Would you buy your child this DOLL?!


Well-known member
i came across this hilarious advert on youtube yesterday and i thought i should post it on here to hear what you all think...

It IS funny... but kinda disturbing at the same time

i actually looked up on google to find if it was actually a real doll, i know the normal baby wee wee doll DOES have a penis but it doesnt move :| haha but the advert looks real if you get me?

me and my bf couldnt stop laughing for ages :p

but if this doll WAS real, would you buy your child it?

YouTube - Baby Wee Wee (Pi Pi)


Well-known member
lol i totally remember that advert, the song is pretty catchy lol!

but it is weird...wonder if many sold??


Well-known member
that is hilarious. i dont have any kids, but i wouldn't buy it for them.

that doll will open many doors for little kids....whatever parents would ever buy this for their kid should realise they are in for a whole slew of curiosity questions!


Well-known member
HAHAHAHAHA... wow... my mind is just flooded with so many dirty ideas...

that looks like a kiddie version of a love doll, i would never buy that for my kids... what if they try feeding the baby milk and when it pisses on ur face.. ugh LOOOL!


Well-known member
It's not would I buy an anatomically correct baby doll for my child-its just that that toy is no fun. We weigh babies at night to find out the percentage of weight they have lost after they are born, almost all the boy babies pee a big arc into the air when you undiaper them. To be too slow means a direct hit and you wear shi shi on your shirt for 12 hours.
think every high school student-boy and girl should have to carry a baby doll around for two weeks, feed it every three hours, clean its dirty diapers just as often, and listen to it cry continuously every time you put the child down. Teen pregnancy rates would plummet. New parents never sleep or go anywhere, they got a baby.


Well-known member
hahaha oh my god. that's absolutely hilarious. i don't think i'd buy that doll for my child. i'm just kinda floored that it's.. REAL!? it looks like a spoof that you'd see on like SNL or something.


Well-known member
No, I wouldn't buy that. ^^ They do have those babies in high schools. They cry at various times all day/night & you have to put a key in them to stop. They don't have to be fed or cleaned, but they cry for awhile, and you have to carry them everywhere. I'm not sure how successful they are.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kuuipo
It's not would I buy an anatomically correct baby doll for my child-its just that that toy is no fun. We weigh babies at night to find out the percentage of weight they have lost after they are born, almost all the boy babies pee a big arc into the air when you undiaper them. To be too slow means a direct hit and you wear shi shi on your shirt for 12 hours.
think every high school student-boy and girl should have to carry a baby doll around for two weeks, feed it every three hours, clean its dirty diapers just as often, and listen to it cry continuously every time you put the child down. Teen pregnancy rates would plummet. New parents never sleep or go anywhere, they got a baby.

I did that for parenting class in highschool (took it because it was such easy credits lol). Anyway, you carried it around with you, it randomly cries (even at night, you lose marks the longer it takes for you to feed it with a key) you have to dress it up etc... Its heavy and my goodness---the looks i got from people!!!!!! That alone scared me from ever being careless. There is a computer chip inside that also tells the teacher how you've handled the baby (dropped or thrown around).

Once I put the baby nicely in a shopping cart, just kind of like you would put groceries in...ONE LADY LECTURED ME because she thought it was real! Funny now because obviously we'd never do that to a real baby but I can really say that it worked for me!!!!!!!


Well-known member
what a funny doll.

and the dad in that ad... hah!

i don't know if i'd buy a doll like that. i think i missed the bit where being peed on by a doll is fun.


Well-known member
Crazy funny video!

hey glam8babe,

i was thinking of you last week (cause i remember you like BE) when i bought the new BE Face Fashion mini kit. Not sure if they're your colors, but i loved the whole kit. eye shadows in celestial blue (pretty) moss green, navy liner, pretty - pale pink blush, & Bunny Buxom lipgloss/plumper which makes your own lip color this gorgeous full natural peachy pink color (i bought another of it).
If you're interested, I bought mine from this very reputable ebayer at a great price -


Well-known member
is this for real?! oh my, i had to laugh. and i don't have kids, but i don't think i'd buy it for them if i did!