Working for Sephora


Well-known member
In Canada, it was every 2 weeks when I worked there.

And when we opened the store, everyone who was hired, regardless of position, participated in the training. It was 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. The first part covered SOS (Science of Sephora) - skincare, color application, fragrance, as well as the consultation and sales philosophy/techniques. Then we had brand training, which was anywhere from two to several brands a day. We all got gratis for each brand that presented, some more significant than others. (Most of the brands had their own reps presenting, but for some it was the Sephora training team that did so. I'm not sure if that was unique to us, because we had to have bilingual education.)


New member
I plan on applying for a new store that is opening up in my area. I went to school for esthetics, so I know I'm qualified. My only question is do they drug test? I mean I'm not some sort of druggie or anything but I smoke weed on occasion and I have recently.


New member
Hi, everybody, I hope you guys can help me out
I went to sephora last monday and spoke to the manager about filling an application, she gave me one and when I returned to give it to her she asked me if i could come for a group interview tomorrow..
The group interview was very laid back and the questions were rather easy, so she said to give them a week and we will hear from them as to wether we got it or not, so she called me THAT SAME DAY and asked me to come for an interview with the store director the next day, I WAS SOOOO EXCITED, so i went the next day to the interview with the store director and we totally hit it off, she was talking about the store and its policy, the discounts they get, the goals they have to meet and the bonuses they get if they meet them, so needless to say she got me so excited, so the last thing she said was that they needed to check my references, and she asked me to tell my references to call them so they could get in touch more easily,
so the moment i got out of the store I called and my references got back to them that same day and the other one the next day, because she said they only neede two references, and that was last friday, and today is monday and i still didn't hear from them, am I being impatient?

It totally felt like im getting the job, but im so excited I CAN'T WAITTT!!!!

Thanks, any comment will be appreciated!



Sounds like it all went well which is a great sign! Given that it was a Friday they were probably pretty busy over the weekend & that's why you didn't hear from them. It's kinda hectic for retail over weekends so hiring processes are better handled during the week. If you still haven't heard from them by today (wednesday) I'd give them a call to follow up. Sephora is an amazing company to work for and hopefully you'll be on with a great team if you get it (which I hope you do!) :)


New member
Hey, Congrats!

I went through the same thing. Have they called you yet? Im waiting on them to call me. My second interview was June 20th, they told me they are in the process of checking my references on June 24th and I have yet heard from them. This is super frustrating! To which location did you applied to? I applied to the one on 42nd time square new york.

Please keep me posted! I am planning on giving them a call today to check the status. I hate to be in suspense! =0/

madeleine mandy

New member
Hello everybody, I'm new here :) So tomorrow or sometime this week is a Sephora Job Fair. I am SOO nervous! I have no experience working anywhere and I am almost 17. This would be my first job interview ever. But I LOVE LOVE LOVE makeup! Do you know if Sephora only hires experienced people? Am I too young and not knowledgable enough? If you think I should give the job fair a try, what would happen? Is a job fair just "here, fill out an application" or is it also an interview?

Thanks, and sorry if my questions sound stupid :p


Well-known member
Thanks, and sorry if my questions sound stupid :p
I would say that you have nothing to lose by going and being very enthusiastic!

Sephora does tend to lean toward more experienced folks for their four 'areas' of a store, but I know they are often very accepting of younger people and less experienced people on Cash Wrap so you may have the opportunity to work as a Cashier with Sephora initially and work your way up.

Best of luck!


Hey hun. So, I don't have experience applying makeup on other people (obviously I have experience with myself) but I do have retail and work experience and I was hired on. They are very big on education and working your way up. Just present your best self and absolutely be ready for an interview should they decide to do one on the spot. As for your age, the youngest person in our store is 20. It seems like they tend to lean more towards people who are out of school and at least 18 but it's always worth a shot! They're an amazing company to work for and so far I'm in love!!! :) Good luck & keep us posted! :eek:)


New member
Hi! I'm new to the forums, but I have a couple questions regarding a career at Sephora.

I'm turning eighteen and have worked in 3 cosmetics/bath and body stores already and have applied for Overnight Stock Associate at Sephora.
They called me in for an interview this coming Wednesday and I'm really excited!
I was wondering what the job position would entail and also, because I'm more geared towards being a sales associate as in my previous jobs, is there a way t work my way into the actual sales team? I'd love it if I could be on the sales floor but just wouldn't know how to transition from overnight stock to sales associate.

Thanks, <3


Well-known member
Hi! I'm new to the forums, but I have a couple questions regarding a career at Sephora.

I'm turning eighteen and have worked in 3 cosmetics/bath and body stores already and have applied for Overnight Stock Associate at Sephora.
They called me in for an interview this coming Wednesday and I'm really excited!
I was wondering what the job position would entail and also, because I'm more geared towards being a sales associate as in my previous jobs, is there a way t work my way into the actual sales team? I'd love it if I could be on the sales floor but just wouldn't know how to transition from overnight stock to sales associate.

Thanks, <3

Your best bet is to be really eager and enthusiastic about the products and put an emphasis on your strength in sales in your interview. Let them know you've done it before, you love it, you wanna do it again and if you get the job just keep checking in with your Store Director to see what's available in your store.

Another way you could transition is by asking if you could do some sales work during the Holiday season. A lot of the time Sephora will keep Holiday associates who work out on longer than just Christmas.


New member
Thank you so much! I'm so nervous now, but I'll do my best! And if I do get it, I'll definitely ask about being a sales associate during the holidays!

Thank you! <3


New member
in the 2 years that ive been working for sephora i have not had any formal training (an employee is usually sent by week 2 of being hired, even seasonal). granted, i am self taught--but its rly helpful as an employee of a multi-million dollar company to train your workers on company protocol, no? i keep getting told we dont have budget, but have seen at least 4 coworkers get sent to training.

anyway, never been to SOS. have to literally keep bugging my manager to get trained with brands or she wont say anything. recently sephora has figured that they want to be more artistry based so they are making everyone get "full face certified" meaning i can apply a full face of makeup + lashes.

out of all people, they send ME and one of our educators (who has worked for the company for 5 yrs n has also tried out for PRO team). now, its not that i doubt my artistry skills--its that i was never formally trained to do it the sephora way, and THAT was half the certification!!! you think then that my manager would set me up for success by getting me trained and ready for it. NOPE, was never asked to come in and had to come in on my DAY OFF to practice. oh and the best part? they told me not to tell them i havent been to SOS. yeah so if i fuck up, ill look like shit and not them!!!!!! (PS i passed so now i can continue to make money for them while they still fuck me over)

i understand taking initiative, but im not making money for me. im making more money for them in the long run. im a great artist, consistent seller and always get great client compliments. but i am getting SO dicked over.

each color cast member should have their own brush belt, not us. apparently its a loss prevention issue....buttttttt it isnt an issue in any other store where that is company policy.

my manager told me im beyond SOS and Encore was my next step and she would be sending me next year...but failed to tell me they had a session in august.

BASICALLY, this is my problem--WHO DO I HAVE TO TALK TO TO GET TREATED FAIRLY?!?!?! ive tried talking to my managers multiple times and they just bullshit and pussy foot around the issues.

PLZ HELP!!!! i was thinking about going to mac and would love to, but heard the work/life balance sucks and just want to do something i love and get treated fairly!!

sometimes i feel like theyre trying to make me quit? but i just dont know what to do...


New member
Hi Ladies! I had a quick question about the hiring process:

I have six years experience as a counter manager and make up artist, and was approached by the hiring manager to work for them. So, I'm not too worried about getting the position due to experience. My only worry comes down to the background check. Due to medical issues and stupid mistakes when I was young, I have horrible credit (which I'm currently rebuilding, but it still looks bad on paper). I have no criminal history though. Has anyone ever been denied a job at sephora due to credit? I would be so upset if that came to be, especially since I have a great work history, lots of product knowledge, and great rapport with the workers there.

Any info would be appreciated.

Thanks! xoxo


New member
Yeah, that's what I figured too. Thanks so much for your input though. It definitely put my mind at ease.

xoxo Les

P.S- I love your office avatar! "Identity theft is a crime." lmao


New member
Hi everyone! I am very new here. I'd love to work atSephora, but i have no experience. I am so scared to go for an interview simply because i haven't worked in the last 4 years as i was home taking care of my baby..
i am feeling so down, and i feel that i will fail an interview. Can you please help me by telling me what are the questions they ask? and what is the right answer for them?
One of the questions they ask on the application "expected rate of pay" I am not looking to start as a make up artist, but hoping to become one. Oh I forgot to tell you I am from Toronto, Canada

Thanks for your help


Well-known member
I applied two weeks ago and followed up with one of the managers over the phone one week after I turned in my application, but still no call for a group interview! Is it normal to take this long for a call back? Should I call again to see what's up?


Active member
You should still apply! I applied with NO work expierience at all, & I got the job:) Just smile, & show them you are passionate about the company.

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