WOC: Sugarsweet


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Originally Posted by ClaireAvril
ohh.. i do hope so.

If not I got you


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I checked this out tonight, and was able to pass without feeling like I missed out on anything. I only picked up light over dark blush duo. I am proud of myself, this is the first time in a long time that I've skipped a collection.


Well-known member
This collection was okay. I do like PT MSF as Refined did nothing for me. I also found out Dear Cupcake works better as a blush than an eye shadow. The last thing I want is the two polishes then I'm done.


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Originally Posted by HeavenLeiBlu
Well, thanks ladies for helping me pass on this collection, why wallet thanks you, LOL!

Hey Sweet pea...I guess you not talking about me!!!


Well-known member

After trying to resist. I broke down and got a few items from this collection.

I got the Pepperment whatever n/p

  • red velvet shadestick
  • dear cupcake (to go over red velvet)
  • aquavert
my god... lord help me!

somebody smack me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^ I can't smack you since my list was far longer

Heyyyy tish...

yeah I think I'm gonna have to go back and get club to wear with aquavert. I really don't have anything else to wear with it.. and dear cupcake is sorta similar to sushi flower .. just less shimmer wheeww i just hope i can bang out some realy cute looks


Well-known member
I love love CLUB...I had it before this collection and I think it is a must..get a pro pan it's cheaper


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ClaireAvril
Its not about the cash.. its just about making this decision not to buy and sticking to it. I would be extremely disappointed in myself if I just gave in and forfeited the promise when I only have a couple weeks left.
I'm sure the goodies i want will be available then.

yup more than likely at nordies!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by brownsuga lady
I only grabbed Peppermint Patti. Everything else was meh to me...the msf's either came out ashy or invisible on me. I'm starting to think i'm just not a MSF fan like a lot of folks. LOL

This collection wouldn't have been the best time to try out MSF's.... these are strictly highlighters if you ask me for woc... unless you want to base them with something creamy. (cream blush, CCB)

blonde, brunette, redhead was a better collection of msfs..


Well-known member
Today I tried Blooming + Perfect Topping and it is the BEST combo ever...so anyone that has these two items try them together...so pretty...I did not have Blooming but they had some left at my MAC and it was just gorg ..so I had to buy it


Well-known member
^I wore that combo like twice last week...and also w/ secret blush ...they so = yum!!

I have the "tawny" shimmerbrick blooming def. looks nice w/ that as well


Well-known member
I tried Lollipop Loving at my MAC store today. Oh dear... Frosty corals really aren't for me.

Got three shadesticks in the end (Butternutty, Cakeshop, Red Velvet) and two e/s (Aquavert, Stars n' Rockets - which I've hated for ages but now love). Also picked up Star Violet and Shale.


I was sure I was going to get cakeshop s/stick and penny..but after reading the whole of this I am going to skip it!!

better off hatching my e/s collection than spending £22 on shadesticks!!

Fantastic thread!!

if anyone has swatches of s/sticks...hmm..I might be tempted..cant swatch at my local counter..very annoying..and the assistants were slumped half asleep time I went after work at 6pm!....I will go back to purchase another day!


Well-known member
You gotta get Penny s/s...you can wear the shade all by itself...
I really like this collection..the s/s are so creamy...and easy to blend with e/s..
I'm on the fence with the MSF because I have so many of the old ones..and enough blush..I may go back and get one though..the e/s are dupes or from older collections
that's sad you can't swatch at your counters..

Originally Posted by RebekahR
I was sure I was going to get cakeshop s/stick and penny..but after reading the whole of this I am going to skip it!!

better off hatching my e/s collection than spending £22 on shadesticks!!

Fantastic thread!!

if anyone has swatches of s/sticks...hmm..I might be tempted..cant swatch at my local counter..very annoying..and the assistants were slumped half asleep time I went after work at 6pm!....I will go back to purchase another day!


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