Your biggest beauty regret?


Well-known member
1. Shaving my eyebrows off when I was a kid. Never leave a kid with a razor alone.
2. Getting my ears pierced but not taking care of them (I got keloids from ruff soccer playing... i had a tragus, industrial & rook piercings). B/c of the carelessness, I had to get steroid injections into my ears. Now one ear looks like an elf ear, lol.
3. Picking my Arms! I have that annoying arm issue where the red bumps are so noticable. After years of "popping" the bumps, I have scars.

I wish I was smarter back then.


Well-known member
Only started getting into skincare at age 21 (less than a year ago!). I'd bitch endlessly at how crappy my skin was, that I had blackheads I hated all over the place, so... I just popped them out! So now I have these nasty indented scars on my cheeks and just above my nose. The only way to get rid of that is through microdermabrasion, and my parents can't afford it.

I also trimmed my lashes! LOL I had a friend say that you could make your lashes longer by trimming the very end of them, just a little bit. I was 15 and she said that we were still growing, so the lashes would grow too, that she had tried and it had worked. I also had some friends with the longest lashes, and they said that their lashes were like that because their moms cut the ends when they were little kids. So, I grabbed a small scissor and cut them... but I cut them a little too short, a friend of mine noticed right away I had chopped them off. But luckily they grew back and you can't tell what I did to them.


Using Proactiv. It's been about 4 or 5 years since I last used it and my skin's still messed up and now I scar far too easily.

And also, shaving my legs before I really needed to. I always had light blonde peach fuzz and I thought that's why my friends shaved, so I started to too. I was kind of shocked when it grew back dark, lol.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brittni
Beauty related but not MU related: Not realizing in highschool when I was size 4/5 that I *WAS* skinny like everyone said.

I hear ya on this. I was a size 7 and at 5'9'' I was healthy looking. I always thought I was tubby though. Now I am more than double that size and I'd give anything to be the size I was when I thought I was fat.


Well-known member
Several, actually.

1) Plucking my eyebrows when I was 12/13 until very recently, thus damaging my brows for 5-6 years.

2) Not caring enough about my body (weight wise)

3) Not moisturizing therefore resulting in dryness/excema/stretchmarks (just a couple)

4) Not taking care of my skin and picking at acne now I have scars and blemishes


Well-known member
At first I couldn't think of anything too bad, but then it just hit me!
It would definately be scratching the chicken pox so much when I had them! I even got the shot when I was younger but ended up getting them pretty bad for a week in 6th grade. So I've got these funny looking scars all over, and then this one scar that's like an indented circle in the middle of my forehead. It's small and I've gotten used to it, but still, I could have done without it! :p


Well-known member
Mine is Bitting my nail, they look horrible now and i try to grow them out but still look bad. Another one is shaving my eye brows in HS.


Well-known member
and then this one scar that's like an indented circle in the middle of my forehead. It's small and I've gotten used to it, but still, I could have done without it! :p

Weird...I have that EXACT same scar from chicken pox!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
Picking pimples! I still do it and now have an ugly scab on my face lol

Oh gosh, me too! I've got such awful scars on my face from my teenage years of picking


Deffinatley picking the pimples/zits - I have tons of not-so-pretty blemishes on my chin now that always have to be covered up

Also getting my hair cut back in late April - made the mistake of going to someone new, and even though I only asked for 2 inches (up to my shoulders) of hair cut off, I ended up getting a super short haircut, about half an inch above the end of my neck, almost 4 months later and my hair still is an inch above my shoulders, and nowhere near where it used to be earlier on in the year (mid-back)


Well-known member
Not so much as a regret but it would have been nice to have a heads up on:

1. Importance of sun protection in my teens.

2. Don't scratch your chicken pox no matter how itchy cuz they'll cause scars for life. (I still would have done it, can't reason with an itchy 5 year old).

3. Knowledge of repercussion of late nights and early treatment of under eye bags/circles. Again, I don't know if I could have prevented them as I think this may be a hereditary thing.


Well-known member
Not going to a dermatologist soon enough when I had acne in high school. It's left me with slight depressed scars on my cheekbones. To everyone else it's barely noticeable, but it seems like it's the first thing my eyes find when I look in the mirror. Hopefully though the chemical peel I'm planning soon will take care of them!

Also I grew up in South Florida and got too many sunburns as a kid and now my shoulders are covered in hundreds of freckles =\ I wised up around age 14 and started wearing sunscreen and staying out of the sun but my shoulders are a reminder!


Well-known member
Over-plucking in high school and through college. Now one starts closer to the bridge of my nose than the other, but you really have to look to see it. But I know it's there...


Well-known member
#1 would be overplucking my eyebrows eversince middle school....using maybelline brow pencil in auburn, and everytime i sweated my brows would sweat off!! But I'm happy to say my brows are growing back

#2 Using "Sun In" for my hair when i was younger, my hair was so orange! My cousin always made fun of me and called me Lion King!

#3 NEVER moisturizing!!! i've always had oily skin and thought i didnt have to moisturize..believe it or not..I finally started moisturizing (thanks to specktra..wink
Now I try to take the best care of my skin as much as possible

#4 Drawing a fake mole with my eyeliner when i was younger thinking i was so cool...not so cool when it rubbed off and it looked like a tad pool with a tail!


i think like the majority of the girls here, my biggest regret was plucking my eyebrows to bear existence.

when i was younger i didn't understand that everyone had a natural shape and thought a pencil thin line looked hot. yuck.


Well-known member
Probably cutting my bangs, because it made my forehead really oily and I get very bad acne there now. They're almost grown out now but my acne still isn't in check on my forehead. I'm not sure if I would have had it even if I hadn't gotten bangs, but the bangs definitely contributed to it.


Active member
Umm I guess I would say biting my nails and never listening to my parenbts when they told me to stop

Now it's a bad habit... most of the times i don't notice when i do it, and my nails are short and weak.... not getting any better and i try to stop...but really can't....

also, i haven't exactly overplucked my eyebrows, but right now they're assymetriccal and it drives me crazy... and i don't know what to do about it. I only pluck super stray hairs, but i don't know if the shape is good even to begin with. I don't know. I really have to grow it out more...
it's not glaring obvious, but it is to me. My eyebrows are so weird

though I'm learning a lot from here.... sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen, i have a bottle sitting on my dresser and I never use it - I should before i regret it >.<


Well-known member
-didn't wear sunscreen while in middle school so now i have lots of freckles on my arms and shoulders (i blame my parents for that one)
-over-plucking/waxing eye brows in high school
-biting my nails (that habit is so hard to break - i still struggle with it)
-using harsh cleansers so now my skin is highly sensitive and dry yet i still have blackheads and clogged pores


Well-known member
1. Not wearing sunscreen on my face as a teen. Now i have major sundamage and sunspots all over my skin with skin tags, takes sessions of lazer therapy to get my skin back to normal.

2. Dying my hair since i was 11 years old from bleach blonde to brown with blonde highlighs to black, i did this cycle for years im finally growing it out.

3. getting a total of 17 piercings.. now they are just indents on my skin... i hardly ever wear jewelry


Well-known member
1. overplucking ym eyebrows in hs
2. not going to a dermatologist sooner! I went for the first time when I was 22 and I suffered for so many years w/acne. Then I go to the derma and a few weeks later my skin is clear cuz of the medicine!
3. I didn't tan much as a kid but i did as i got into my teen years and still do. I see no damage yet but i'll probably eventually have that crinkly eastern european skin
4. Not moisturizing until I got older, I should have been doing that all along!
5. Totally not appreciating how tiny I was in hs! I will never ever be that small again! U should def appreciate yourself now cuz in ten years, it will be a diff story!