

Well-known member
One of my co-workers daughters called me today and asked me to do her make-up for PROM!

I am so excited and flattered that she asked me!

Her dress is yellow, she wants something more neutral and I'm gonna try to talk her into a really dramatic lip

Just wanted to share because I am super stoked!

This is my first time doing someone's make up for a special event like this.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
I know you will do a fantastic job. Your FOTDs are lovely!

You are so sweet. Thank you, beautiful! <3


Well-known member
Congrats sweetie! So exciting :) Can't wait to see the pictures (which you must post!) You're going to be great!!


Well-known member
ohh i can just picture a frosty white eye (colours like solar white, sugar shot, nylon etc) and pink lips and cheeks with a big buttercup yellow dress. HOT!

Have fun


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
ohh i can just picture a frosty white eye (colours like solar white, sugar shot, nylon etc) and pink lips and cheeks with a big buttercup yellow dress. HOT!

Have fun

That DOES sound pretty.

I think I am gonna try to talk her into a light, neutral purply look.

Since her dress is yellow, purple is the opposite on the color wheel and I figured it would make her eye make up POP!


Well-known member
That's so sweet! She must really admire your makeup, I know at that age I probably would have just asked a friend to help me out. Congrats and let us know the outcome!


Well-known member
Thank you all !! <3

I was definitely flattered

She came by work today and I was able to talk her into purple. She pretty much just told me "I like all your make up that you do, so I trust you!"

That made me feel good

Also, what do you guys think? When I talked to her today, it seemed like she wanted me to just do it as a favor. Keep in mind, this is not someone I'm close with, we just chat sometimes if she stops by to see her mom at work. She acted as if she wouldn't pay me. Im driving a half hour to go do her make up. I pretty much told her it would be nice if she paid me like at least 20 bucks. Is that rude of me? I just didnt think she would expect me to drive one hour roundtrip, spend a good hour doing her make up for free. What do you guys think?

Im no professional, but I did remind her that if she were to go to a "professional", she would pay at least 50-100 bucks, right?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ImMACnificent
Thank you all !! <3

I was definitely flattered

She came by work today and I was able to talk her into purple. She pretty much just told me "I like all your make up that you do, so I trust you!"

That made me feel good

Also, what do you guys think? When I talked to her today, it seemed like she wanted me to just do it as a favor. Keep in mind, this is not someone I'm close with, we just chat sometimes if she stops by to see her mom at work. She acted as if she wouldn't pay me. Im driving a half hour to go do her make up. I pretty much told her it would be nice if she paid me like at least 20 bucks. Is that rude of me? I just didnt think she would expect me to drive one hour roundtrip, spend a good hour doing her make up for free. What do you guys think?

Im no professional, but I did remind her that if she were to go to a "professional", she would pay at least 50-100 bucks, right?

I think that you were totally justified in asking her to pay you. Frankly the mother of this girl should have offered to pay you. I also assume that you will be using your makeup as well. I think that $20 is a steal and if she doesn't want to pay you for it then I would decline doing it.

It might seem harsh but it gets to the point that you have to factor in your gas money, use of your products, and also the time it takes you to do the look. I learned this the hard way after doing too many weddings for free for friends or friends of friends.


Well-known member
I agree. Tomorrow I am gonna say to her mother that I am not willing to do it for less than 20 bucks.

She is even getting her hair done for free, she shouldnt be selfish about it and expect free make up too.


Well-known member
I just sent the daughter this msg on myspace:

Hey, I wanted to make sure I didnt seem rude today in asking for money to do your make up Saturday.

The thing is, obviously I dont live in Marysville so I would be driving one hour round trip plus using my make up products for you aside from the powder. I just wanted to make sure I didnt seem rude.

I just thought 20-30 bucks was legitimate. I just wanted to make sure that was okay with you, I understand you asked me as a favor, but I need to consider gas money, plus I will be taking time out of my day to come out there.

Is that okay?


Well-known member
Congrats! And i think its reasonable to ask the minimal fee you're asking. Gas aint free! I mean if it was someone you were really close to i'm sure you wouldn't mind doing it as a favor, but yeah..

Have fun, and take pics if you can