of people just because they can


Well-known member
whooaaaaaa... what an asshole move. i woulda socked told my kid to close her eyes, then i'd sock the lady in her jaw. but thats just me.


Well-known member
I would have smacked that lady in the face.

Please tell your daughter how beautiful, smart, and valuable she is, every single day. She deserves it. And you sound like a great mom.


Well-known member
Oh gawd, what an idiotic thing to say. I hope that talk with her manager did some good. I'm sure the encouraging words to your daughter will help her realize that she is in fact beautiful. It saddens me that she's affected by body image at such a young age.


Well-known member
Have you spoken with anyone about it yet? Do let us know what happens. People talking to your children like that should NOT be tolerated. I have 2 children and I know I would slap a bitch for saying something like that to me!


Well-known member
Please tell us you followed through and spoke/ wrote/ yelled at someone. i am so incensed right now - I have a soft spot when it comes to children and I'd be serving some jail time right now if she said something to that effect to my nieces.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
"What kind of person says that to a child?"

A really stupid, insensitive person with issues of her own...what an idiot.

That is just what I was thinking!

I am so sorry that you and your daughter are experiencing bad feelings over a crappy comment from an obviously thoughtless woman. Not fair.

Yep. Takes a REAL big woman to pick on a 4 year old.


Well-known member
that's really not very nice. however a lot of people don't think before they speak/think out loud. maybe they didn't know it was offensive. where i work (massive grocery store), i see a lot of babies and a lot of other customers make comments about the babies in line, just because there is nothing else to do. sometimes they are extremely kind comments, such as "what a beautiful baby" but sometimes they are just observations like "that's quite the hairstyle!" or "such chubby cheeks for such a young kid!" kind of thing, not always viewed as compliments.

maybe that woman was just making an (unnecessary) observation. it is by no means nice, and there is a huge difference between a baby/toddler that can't understand it and a 4 year old child who can.

definitely an unnecessary and rude comment, but maybe that woman didn't know any better. i always try to see both sides but really, it was completely unnecessary. i hope you spoke with your daughter and let her know that she is beautiful.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Chubbiness is a quality that's considered adorable on a toddler. If you called a teenager chubby, that's different. Unless you have a poor command of the English language, most people have learned the connotations behind words. Huskiness isn't considered cute on anyone. It's, at best, meant to be a soft way of saying overweight and at worst, an insult.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
That's is SO rude and ABSOLUTELY unacceptable.

I probably would have torn my own weave out if that had happened to me and my daughter.

You should most definitely file a complaint, both by phone and my written document. That is NOT okay, and that lady [though I hesitate to call her that] needs to be dealt with.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
After thinking about it for a bit longer, and reading further, I wanted to add:

You did a great job with talking to Autumn. Don't make a big deal of it in front of her, as much as it hurts you. But definitely be a stick in someone's ass about that woman! With the dress not fitting, I'd just say "everyone grows silly!" and leave it at that. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE what you told her about make up just enhancing all the good stuff she already has, that's so important.

I have a little girl also, so I'm definitely sending my strong mommy vibes out to you right now. As mothers to little girls, as women, we have THE MOST influence over how our babies feel about themselves. As much as the media would have us believe TV, magazines, friends...that only goes so far...It starts and ends at home. Stay strong and keep telling your little girl that she is glorious, but don't just tell her, help her see it, help her believe it!

I know, I'm getting all preachy, but I had a lot of issues in life because of how my mom viewed and handled things; and it's something that I WILL NOT do to my little girl. Best of wishes to you mama.


Active member
that makes me ill. Like girls need any help feeling bad about themselves from complete morons. I would be shocked to hear that come out of someone's mouth. let her be a kid and not have to be self-conscious. That's a topic that is between you and her pediatrician (if it actually WAS a issue). I'd complain to whoever would listen about that. People need to control the verbal diarrhea that comes out of their mouths.


Well-known member
are you f*n kidding me? I would have spit in that broad's face. I wouldn't stop till I made sure she had lost her job. That is one of the most sick and ignorant things I have ever heard of.

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