Who would say that to a 4 year old child??


Well-known member
Hmmm... this makes me wonder if this was some sort of cultural misunderstanding on her part. I have a lot of West African relatives and they aren't shy about commenting on someone's weight.

But that was still a fucked up thing to say. It's called discretion! Even if the girl was "husky", why say it aloud?


Well-known member
that is a disgusting thing to say to a child!!!!!!!!! flippant comments like that lead to eating disorders. i think you should make a serious complaint! she shouldnt be putting her small minded views onto children.

also why should kids worry about their weight. aslong as shes active and happy. childrens bodies change ALOT over the years.


Well-known member
OMG!! Lord help me if anyone ever said that to any of my daughters!! I would DEFENITELY write a letter to corporate and I would complain to the store and regional manager. I'm so upset that an individual with obvious self esteem and self image issues would pick on a four year old to get a reaction out of you probably. And now your poor daughter is still thinking about that lady saying she was chunky. Seriously, don't people have manners? Don't they think??


Well-known member
Have you lodged a formal complaint with their corporate office? I would, and I also would hope that the employee with her foot up her @#$ is seriously disciplined.

I would lodge a complaint and then follow up to ensure it was received. Do not let this slide.

I am so sorry this happened. Unbelievable.


Well-known member
GEEZ!!! Saying that to a 4 years old... you know what, sometimes, i wonder if people have brains, i mean really!!


Well-known member
What a vile thing to say to anyone, far less a little girl of 4. I'd definately complain to her boss, not what I'd call good customer service and would definately say is a horrendous excuse for a human being. I hope your little girl forgets that comment, I really do.


Well-known member
What a horrible woman.
Even if you're daughter was "husky" you just don't say that! Especially right in front of the poor girl!
I mean, last week i was at Hollywood Studios in Orlando and my bf turned to me and whispered a comment about a baby in a stroller. This little boy was HUGE. I dont think i would be able to lift him, and he was young enough that he couldn't speak. It was disturbing (and an extreme case) but seriously, would i ever walk over to the parents and say "So, you're infant looks freakin huge!!" I dont think so!
Some people need a kick in the ass.


Well-known member
Whether she was 'chunky' or not is completely irrelevent here, she is 4!!! Im sorry but this really p*sses me off, when i read about all the girls who suffer from anorexia (some with the on set as early 8!) and bulimia and then some woman picks fault with a 4 year old it just......>

If your daugther was actually over weight, Id suggest nipping what could turn to morbid obesity, right in the bud. But seeing that pic she looks like a normal little girl.

God, write that letter, I cant believe someone actually said that about a little kid...


Well-known member
She had no business saying that about your daughter, whether she was 4 years old or 14 years old, it's just plain wrong and the lady is a straight up bitch. I probably would've had to smack her and spit in her face for that comment. People make me sick.


Well-known member
oh lordy what a biiiach. Im proud of you though for not going postal on her lol I would have told her off , but I guess it was better to keep your composure infront of your daughter.

She was probably a lonley, grumpy, bitter, shrew.

ugh people !


Well-known member
That's so mean

I was a pretty chubby kid (not so much fat, but I was never a gangly child) and I remember once my grandmother saying that I was a 'a lump of a child' when I was five. I still remember that, it had a pretty big impact.

I'd definitely complain!

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