WOC: How are you wearing Lavender Whip


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Prototype83
LOL yeah I know, but I just love that color! The funny thing is that this the only thing that I have backups of in my whole collection. You may be right, I'll probably just stick to the ones I have.

One woman here has owned a Bubbles l/s since 1997 and it's still useable, i'm sure it was unopened...I remember reading that in the Sugarsweet swatches thread.

Yeah but even unopened and kept in the fridge ...because l/s are not air tight containers they can go rancid ....Just be careful...they won't hurt you but they will stink like hell...I have some that are almost 10 years too...But you know MAC will have another Lavender by then....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Yeah but even unopened and kept in the fridge ...because l/s are not air tight containers they can go rancid ....Just be careful...they won't hurt you but they will stink like hell...I have some that are almost 10 years too...But you know MAC will have another Lavender by then....

Tis true.....tis true


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Prototype83
O.K......back to the subject PLEASE! lol

I LOVE Lavender Whip!!! I own three and I'm thinking about getting another is possible. I wear it with either Magenta l/l or a liner by Jordana called Silver Lillac. I top it off either with a clear gloss or Ever So Rich. I want to get a hold of Funtabulous dazzleglass as well, think that would be a good combo too.

Girl, sell those other 2 lipsticks. Another color will be your favorite in one year...or even one month.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu
Hmmm, I have this at home... I have to think this combo over.

Anyone tried topping it with Love Nectar lustreglass yet? I might try that when I get home.

Nope but I am gonna try it with Frozen Dream and see how it goes


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Curly1908
Girl, sell those other 2 lipsticks. Another color will be your favorite in one year...or even one month.

^^^ LMAO!!!

...but I don't wanna


Well-known member
Gosh, this lip color looks great, but it's sold out online. This is probably a good thing for me because I really don't need to call every MAC store/counter in the DC/MD/VA area to find it and then drive a distance to get it after asking for it to be put on hold. But if I keep seeing pictures of people wearing it, I may just have to hit the road to get it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu
Okay for one, YOU *think* my tone is negative. That's your perception, which happens to be skewed, because that was not my intention. If you really read my second response, you would see why I responded like I did in my first response to the video. Second, Erin doesn't need anyone to defend her... she's already done so for herself and I respect that. It's not like I was nasty or disrespectful to her in the first place, so I don't see why you felt the need to swoop in with your cape. It's really not that serious. If you're familiar at all with my personality on specktra (and I don't expect you to be, we all have lives and spend varying amounts of time here), you'd see that I do not have a habit or rep of being nasty towards people but since you accused me of doing so, I felt compelled to respond.

Nope no cape here..just commenting ...my opinion and I did say that is what I THOUGHT..and even if she has already said something..I wanted to comment as well...and I believe I have the freedom to do so...but it's all good..I am not on here for internet battles or the such...

Now on the other hand I love Lavender Whip w/plum pencil...haven't tried it with anything other than ESR...but Tish that FD sounds like a good combo..I have that one and it is pretty....


LW and ESR are sold out both locally and online! That just cured my crackhead-feining for this combo! Oh well.....NEXT!!!!!

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I like to wear it alone. If I put it on with a light hand it gives my lips a little bit of a nude touch. I also like it with Currant l/l.

Lavender Whip + Currant + Comet Blue = Glamour


Originally Posted by MissResha
i want this color.

but i guess i'll have to wait until its available. or rob prototype for hers

I'm thinking about robbing her too! LOL! She has 2 extras....one for each of us.....

Naw....I'm just playing...........or am i?

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
You know...you could share the wealth even more if you consider the demand. I bet if you jacked all 3 of her back ups, you could "depot" them, melt them down and sell the samples at a semi-ridiculous price.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I'll hold Prototype while ya'll jack her for her stash!!! It'll be a Whip Jacking

LMFAO can you imagine going to jail for that?? comedy


Originally Posted by TISH1127
I'll hold Prototype while ya'll jack her for her stash!!! It'll be a Whip Jacking

I get off at 4:30.....so whip jacking should commence about 5:45!!!!



Well-known member
^^^^ LOL!!! She better be tucking them babies away for dear life.....Runs to hide my b/u *cough* gag * spit * well hell...My mama didn't raise no fool!!!

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Oh f*ck me.

Why did I really just have this vision of a crack head like "You got that Lavender Whip babeh?" and then they swap the lip stick for the cash in one of those hand shake motions LMAO

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