"Ya got somethin' good?"


Well-known member
So I was getting ice cream at this little ice cream drive thru place today, and this creepy guy who looked like he was in his 60's with the biggest beer belly i have ever seen was standing in front of the drive thru window staring at the lady who was working there. When he saw my car coming forward, he came over to my window and was like "Ya got somethin' good?"

WTF. At first, I wasn't sure if he was referring to drugs and he was looking for a fix, or if he was talking about...something else...

Then he walks away a bit down the side street, gets into this creepy van and drives away.

It was creepy as hell at the moment, but pretty funny in hindsight. lol.

Have you ever been approached by a random scary looking stranger and asked something ridiculous?


Well-known member
*gasp* Creeper! That must have been freaky, I'm sorry! I have never been approached like that but I don't get out much lol.


Well-known member
That is creepy...Funny thing is...My dh somes in the House daily and asks..."Baby, ya got something good for me" and his nasty ass is not talking about drugs!! Perv!


Well-known member
I know I have but I can't think of anything at the moment. However this happened to a friend not too long ago. So, apparently she was walking along minding her business and she walks past this guy who says, "you's a fine muthafucka!" I thought I would DIE when she told me. I couldn't stop laughing. She was highly offended but I just thought it was random and hilarious. I still laugh about that to this day.


Well-known member
I go through a local drive thru quite a bit to get a diet coke on my way to work and there is this 18 year old kid that I always wonders why I don't "holla" at him. Um....maybe I am old but I don't understand what that means and why I would even want to "holla" at him. He has half of his teeth missing, weighs less than 90 lbs, and already is losing his hair, and he is way to young.

I also was told by a homeless man in Seattle that I had the biggest tits that he had ever seen. OMG gross!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
I go through a local drive thru quite a bit to get a diet coke on my way to work and there is this 18 year old kid that I always wonders why I don't "holla" at him. Um....maybe I am old but I don't understand what that means and why I would even want to "holla" at him. He has half of his teeth missing, weighs less than 90 lbs, and already is losing his hair, and he is way to young.

I also was told by a homeless man in Seattle that I had the biggest tits that he had ever seen. OMG gross!

That is soooo funny. I imagine the drive thru guy to be like this:

YouTube - i say you he dead

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashley8119
When he saw my car coming forward, he came over to my window and was like "Ya got somethin' good?"

I would have said ya but you ain't getting any!

I once was on the subway by myself and this old dude (more then twice my age) got down on one knee right in front of me and started singing to me at the top of his lungs in Italian (which I am not but I know enough to know that's what it was). Everyone around me was so freaked out they all got up and started to move. I seriously did not know what to do or where to look. I just sat there and waited for him to finish and thanked him for the song. Embarassing at the time but it really was funny! It takes all kinds...


Well-known member
^ lool

funny thread..definitely some creeps out there, I dunno what I'd do if i encountered one myself O_O


Well-known member
I had a weird moment when I was really young, I think 12. I was in Boston and this guy who was taking a stroll muttering to himself, walked up to my mom and goes "you're a c***, you're a f***ing c***" and then just kept walking along like nothing happend. Pretty funny and weird looking back, but it was terrifying when it happend.


Well-known member
man the amount of freaks and weirdos i have come across is insane! i swear they all live in lincoln! one guy comes in the shop and looks completely normal but then starts saying 'whos been singing to make it snow?' in a sing songy voice! when it's not snowing btw!! one guy came in and said to his friend 'look at the tits on that!' meaning me and then walked out! and then when we were leaving the shop a guy walks past muttering 'die motherfuckers die' while staring at us! eep!


Well-known member
Yup, once on my way to work, i was feeling lazy and decided to take the elevator on the metro station. It was realy early in the morning. I got into the elevator and this creepy looking guy stuck his arm while the doors where closing and asked me 'are you ready for this?'. He was all like
. So i was like wtf!
and walked under his arm (he had his arm strechted out bloking the door for it not to close or for me not to walk away
). But i'm short so i walked right under. Just thinking about it gives me the creepes again...

This other time me and the bf went shopping and this guy walked up to us and said. that's a nice peace of a$* you got there bro!!. The bf was like whaaaat did you say?!.

Also we have a market of here. I don't if thats the right name (when they sell clothes and fruit an stuff on the streets). I once got fake dreads (it was atrend over here) this rasta guy who i think works there, came over and started singing fr me. He said 'hey rasta sister!!
' lol!!!. ever since he sings for me in a rasta way. Dunno how to call it
. I told the bf and my son and they did not believe till i told them to walk behind me and watch


Well-known member
when i was in middle school, this boy, who was known to be a trouble-maker, was passing him in the hall, & out of blue he said "gimme some juice"....ummm, okay, i was like what a weirdo! i still remember his face! ewww!


Well-known member
LOL okay I have far too many stories of this nature! I suppose I'll share the most recent one for now
My friend and I (I always get random guys hitting on us when I'm with her!) were walking through the mall yesterday and these two guys near-ish us were staring at us and grinning. The one guy says "HEY DO YOU GUYS WANNA GO FOR A DRINK TONIGHT?!" I was like NOOO but he would NOT stop. He was all "WE COULD SIP CHAMPAGNE?" and we were like no that's okay... "IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE ALCOHOL!!!! IT COULD BE SPRITE OR A COKE!" Mind you during this whole scene we continued on to our destination and he kind stood there and yelled at us while we were walking away. I swear I have FAR too many stories like this.


Well-known member
I have to go to the courthouse every morning for my job and there are some real creeps around there. Well, one day I had gotten in my truck to leave and I heard this honking and didn't think anything of it--well I was rummaging through my purse and this big guy taps on my window and scared me to death, so I crack the window and he goes on and on about how he thinks I am the most beautiful thing he has ever seen (blah so corny, right
) and I said thanks but he just kept going on. So I try to roll up my window but he kept his fingers in there and I didn't want to squash them so I threw it in reverse and he finally got out of the way. Man, I hate when I have weird encounters like this. My job is all men and all of our customers are men so I get some weird ones lol


Well-known member
I have a lot of stories like this too!

This one time I was at the train station and walked by this homeless man who was sitting there with this REALLY warped loonie ($1 Canadian coin). I've never seen a coin look like that before. He went on to explain how the Americans did that to the loonie. lol

This other time I was taking the train one evening with a friend and we were headed downtown for some drinks. There was a group of guys nearby who were already sort of drunk and one of them approached me for my phone number. I said no, I have a boyfriend, and he asked who he was (as if he would know him?? lol). This guy would NOT let it go and got really pissed off because I wouldn't give it to him. So I got up and left for the other side of the train, expecting my friend to follow me.

She did but she came later than I expected... and came up to me crying because the guys said she looked like a cabbage patch doll (poor girl but that is the strangest insult ever) and said she had a fat butt. Meanwhile, back at the group of drunk boys, other men had jumped in and were starting to fight with the kids to stand up for us girls. It was chaos lol.

A not so funny one: I was off work downtown, walking to the train (always the friggin train) and was in a great mood because I was about to meet up with a guy I was crazy about. Standing for the light to turn green amongst a lot of people, this one guy looks at me and says out of the blue "You are SO not hot." I was so shocked and admittedly I was pretty young, so I started to tear up and just walked away. I guess it wasn't the response he was expecting so he just awkwardly said "I'm sorry!"

At my old job there was this guy who just walked in right up to me and asked what my birthday was and what year I was born. Not even a hello. A bit surprised, I just told him, and without blinking he told me I had been alive for so and so many days, and walked out. My coworker and I were curious so we actually went and totalled it ourselves (lol - quiet little art store) and he was right! I've run into this guy randomly since (the train. haha) and he updates me on how many days old I am. I gave him my email so he sent me a Happy Birthday for my 7777 days on earth (I think that's how many it was?). I'm pretty sure he was autistic.


Well-known member
My best friend and I were walking around downtown Vancouver one night after we'd seen Bob Dylan because we were too hyped up to go home. And this homeless dude with a guitar made us up a love song on the spot (I guess he thought we were dating), and it was really good! My friend gave him five bucks, because it was a cool way to end the night. I think I like random stranger interaction more than most people.

Originally Posted by TISH1124
That is creepy...Funny thing is...My dh somes in the House daily and asks..."Baby, ya got something good for me" and his nasty ass is not talking about drugs!! Perv!

Oh come on Tish, you know you like that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Oh come on Tish, you know you like that.

On occassion...But Damn Bro...Get a new line...That one has gotten old....


Well-known member
A few weeks ago some schlumpy looking guy in his late 40s eating a cookie came up to me (I was at work) and asked if I wanted a bit. I was like, "um no,"(because that's gross) and he asked me if I was married. I told him I had a boyfriend and he all "damn all the good ones are taken." He also asked me if I was still in high school (I'm 24) before he asked me out, which was sorta creepy that someone that age would try to hit on someone they thought was still in school. Although I think it was probably an attempt at flattery.

I also once had a guy come up to me and tell me that he'd like to take me out and get me drunk.

I never get approached by normal guys. Only weird ones. I guess I give off a vibe, lol.


Well-known member
2 or 3 years ago i was taking to bus home from school. I have to take 2 buses. Both in the suburbs, in nice areas. I got off the first bus and went to transfer to the 2nd. I was by myself at the bus stop on a sunny april day at like 2:30 in the afternoon. I was on the phone when a large group of people came to wait for the bus (they had just gotten off another bus). I noticed a man in his late 50s/early 60s standing looking at me. When i hung up the phone he immideately approached me.
Man: Excuse me! (insert huge acccent, i dont remember which)
Me: Yes?
Man: Are you Rush e an (Russian)?
Me: sorry?
Man: Rush e an? Are you from Rush e a?
Man: Oh. Are you Italien?
Me: No... I'm Irish (if youve seen my pic, i'm very fair skinned, red hair and freckles)
Man: Oh Irish. (pause) I take pictures of body? I pay you cash?
Man: Yes, i take pictures of body! Pay you Cash!
Absolutely not!!no !!

And then he just walked away to the gorcery store across the street.
And that was the only time i've been approached to do (what would have surely been) soft core porn.