It's cool, do you. I hadn't seen the video yet, each comment is e-mailed to my phone, so I was seeing comments and couldn't figure out why I was getting such negative responses on such a hot lip! When I got home and saw the look, I was like WTF is that?!?! I thought it looked horrendous. My mom burst out laughing when she saw the vid and was like "was that the same lipstick you had on after you made the vid?" She thought I changed lip colors!
But hey, it's not the first time people didn't like what I did, and I'm not going to stop doing my thing b/c of it. I did get a message saying I should just erase the vid and re-do it with a different lip color. Umm, no. I don't censor any comments, people can say what they want, they are entitled to their opinion. Anytime I do a video, I'm prepared for any type of response, it comes with the territory. I get MANY comments calling me n****r and big lips and whore and all kinds of stuff. But I don't remove those either. It gets annoying sometimes.
Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu
Well, apparently I was late to the vid, so I missed being able to join in the dogpile in the comments section of the video. I'm a subscriber, but I can't keep up w/everyone lately, LOL. Since it was brought to my attention here, this is where I chose to respond.
Well if you hated it on camera, I know you aren't surprised about the responses. Can't win em all, right?
And I know there's nobody telling you to take the vid down... is there? But yeah. This is what you chose to accept when ya put yourself out there, but you already know that... unless of course, you censor the comments. I don't think anyone was tryind to hurt your feelings though.... what it looks like on cam is quite a departure from what some people like, is all.