Wow, Obama takes New Hampshire!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SquirrelQueen
Getting back to the issue about Obama and his faith, I think part of the problem is that people don't know that much about the UCC. Actually, I had been only marginally aware of the denomination before I met (and later married) a UCC pastor. I don't completely agree with Obama's pastor (and, incidentally, neither does he) but I do feel comfortable with Obama as a man of faith and I'm certain that he would not discriminate against anyone if he was President. (BTW, no I haven't had the opportunity to worship at Trinity UCC but I hope someday I do.)

I have a problem with any candidate who's a member of a congregation that promotes racism, be it black or white supremacy. This is one of the reasons why I'm uncomfortable with Mitt Romney as well. I can't stomach the Mormon church and their ideals any more than I care for the racist attitudes expressed by Obama's pastor. Are you aware that he [Obama's pastor] considers Louis Farrakhan [another black racist] to be a hero? Sorry, but I'm gonna judge people based upon their CHARACTER rather than their race. If they can manage to keep church separate from state, I'm all for faith as long as they can understand that not everyone is a christian or shares their same faith. The ones that want to join church and state, like our current alfred e. neuman occupying the white house are the ones I want to stay away from!

Originally Posted by SquirrelQueen
I think it's interesting to hear why people are in favor or against certain candidates. It's sobering to hear the negativity toward Hillary---how much of it is really her and how much of it is garbage that we've gotten from the likes of Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh? I used to be against Hillary myself but then I learned more about her from her books and from truly objective sources and now I support her. Although---I think Obama could be an excellent leader and, on the Republican side, I'm impressed with John McCain's leadership as well.

I just hope we get competent, thoughtful leadership to guide this country through the many challenges we currently face.

I've learned about Hillary not because I've been "brainwashed",
but because I'm old enough to have lived through all the vagaries of the Clinton administration. Not only does she tolerate an unfaithful husband so she can remain in the halls of power, she is corrupt. She is big government/Big Brother personified, not what our founding fathers at all had in mind. Not only does she have the wrong values as far as I'm concerned, but her lack of integrity, leadership skills and vision make her completely unsuitable for the task. If she thinks she's gonna get my vote just because she's a woman and I'm a woman she's dead wrong.

The only candidates I'm even remotely excited about right now are Rudy Giuliani and Ron Paul. Rudy, because he has already shown us leadership during times of trouble although I think he's a little too much a part of the "old boy network". Ron Paul, because overall he represents the things I value most. The Constitution. The Bill of Rights. Freedom FROM Government.

P.S. Yes, although I'm not a Republican I listen to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Larry Elder and KFI talk shows. I also listen to NPR and form my own conclusions. I can't stand Ann Colter either...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by athena123
I have a problem with any candidate who's a member of a congregation that promotes racism, be it black or white supremacy. This is one of the reasons why I'm uncomfortable with Mitt Romney as well. I can't stomach the Mormon church and their ideals any more than I care for the racist attitudes expressed by Obama's pastor. Are you aware that he [Obama's pastor] considers Louis Farrakhan [another black racist] to be a hero? Sorry, but I'm gonna judge people based upon their CHARACTER rather than their race. If they can manage to keep church separate from state, I'm all for faith as long as they can understand that not everyone is a christian or shares their same faith. The ones that want to join church and state, like our current alfred e. neuman occupying the white house are the ones I want to stay away from!

No, I wasn't aware of that. Thank you for pointing it out. You're right---that does give me a little pause regarding Jeremiah Wright---although Obama has come out to say publicly that he disagrees with Rev. Wright on this issue. I think that it's a sign of healthy faith if one can disagree with one's pastor---I don't agree with my pastor 100% of the time and he's my husband! It will be interesting to see the implications of this latest revelation---if Obama continues to rely on Rev. Wright as his spiritual advisor or if he can agree to privately and publicly disagree with him.

The hate emails do bother me. There was a tremendous amount of misinformation (as well as outright lies) about John McCain when he ran for the Republican nomination for President in 2000 and those inaccuracies totally derailed his campaign. It saddens me to think that people in power do play such games and that our nation ends up being the loser when good people are so viciously cut down. And that's how we ended up with, as you said, the current Alfred E. Neuman in the White House.

I've learned about Hillary not because I've been "brainwashed",
but because I'm old enough to have lived through all the vagaries of the Clinton administration...If she thinks she's gonna get my vote just because she's a woman and I'm a woman she's dead wrong.

P.S. Yes, although I'm not a Republican I listen to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Larry Elder and KFI talk shows. I also listen to NPR and form my own conclusions. I can't stand Ann Colter either...

I'm glad that you think for yourself. There are far too many people who let others think for them, whether the others are their pastors, Rush Limbaugh, Oprah Winfrey or someone else. You seem to be someone who is thoughtful and carefully weighs the issues before making up your mind and, while we may not agree, I respect your opinion. I wish that everyone made informed opinions but unfortunately, most people have little patience for serious debate and are swayed instead by emotionally wrought soundbites. Again, this is what troubles me about the concerns about Obama and his faith. If people are looking at it objectively and forming their own opinions, that's one thing. If they're instead just buying into emails that prey on emotion and have little factual grounding, I'm concerned. I have tremendous respect for someone who can tell me why she disagrees than someone who simply reacts in a knee-jerk fashion.

I would like to see a woman as President but agree with you that we should not vote for someone simply because she is a woman. I personally don't get that impression that Hillary expects women to vote for her simply because of gender but I do understand how someone might have that perception.

This is a good, thought-provoking discussion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by athena123
The only candidates I'm even remotely excited about right now are Rudy Giuliani and Ron Paul. Rudy, because he has already shown us leadership during times of trouble although I think he's a little too much a part of the "old boy network". Ron Paul, because overall he represents the things I value most. The Constitution. The Bill of Rights. Freedom FROM Government.

I think it's a little bit ironic that Giuliani is mentioned in the same paragraph as Ron Paul. Giuliani proved nothing on 9/11 other than he couldn't create or follow proper procedure; but he looked damn good walking around NYC with a news crew. Even more so than that, he doesn't support the Second Amendment, he didn't do his homework as to the prior circumstances of 9/11 but touts his 'leadership' during it as his platform for candidacy, and what he's claiming as his platform for his campaign is in almost complete contrast to his record as mayor, amongst many other issues I have with him. To me, Giuliani is a Democrat in a Republican suit, but I didn't like the man as my mayor, never mind as a Presidential candidate. Paul I think has a really good economic policy and wants to leave me alone- that's enough for my vote.

I do happen to read Ann Coulter, but only because I think she's absolutely nuts, and who doesn't like to watch a trainwreck? She's like the Courtney Love of the political world.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dizzy
I think it's a little bit ironic that Giuliani is mentioned in the same paragraph as Ron Paul. Giuliani proved nothing on 9/11 other than he couldn't create or follow proper procedure; but he looked damn good walking around NYC with a news crew. Even more so than that, he doesn't support the Second Amendment, he didn't do his homework as to the prior circumstances of 9/11 but touts his 'leadership' during it as his platform for candidacy, and what he's claiming as his platform for his campaign is in almost complete contrast to his record as mayor, amongst many other issues I have with him. To me, Giuliani is a Democrat in a Republican suit, but I didn't like the man as my mayor, never mind as a Presidential candidate. Paul I think has a really good economic policy and wants to leave me alone- that's enough for my vote.

I do happen to read Ann Coulter, but only because I think she's absolutely nuts, and who doesn't like to watch a trainwreck? She's like the Courtney Love of the political world.

Random tangent...every time I see Ron Paul in print I automatically thing "Ru Paul."

I agree about Giuliani, the scandal surrounding Kerik doesn't help him either. He has Democratic social views, with more Republican fiscal views (of what I've seen/heard, to be honest I haven't bothered looking into him in depth since I don't consider him a contender)

Ann Coulter = Out of her freaking mind. Courtney Love is a wildchild (if only at heart) and Ann is just one cold hard b*tch.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Suzyn

hahahaha oh man! that is brilliant.

i just have to say on the subject of rudy guliani...he claims that he was such a hero in the wake of 9/11, but how many people did you see his ass dragging out of the twin towers? because i sure didn't see him helping anyone out. unless maybe it was that twenty eight minutes of continuous news coverage i missed...

Originally Posted by dizzy
Paul I think has a really good economic policy and wants to leave me alone- that's enough for my vote.

i couldn't have said it better myself.